Guilty of raping a minor or a brazen shakedown for cash? The media frenzy around allegations against Jay-z, furiously denied, have so far muddied the water and drawn Jennifer Lopez, once part of a Diddy Combs twosome into the story. It appears to be a civil not criminal complaint with the accuser staying out of the limelight.
Jay-Z, 4 December 1969, no birth time, had a downbeat tr Saturn square his Sagittarius Sun when the story surfaced. 2025 sees some emotional upsets with tr Uranus opposition his Neptune Venus and a discouraging tr Pluto square his Saturn.
His relationship chart with Diddy Combs, 4 November 1969, looks seriously rattled through 2025 with tr Uranus opposing the composite Sun, Neptune, Mercury and tr Pluto square their composite Saturn.
Jennifer Lopez, 24 July 1969 in the aftermath of another marriage breakdown, is not at her best through 2025 with tr Uranus opposition her Neptune Moon and Mars conjunction (running into 2027) plus tr Pluto opposition her Sun; and tr Neptune Saturn opposition her Uranus Jupiter in Libra. Her relationship chart with Diddy Coombs is similarly stressed and unsettled through 2025.
Beyonce, 4 September 1981 has tr Pluto opposition her Mars throughout 2025 with an unsettled tr Uranus opposition her Uranus. Her relationship with Jay-z which is very bound together will be undergoing an upheaval and disruption through this year.
All or some of which may be due to other factors in play and nothing to do with this entanglement.
Thanks for this Marjorie.
God knows how this will all unravel.
Interesting, thanks Majorie
‘Her relationship with Jay-z which is very bound together will be undergoing an upheaval and disruption through this year’ What’s so very binding? Do they have a yod/s in their composite?
They have an eye-curling yod from a super-ambitious Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct a determinedly go-ahead Mars.
Have added their relationship chart above
Thanks Marjorie, that’s one seriously packed 5th house. Tr Neptune challenging the composite Sun right now at 27 Pisces?