Jared Kushner is under scrutiny since his $3bn private equity fund, mainly engorged by the Saudi government’s public investment fund plus monies from the sovereign wealth funds of Qatar, the UAE and Terry Gou, the Foxconn Taiwanese billionaire appears not to be returning any profits to investors. The findings from the Senate finance committee has fuelled suspicions that the Miami-based company, Affinity Partners, may be a foreign influence-buying operation established in anticipation of the former president returning to the White House. It is not only Democrats who have questioned Affinity’s arrangements. James Comer, the Republican chair of the House oversight committee, told CNN last year that Kushner “crossed the line of ethics” regarding Saudi funding for the company.
Kushner, 10 January 1981 New York, is an ambitious Sun Capricorn square Pluto; with Jupiter Saturn in Libra catching the upcoming Libra Solar Eclipse. Saturn conjunct an eclipse always carries a hint of a reckoning – being forced to take responsibility for past actions. Jupiter as ever flying too high may be part of it.
He’s in for a Neptunian slump next year with his Solar Arc Mars square his Neptune and his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Mars – which usually points to failed plans and panic.
His relationship with his father-in-law was always tied together in a fated way with a yod of Mercury inconjunct Pluto sextile Mars Neptune. The composite Venus is catching the Libra Solar Eclipse for an emotional upset around now with more disruptions and tensions from mid 2025 onward with tr Uranus square the composite Saturn.
Kushner’s relationship with Mohammed bin Salman is under heavy pressure exactly now and throughout 2025.
MBS’s relationship with Trump himself is rattled, aggravated and on edge now until late December with particular agitation showing through this November – with gloom across the New Year and January.
The impression in recent times has been that the Kushners were distancing themselves from Trump – and Ivanka’s relationship with her father, fraught at the best of times, looks to be exploding from mid 2025 onwards. Their composite Sun and Mars will get rattled up by tr Uranus in square and into the following years tr Uranus will square the Saturn and Uranus.
On the fact of it Ivanka’s chart with Trump’s does suggest to me he is going to lose the election. However there is also the possibility he wins and she voices disapproval of the things he looks set to do, leading to their relationship breaking down.
Yet another indication of a Trump loss. I suppose Kushner’s astrological prospects would be rosier if his father-in-law won the election. And I wouldn’t want to disappoint MBS, who appears to be backing the wrong horse.