Jared, Ivanka & Bannon – toxic cross currents

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Jared Kushner’s star is definitely rising with a five-impossible-things-before-breakfast kind of portfolio – reinvent government administration, fix the Israel-Palestine problem, sorting out Mexico etc etc. One wonders quite how this is going down with Stephen Bannon since the Kushner/Bannon relationship chart, not great at the best of times, was always going to be at a low ebb with tr Saturn conjunct the composite Sun exactly now; and then square the composite Uranus Pluto over the next two months.

And this is over the period where Donald Trump’s relationship with Bannon is sagging badly with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mercury at the moment and moving on to oppose the composite Sun Saturn from mid May to mid July – and repeating later in the year and through 2018.

And now that Ivanka Trump is being pulled firmly into the inner circle, there’ll be more anti-Bannon aggro, since she definitely dislikes him (and probably vice versa) with a composite Mars Pluto Uranus in their relationship chart. That is catching the tr Saturn squares from late May; and even before then there’s tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn from late April which will erupt tensions into the open.

Someone is going to have to take the blame for the cataclysmic start to the Trump reign with his approval ratings in freefall – and it could well be Bannon.

2 thoughts on “Jared, Ivanka & Bannon – toxic cross currents

  1. Well, this escalated quickly. Bannon lost his National Security Counsil seat today. A White House official told he was there only to oversee Michael Flynn, but Flynn was kicked out 6 weeks ago, so this doesn’t seem like a plausable cause.

  2. Marjorie, wondering about your take on 2 couples involving very successful, very private stars. Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronosky which is semi public. It seems to be surviving the age difference so far. Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender which was very hidden for some time.

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