Japanese sarin gas doomsdayers executed



The leaders of the Japanese religious doomsday cult who released the nerve gas sarin on the Tokyo subway in 1995, killing 13 and injuring 5,500 have been executed by hanging. Aum Shinrikyo was started as a yoga and meditation group in 1984 and expanded into a popular though money-grabbing cult, with a mish-mash of Armageddonite beliefs and a habit of bumping off any who got in their way. The gassing was intended to kill three judges, presiding over a case that had been brought against AUM.

The founder Shoko Asahara, 2 March 1955, who masterminded the attack, was partially blind from birth, known as a bully and extortionist at school and went on to father 12 children. He was a Sun Pisces; with a heavily aspected Neptune squaring onto Venus in Capricorn opposition Jupiter Uranus and opposition Mars in Taurus. Steve Jobs born a week earlier had the same Grand Cross with Mars in late Aries – so there was potential for luck, talent and vision in his chart but clearly it all went sideways. Asahara also had an obsessive and tough-minded Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto, trine Jupiter Uranus and sextile Venus.

When the attack occurred the fanatical Uranus Neptune in Capricorn was in place on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Sun trine Pluto and probably conjunct the midheaven; with the Moon in Scorpio square Mars.

The tr Uranus Neptune was then shaking up his Grand Cross, exacerbating his delusional tendencies. He faced 27 counts of murder in 13 separate indictments and the prosecution argued he gave orders to attack the Tokyo Subway in order to “overthrow the government and install himself in the position of Emperor of Japan”.

His multiple-killer 18th Harmonic has a pushily-confident Pluto Jupiter aspect. His can-be-domineering 5H is particularly strong and paranoid; even more so his 7th harmonic which can be spiritual but also unbalanced.

2 thoughts on “Japanese sarin gas doomsdayers executed

  1. Good, the leaders of that horrible cult deserved to be executed. I remember the 1995 Tokyo Subway gassing incident very well. I can’t even begin to imagine how terrified the victims must have been.

    I’m just surprised it took Japan so long to execute the leaders of that stupid cult.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  2. His 17th Harmonic which David Hamblin describes as strong in rebellious people who are against the status quo, has Uranus, violence opposition the Saturn/Pluto midpoint….a midpoint associated with murder.

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