James Middleton’s book about Ella, his cocker spaniel, who brought him back from the brink of suicidal thoughts in 2017 is, according to reviews, a sweet book about his mental health problems – clinical depression, ADD and dyslexia – and how his pets and family were his lifeline.
Born 15 April 1987, no birth time, London, he is a Sun Aries trine Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius with two yods – Jupiter North Node in Aries sextile Mars inconjunct Pluto; and Pluto (Moon) in Scorpio sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars in Gemini. A Pluto apex on a yod will give him extreme reactions especially to his sense of being out of step with those around. Ultimately it can give him a capacity to lead the way with new concepts. A Mars apex can start out as hyper-active and ultimately if well-handled can lead to a hard-working, enterprising lifestyle.
The Middletons are a tight family which has given Prince William a stability away from the challenges of being a Royal. All three women are fairly tough-minded, resilient and stubborn with marked Saturn Pluto in their charts. Princess Catherine has her Saturn Pluto square her Sun and Moon. Pippa has her Saturn Pluto sextile Moon Venus in Leo; and mother Carole, 31 January 1955, has her Mercury opposition Pluto square Saturn in Scorpio. Father Michael is cut from a different cloth with a restless and inventive Sun Uranus in Cancer with a yod of Sun Uranus sextile Saturn inconjunct Jupiter – a tendency to be overly confident/enthusiastic but can affect society in positive ways if well handled.
James is now married to a French financial technology professional with one son Inigo, born just months after dog Ella’s death last year.
Carole has her Mars at 11 Aries in line for the October and next March eclipse as does Princess Catherine with her Mars in Libra – so both will be revved up and argumentative.
I now realize the relationship between apex planets can be critical. My Mars apex at 27 Pisces in the 3rd near the IC is inconjunct my Pluto-Moon apex at 26 Leo in the 8th and 28 Leo in the 9th. That, I believe, is why Mars was suppressed for many years. The Moon in the 9th provided a positive emotional outlet for repressed anger due to mother issues. Transiting Neptune is conjunct natal Mars, while transiting Uranus is square natal Pluto-Moon.
The chart below shows how Emma and family offered enouragement during his dark
days. https://ibb.co/n8PcKtZ
James has Melancholia, depression, conj his Mercury. Hoffmann, attention deficit disorder,
is also conj his Mercury.
His Sun is conj Berlind, dyslexia and Sun opposes Still another ADD indicator.
Dyslexia was named in 1887 by Rudolf Berlind….see Berlind in James’s chart.
Sir George Francis Still studied ADD….see Still in James’s chart below.
Hoffmann called ADD, “restless mind”….see Hoffmann in James’s chart. Use maginifier.
Hi how do you find melancholia in a chart, please.
The placement of Asteroid (5708) Melancholia in a chart can be calculated here:
Astro.com, Extended Chart Selection,
Additional Objects, add no. 5708, then click show the chart .
I have two yods with a Mars and a Pluto-Moon apex. You are right about my Pluto in the 8th leading the way in some fashion. But my Mars in Pisces never was hyper-active in my youth, only withdrawn, over-sensitive and traumatized. I was aware I was biding my time. I may be more hard-working and enterprising now, which is ironic because I am retired.