James Comey – Truth, Lies and Leadership



James Comey, former head of the FBI whom Trump sensationally fired last year is on a revenge mission with a new book ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership.’ Even before its April 17th publication, it’s top of the Amazon bestseller list. The book promises “never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career”. And Comey has framed it as a showdown with Trump, in March tweeting. “Mr President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.” The publicity will also brings his own actions under scrutiny.

Born 14 December 1960, his Sagittarius Sun is conjunct Trump’s Moon and opposition his Sun, which could suggest a reasonable resonance. But his Uranus in late Leo is conjunct Trump’s Mars and Ascendant, so he will act as a disruptor and destabiliser.

Comey has had his Solar Arc Jupiter opposing his Pluto in recent months stoking up his confidence, though there’s always a risk of going over the score with that. Tr Uranus moving into Taurus mid May will oppose his Sun/Pluto, then his Sun/Node in June both of which suggest major upsets, dramatically changing circumstances. Since Uranus is nothing if not a trickster planet  its effect go both ways. What is certain is that by July he’s looking chipper with tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint which brings good luck and relief from tension. And that repeats in 2019.

Comey’s relationship chart with Trump has a power-struggling for the upper hand composite Jupiter square Pluto and a suspicious Saturn Neptune square Uranus, so was always going to be an uneasy mix. Tr Pluto is crunching down on the composite Uranus square Saturn Neptune from last month, on and off till late 2020 – with upheaval, grinding pressure and discouragement this year and devastation (or smears and scandals) next and possibly brought forward to this year as well. With a shock come mid May as tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Venus, repeating in the autumn and early 2019  – so the book will make an impact.

PS: From a January 21 2017 post on the Trump Tower:  The Tower is facing great uncertainty and major disruption come 2018/19 with tr Uranus opposition Pluto and the following year Saturn; with the Solar Arc Neptune square Saturn in 2019. I have utterly no idea what that might mean, except it won’t be a happy atmosphere, that’s for sure.”  Maybe the fire – in which one person was sadly killed which Trump managed to omit mentioning as he trumpeted how great the building was – is a message from the universe?

2 thoughts on “James Comey – Truth, Lies and Leadership

  1. The mid-May shock will coincide with transiting Uranus squaring the 10th house Sun in Trump’s term chart will it not?

  2. “Maybe the fire (…) is a message from the universe?”

    It might be. I remember my entrance card to my last job breaking – and, like, a month later I was out of there. I remember quite distinctly thinking at the time: “Now, that’s a message!” – and I was right.

    Love your blogs, as always.

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