Despite smirking smiles at the meet with Boris Johnson in New York and banter about vaccinations, Jair Bolsonaro is not as confident as he appears. His attempt to rabble-rouse the mob in Brazil to bully the country’s Supreme Court into submission appears to have been a failure. He aimed to do ‘a Trump’ and mobilise grassroots supporters to intimidate judges who are investigating himself and cronies for spreading fake news, indulging in anti-democratic actions and are also focusing their attention on his sons. He is sinking in the polls over the pandemic mishandling and hemmed in politically. Though he’s down, not out at the moment.
His swearing-in chart, 1 January 2019 4.50pm would suggests early 2022 onwards when tr Pluto squares the Uranus is when his administration will start to rock on its perch. And that extends through 2023 as well.
His personal chart, 21 March 1955 2.45 pm San Paulo, Brazil, is mired in confusion and devastation from early 2022 to late 2023; with a long run of explosive jolts and jangles which start with tr Uranus conjunct his 10th house Mars from June 2022 onwards and continue on a life-changing ride squaring his Venus and opposing his Saturn in 2023 and then upending his Pluto in 2024. Nothing will be the same after that. 2023 may be the peak of his problems – or the nadir.
See previous post Brazil April 1 2021.
Good. This man is a danger to the world and its environment, and the people of Brazil have been treated shamefully. About time all the wretched right-wing populists were toppled from their perches…
Thanks for bringing a bit of astro-cheer Marjorie.
And despite all he still hasnt got the message of Pluto sitting on his South Node pushing him to adopt his North Node characteristics.
On another note Marjorie, if you feel so inclined would you mind having a look at Ed Davey after the Andrew Marr interview?
If you have already and I missed it, apologies. Also the SDP would be interesting as a nascent party. According to their secretary they have been fielding lots of calls from left wing women who are politically homeless.