And the world holds its breath. Hezbollah is decapitated of its leadership, Hamas effectively weakened if not destroyed. Will Iran retaliate as its proxies are knocked off the chessboard, though it has shown no sign of wanting a direct confrontation?
From an Israeli point of view neutralizing Hamas and Hezbollah who were attacking across their borders makes survival sense. What doesn’t is the lack of an end game which has to be political and has to include Palestinian statehood. With Gaza effectively destroyed and settlers forcibly taking over land in the West Bank illegally without sanction from the Netanyahu government, there seems precious little sign of movement on that front.
This latest move is an “emphatic slap in the face for the Biden administration, which believed it had an assurance from Netanyahu that he backed the temporary truce.”
A brief run over the Hezbollah chart (covered in past posts), 16 February 1985 with a 27 degree Aquarius Sun exactly square Saturn it is suffering a major jolt exactly now from tr Uranus in hard aspect. But it has a confident, determined Pluto square Jupiter – catching an enthusiasm-denting tr Saturn square the Solar Arc Pluto now, but revving up energy from February 2025 onwards as tr Pluto is conjunct the Jupiter through till late 2026 and beyond. It may be down but may not be out altogether in coming years.
Hassan Nasrullah, 31 August 1960, (wiki) a Sun Pluto Mercury in Virgo had his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Uranus approaching which is accident/disaster prone; with an undermining tr Neptune opposition his focal point Venus exactly now. He has a couple of Jupiterian midpoints in action now which may point to a martyr’s death – not that it would have been predicted but it makes sense. Had he survived 2025 would have been very high risk.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal chart has an over-excitable, over-reactive tr Uranus square his Mars in Leo from today till late October and again in spring 2025 alongside a panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Mars and Mercury/Saturn midpoints from this October 10th to early February – so his triumphalist mood won’t last. This December looks high-risk and nerve-stretched for him.
There are various Iran charts and both the Islamic Republic April 1979 and 1906 charts in relation to Israel show continued upheavals and ructions throughout 2025 and beyond.
Israel is of course due for the final transiting Uranus conjunction to its 8th house Taurus Sun late this December to mid March 2025 which will bring another almighty jolt with an insecure, jarring tr Uranus square their Mars from June 2025 into 2026. Followed by grinding Pluto transits opposing its 10th house Sun and into the next decade Saturn and Pluto. The chances of relaxing back into peace and security may be further away than ever.
The Israel/USA relationship chart is labouring this year and early next with tr Saturn square the composite Sun Uranus – distanced with tensions erupting. But it is tr Neptune Saturn moving into Aries which will cause the most notable erosion as it opposes the over-hopeful composite Jupiter Neptune and proceeds to square the composite Mercury, Venus in the two years after.
“The end is in the beginning and yet you go on.” Samuel Beckett, Endgame.
“Use your head, can’t you, use your head, you’re on earth, there’s no cure for that!” Samuel Beckett, Endgame
“I love order. It’s my dream. A world where all would be silent and still, and each thing in its last place, under the last dust.” Samuel Beckett, Endgame.
“All life long, the same questions, the same answers.” Samuel Beckett, Endgame
“Netanyahu: Iran ‘will pay’ for its attack”
The guy just doesn’t get it.
Someone may just have the last word with a nuke over Tel Aviv.
There was a Jewish Anti-Zionist reporter, German, who used to often be in RT America before it was silenced. I didn’t catch his name. He spoke of not Israel’s threat from neighbour countries or as Ron Paul stated recently, “Disgust at Israel’s behaviour in the world is palpable”. This Jewish commentator explained that there was a mass exodus of dual citizenship Israelis. And their money. Many had been bribed to be there with a American tax dollars. The threat of land invasion and the shame of saying ‘Israeli’ when the War Crimes and Genocide are looming has made a population and financial disaster for Israel far greater than war or BDS. I can’t think of this chap’s name though.
The Irish have stopped killing each other. The French and the British waged countless wars for centuries, as did France and Germany. In each case, the solution was secure borders and the democratic stability of the state. In 1939, the European Union was a distant dream; it became reality less than twenty years later. What history teaches us is there can be progress, but unfortunately it is most often attained through great wars that cause immense suffering. I fear we will all learn this lesson again before the decade is out. The next President of the US will clearly be a war presidennt, as the chart for the next Inauguration makes clear. Kamala Harris will inherit the growing hurricane that is our world at this time.
For four thousand years, at least, this part of the eastern Mediterranean has been the subject of wars and conflict and under the control of different groups or nations. The current state of Israel (a largely 20th century creation) is just one of many with claims and counter-claims.
Interesting that Netanyahu has so much libra – many generals are libra. Great tacticians in war. 7th house open enemies.
Marjorie, please, even if it is decades ahead, is there any light in the tunnel of this war torn part of the world that you can see, astrologically ?
Believe it or believe it not the present situation is nowhere near as bad as great chunks of the 20th century and many before that. We are just more aware of it since the media constantly bombard us with the horrors which have always been part and parcel of human existence.
Let no one tell you that history means progress. See Beckett above – all life long same questions, same answers. No cure for being human.
Thank you Marjorie. I am no believer in ‘”progress”. Of course you are right, the Middle East has always been war torn, some times worse than others. You are also right about all of us being bombarded by 24 hour news and images, not helpful for anyone’s peace of mind.
However, wars can and do end, peace does happen, if only for a while, and it is that possibility that I was inquiring about, not some naive utopia.
I hate to be gloomy but there is nothing on the Israel chart that suggests peace and harmony – quite the opposite right through the next decade.
Thank you, I am sorry to hear that, for individuals history can be very painful.
*I meant history as it happens.
Sadly true.
Israel has fought wars with its Arab neighbours in 1956, 1967 and 1973. There have been Israeli incursions into Lebanon in 1978, 1982 and 2006. This is without including all the various uprisings, terrorist attacks etc over the years. In fact the conflict can be traced back to the creation of Israel and before. It is not helped by the fact that this part of the Levant has actually been a repeated historical conflict zone between regional powers much like the Ukraine or northern France and the Low Countries. The situation is currently exacerbated by the existence of a Jewish state but the idea among some people that it would suddenly become a peaceful paradise if Israel ceased to exist is actually a bit naive.
Transiting Uranus stationed on Algol square Israel’s and Netanyahu’s Mars. Hezbollah suddenly and explosively lost its head. There will be more when Uranus returns to this degree next year.
Love the Samuel Beckett quotes.
I join this sentiment.
In other news, I often do wonder what signifiers show start of wars and which stops. For example, if the Ukraine war will finish any time soon…
@El Aznar, there is also the massive rebuild effort after the war, of course no matter what the Big Orange Balloon Man claims. Earlier posts by Marjorie related to Putin, Russia, and the West, boots on the ground would be inevitable in that region during the next several yrs. Also precipitated by Middle East chaos.
Just noticed an aspect that Hezbollah and Hitler share….Venus (love) – Mars (war).
Both love starting wars.