Israel and Hezbollah – hope of peace receding fast

Israel’s deadly strike against the Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh in Teheran and a top Hezbollah leader in Beirut has world leaders holding their breath for what comes next. Their deaths coincide with the swearing in of the new Iranian prime minister Massoud Pezeshkian two days ago, replacing Ebrahim Raisi who was killed in a helicopter crash.

  The ultimate power in Iran lies with the Supreme Leader, but the swearing in chart may indicate events on the ground. 30 July 2024 at 1pm Teheran. That gives a showy 10th house Sun and Venus in Leo but with a deeply buried Uranus (Algol) plus an exact Moon Mars conjunction and Jupiter in the 8th.  Pluto is conjunct the IC trine Moon Mars which suggests grumbling discontent amongst the population, all kept well under wraps. There’s not much indication of ructions on this chart. 2026/27 look the high stress years from his personal chart, 29 September 1954.  (These dates are from wiki so not always reliable.)

  Hamas is struggling with its ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction moving by Solar Arc to close the conjunction to the Sun and then Saturn from 2025 to 2027, which could see the end of them, at least in their present form. Tr Saturn is adding discouragement exactly now and throughout 2025. 2025 also has SA Mars conjunct Sun which will be a significant setback, with worse by 2027.

 Ismail Haniyeh, 29 January 1962, reckoned more moderate than Sinwar, had been trying to broker a peace deal in Qatar. A Sun, Saturn, Venus in Aquarius square Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio, he was on the receiving end of the destructive tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint exactly now.

Yahya Sinwar, 29 October 1962, the Hamas leader inside Gaza, an unpleasant Sun Neptune in Scorpio square Mars in Leo opposition Saturn, is looking rattled at the moment and emotionally knocked off balance.

 Hezbollah’s reaction to the death of one of their leaders is key, more so even than Iran who have shown reluctance at being drawn into a full blown conflict with Israel. Hezbollah 16 February 1985, has an Aquarius Sun square Saturn in Scorpio, both at 27 degrees, being shaken severely by tr Uranus from next week, August 9 to late September and again next spring.  Hezbollah’s relationship with Israel has a composite Sun catching this October’s Solar Eclipse exactly in opposition which points to a crisis. With more disruptions late December to mid March 2025 when tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Venus at the same time as tr Uranus is conjunct the Israel’s 8th house Sun.

  And on it goes.  But this August/September does look unsettled in the extreme.

See also previous posts:

Iran Israel – tit for tat, fear of what next ++ Iranian leaders. 14th April 2024

Israel v Iran – an escalating crisis ++ possible USA involvement? 2nd April 2024

5 thoughts on “Israel and Hezbollah – hope of peace receding fast

  1. A fragile situation indeed. If the 1943 chart for Lebanon works, then this month is very tense. It has Mars 17 Gemini, which has a return this month. Plus when tr Jupiter is conjunct that Mars, Saturn in Pisces will be in square. This is in the lead up to that tense full Moon in Aquarius, square Uranus, which impacts the Lebanon ‘natal’ Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo. Plus the Hezbollah Sun square Saturn. Hezbollah has Uranus at 17 Sagittarius, opposing Lebanon’s Mars – and receiving the Mars/Jupiter opposition, and Saturn in Pisces square. Saturn/Mars combinations could suggest assassination. Jupiter may represent a military leader or general?
    Beirut was once such a lovely, sophisticated city. Unbelievable what’s happened to it, and to the citizens of Lebanon.

  2. If Josh Shapiro, or any other, pro-right-wing-Israeli-policy VP candidate is selected as Harris’s running mate, then this situation is likely to get worse.
    Under both whole-house and Placidus system, Mars, Harris’s eleventh-house ruler (i.e., associates), is directly opposite the moon (the citizenry) in the U.S. mundane chart.
    Since Shapiro’s birth chart has a Venus in Cancer, he would tend to value those he sees as “his own,” which might explain the allegations of his mishandling of sexual-harassment allegations against a long-time supporter and top aide (Mike Vereb).
    Coincidentally, Harris has also faced similar accusations (Larry Wallace), which given her Venus in practical Virgo, ruling her 4th house, can manifest in a similar vein to Shapiro’s Venus in Cancer.
    In addition, given Marjorie’s recent article on Saturn, I have been wondering about how its conjunction to the U.S. moon might manifest? Since Harris’s Saturn rules her eighth house, and we’ve seen the enthusiasm for her presidential campaign translate into substantial donations from small and large donors alike, my fear, given Harris’s history of leaning toward shielding powerful players (i.e., Herbal Life), is how that might sway her administration against the interests of the American public (her Saturn’s conjunction of the Moon in U.S. mundane chart). This has already manifested in an on-going case of LinkedIn and Microsoft owner campaigning for the sidelining of the Federal Trade Commission’s current chief (Lina Khan) after donating huge amounts to the Harris campaign.

    • I also wonder how Shapiro’s Saturn sitting on top of Harris’s NN would manifest given some of the more explosive transits that will have KH’s planets in their sights.
      Certainly, Shapiro would offer much less potential-assasination protection than say a Pete Buttigieg, even though his Pluto is on top of KH’s Sun.
      Maybe that’s why TJD chose J.D. Vance (and Pence before), and Biden Harris, Obama Biden, GHW Bush Quayle, etc.

  3. The upcoming Mars/Pluto oppositions on 3 November 2024, 3 January 2025 and 27 April 2025 are going to fall close to Hamas Solar Arc Sun, Saturn and Uranus. The final one will also square the Hezbollah natal Pluto in Scorpio m and land on the Israel 1948 Moon at 4 Leo. I note that Netanyahu’s SA Pluto is also conjunct Hezbollahs Pluto at the moment.

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