Northern Ireland is feeling the cold and turbulent wind of Brexit more than most with community tensions rising and border staff at ports now withdrawn because of safety fears from paramilitary threats. The Good Friday Agreement so critical to peace could be in jeopardy.
A combination of Boris Johnson’s indifference to the implications of Brexit and triumphalist lies, exacerbated by Ursula von der Leyen’s recent crass actions over vaccines have stoked fuel on the fire of local feeling. A councillor said: “This is the sad reality of those who imposed terms on Northern Ireland without the consent of the delicate community balance which exists here. The protocol was bound to end in tears and here we have society’s structure falling apart.”
Since 1 January, traders in Northern Ireland have been subjected to a litany of checks on goods and food being sold from Great Britain. Haulage firms have hiked prices by 12 per cent this week and hospitals, schools and prisons have warned of looming problems obtaining food. People are having to pay additional costs to bring food in to Northern Ireland and they are going to be passed onto some of the lowest-paid people in the UK.
The Good Friday Agreement was signed on 10 April 1998 at 5pm in Belfast bringing closure, albeit fragile, to the Troubles which had plagued Northern Ireland for three decades and brought terrorist attacks on the UK mainland.
It has a starkly difficult and violent, though suppressed 8th house Sun, Saturn, Mars in Aries. This has been under strain for some years but tensions mounted sharply after the shock of Brexit in 2016 when tr Uranus in Aries was moving across those planets. And the pressure hasn’t lifted since with tr Pluto moving in square.
Tr Pluto is now square the Mars/Saturn midpoint for this month, and that crises-ridden influence with the additional of high-risk and angry tr Pluto square the Sun/Mars midpoint return from July till the New Year. From early 2022 through till late 2023 tr Pluto will square the Mars which will be aggravating in the extreme.
Relations between the North and the South will deteriorate sharply from this June, on and off till January 2023 with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Mars and opposition the composite Saturn. With a chill and separation in 2022 from tr Saturn conjunct the composite Sun. And 2023/24 is showing a sharp divergence as well with tr Uranus square the composite Sun. That’s from the Ireland 1949 and Northern Ireland December 7th 1922 charts.
For more detail: see previous post: September 17 2020.
The only ray of sunshine is that Joe Biden may step in and bring down the heavy hand about fixing the problem.