Iran Iraq Quake – Eclipses pinpoint the danger zone



More than 400 have been killed with 8000 injured in the deadliest earthquake this year on the Iran Iraq border. The shocks were felt as far as Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The first quake struck at 9pm near Halabjah, Iraq, which puts the destructive Mars square Pluto on the IC (base of chart) and Descendant – so sitting on the chart axis. With a disruptive Uranus in the 10th. Although there were fewer victims on the Iraq side, the country 23 Aug 1921 chart does have a late Leo Sun which was directly aligned with this year’s August Solar Eclipse and opposing next February’s Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. And the Iran February 1979 country chart had its Sun Mars in Aquarius rattled by the August Lunar Eclipse and the approaching late January Lunar Eclipse.

Set for Halabjah, the August Solar Eclipse had Pluto on the MC opposition Venus IC square Uranus on the Ascendant opposition Jupiter – so very much a significant location for an Eclipse effect.

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