India is facing a catastrophic second wave of Covid infections and deaths, described as not a wave but a wall. Entire families are being wiped out, crematoriums are melting down from constant use, hospitals are full with oxygen, medicines and vaccines in short supply and the already creaky health system is near collapse.
Earlier this year, India appeared to be weathering the pandemic but changes in behaviour with less social distancing and the emergence of new variants have sent infections soaring.
The India chart was always going to be at the mercy of the jolting, high-tension tr Saturn square tr Uranus this year as both planets hard aspect the India Saturn Pluto in Leo from late this month on and off into 2022 – which does point to tough conditions and deprivation. With the additional strain of tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Midheaven this year creating blockages before moving on in 2022/23 to oppose the India Cancer Moon hinting at a deeply unhappy and emotionally overwrought population.
Narendra Modi’s Term chart, 30 May 2019 7.04pm has an over-hopeful and impractical Jupiter opposition Mercury square a 4th house Neptune, which is deflating fast with tr Neptune now square the Jupiter, repeating till late this year. And the Gemini Sun is catching the Eclipses from late 2020 right through in effect till early 2022 which will accompany rolling crises.
Modi’s personal chart, 17 September 1950 11am, birth date/time being accurate, has tr Neptune in an undermining, uncertainty and panicked opposition to his Saturn Sun Mercury in Virgo from late this month, on and off till early 2023.
The Reserve Bank of India, 1 April 1935, is undergoing a year of turbulence with sharp reverses upending old certainties as the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hits on the Bank Venus in Taurus as well as from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Pluto; and is in a deadlocked, high-risk state of paralysis in 2022 from Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars.
The recovery will be long and hard stretching on – like most other countries – for several years ahead.
Thanks for the lovely insight Marjorie. Do you see this nasty virus brought under control?
The risk is unless all the countries around the world are vaccinated, this infection will continue to pop up assuming a new variant.
Is the UK relationship with India about to become deeper?
Thanks for doing this one Marjorie. I read in a BBC News item that a massive Hindu festival & ongoing elections haven’t helped matters. Heartbreaking.
Thank you for looking at India, Marjorie.
A psychic had told me ages ago (2014, when Modi was first elected) that he would be reelected and that the nation will develop economically with him as PM, but that in his last two years as Prime Minister, there will be India-wide riots and that he will be defined by those riots. We are coming up to two years before the end of his second term in 2024 (it is of course possible that he may win a third term and that the prediction could be five years into the future).
That was a non-astrological, psychic prediction. Do you see anything for that in either Narendra Modi’s chart or in India’s chart?
Unmystic M – that’s interesting. Do you think the widespread protests by farmers in India could be the beginning of a wider movement/unrest? India has Ceres at 7 Taurus in her natal chart, which seems very symbolic of wealth from the land, and has recently been stressed by Saturn and Uranus.
What’s happening in India is deeply troubling on so many levels.
I had not thought of the farmers protests as riots at all. And indeed perhaps that is what the psychic had in mind.
For some reason, I thought the riots would be religious in nature, like the riots in Gujarat state when Modi headed the government there.
But of course, you may well be right. It could be the farmers protests that the psychic foresaw, or perhaps some other disturbances post-pandemic, which hopefully are of a non-religious nature.
Marjorie, what are the prospects for this so-called football ‘super league’ which is dominating the UK headlines?
It could not have got off to a worse possible start, it seems.