Inauguration – a Mars Saturn blight on celebrations

inaug  women


Washington is filling up fast for Friday’s Inauguration with unprecedented numbers booked into hotels, with protesters as keen to be present as Trump supporters. At least 28 groups have been credentialed, compared to the five or six requests from groups usually received, and the Park Service is expecting more than 350,000. There will be a demonstration of about 200,000 women protesting Trump, at the weekend. The hotels have unusually booked additional security to keep warring guests apart.

What is noteworthy is the Mars square Saturn, exact late Thursday, on degree for the Inauguration, but in typically Saturnine form will hang around for a day or so. At the very least, Mars Saturn is bad-tempered and irritable. Ebertin describes it as harmful or destructive energy, harsh, self-willed, bitter. It can be accident-prone (broken bones). One of its meanings is blocked sexuality and abusiveness – Mars being libido and Saturn getting in the way.

The Moon (assuming 12 noon swearing in, though I wouldn’t be surprised it was slightly off timewise) is in Scorpio square the Mars/Saturn midpoint which is depressed, especially where women are concerned.

The Mercury of the Inauguration chart at 6 Capricorn is very badly aspected being conjunct Saturn/Pluto, square Mars/Uranus and = Mars/Pluto = Saturn/Uranus. That all adds up to extreme gloom, excessive irritation and nervousness, fanatical, hitting back under provocation. So major arguments raging and harsh words flying.

The Women’s March on the 21st starts at 10am, which puts the Scorpio Moon in the 8th trine Mars in Pisces in the 12th, so very hidden; with an over-controlled Pluto in the 10th square Uranus opposition Jupiter; with the Saturn square Mars still in orb. Not an easy or on the face of it a hugely successful chart, maybe even a touch before its time – so it could have spin-offs for later on. The organisers credo: ‘We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.’

23 thoughts on “Inauguration – a Mars Saturn blight on celebrations

  1. “Trump says today will be remembered as the day the forgotten people became the rulers again”

    Someone must hv forgotten him.


  2. Yes, Marjorie, I certainly did mock Pete. And, amazingly, he replied in perfect English, and graced us with his life story.

      • Really? My go-to formula for trolls is to mock them. Like Donald Trump, they can’t stand it, and pop their cork. Anyone who is not trolling lets it roll right off their back. As we saw, Mr. Pete not only popped, his English improved dramatically. Mr. Pete certainly stirred things up. Those are exactly the responses trolls live for.

        I prefer to engage in mild–and it was very mild, internet-wise–mockery of a peripheral non-issue when there is one so blatantly presented.

  3. At the Pre-Inauguration party, Melania didn’t even bother showing up.

    Something must be seriously wrong, mentally, with her.

  4. Pete: Man, did you drink the Kool-Aid, or what? Trump is a businessman who filed for bankruptcy six times, stiffed contractors, used his charitable foundation for personal gain and bilked hundreds via his bogus Trump University. A man like that is going to lead us into a better future? He’s going to take us back to the Dark Ages. Fat cats will rule. Lay off the Kool-Aid.

    • Julie, You got there first.
      Pete, I hate to rain on your parade but Trump’s business history is littered with six bankruptcies, defaults, and investors who lost shed loads. And this isn’t ‘fake news’ – it’s according to regulatory, corporate and court records, sworn testimony and government investigative reports. At one point in the not too distant past he owed $3.4 billion. One reason for not publishing his tax records is a) it might show he was worth a good deal less than all his bombastic claims; and b) indicate how much debt he was floating on, a good deal of it from foreign banks and investors, which is an ethical concern for a US President.

      • Time will tell wont it? Many people, such as yourself, may, may, come to realize your confusion. Many people have called me wrong but I have been correct more times than not. Cool Aid or no. Enjoy your confusion. I rejoice at the end of that old, corrupt, liberal BS you hang on to. Not my president? Trump, warts and all, will be mine. Time will change you as well as myself. I am prepared to change.

          • I’m already LOLing at Pete. Pete as in St. Petersburg.

            He doesn’t write “American”. His sentence structure indicates learning Euro-English. A very formal, slightly old-fashioned form, probably from 1940 to 1959. Either from out-of-date
            textbooks or an elderly teacher.

            His native language syntax keeping peeking through. He leaves off vital connectors and modifiers that come naturally to someone who has grown up speaking English. His way of presenting his thoughts follow the Slavic languages.

            “Trump is a businessman who can help run this country to a better future”. Awkward. Eighth grade level.
            “The rotten old needs to go…” The rotten old what? Old people? “The rotten old” is expressing something that is implicit in a different language, but not in English.
            “…but Trump is the beginning of much better.” Much better what? He’s struggling to complete his assignment.
            “….because better change is coming.” Better change is coming? Change is usually not modified by good, better or best. Plus, why wouldn’t Trump give us “best change”. I demand best change!

          • Sgt Peppa, Not sure the point of your intervention about Pete’s post. But it does come across as vaguely offensive.

        • ‘There are none so blind than those who refuse to see’. The pro-Trump disciples can throw that at the anti-Trump brigade and vice versa. However, when there are legal papers in black and white showing his lies and inadequacies and video material exposing his mocking and racial and mysogynist overtones, I worry when people still refuse to acknowledge it.

          I thoroughly understand why people desperately wanted change from the usual status quo that politics today represent. But, what I cannot comprehend is how on earth they think Donald Trump could be the Holy panacea to the ineffectual Obama and to what everything Clinton and her ilk stood for. There is legitimate evidence out there to prove he is more like her than he’d have folks believe PLUS proof of his history as an ineffectual leader within his own businesses? They are as driven and as corrupt as each other. It’s just Clinton could hide it better and Obama was pretty much scandalous free (as far as I’m aware) that Trump is the antithesis of.

          But, like has been said; we shall have to wait and see. I believe it will be either more of the same old, same old or it will get even worse of which Trump will take absolute zero responsability for. But better? Nope.

          • As for people such as Sgt Peppa’s ilk, formal? yes. Old fashioned? Yes. I try to show respect even to those who do not deserve much, or any. A ravenous reader of books and a collector of wisdom from elderly teachers, yes! A blend of American English and British English has been my life, but also learning bits of Italian, Spanish, from living in Mexico, German, Slavic, Algonquin, Hangul, which would be Korean to the 8th-grade readers. Living and working in many countries has taught me much about customs which are worthy. About respect. About meanness and foolishness in the world. My eighth-grade education has served me well. I have re-written manuals for the US Army that engineers have written that people could not understand. After being re-written for the eighth-grade level, even officers could read, understand and learn from these manuals. I have worked with satellite data. Network administration. Fiber optics. Boeing. Northrup Grumman. Typical eighth-grade stuff.
            Communism, socialism and liberalism in the world today are ruinous. Governments around the world have most people completely confused or fooled as the THE BIG PICTURE, but mobs rule today. I have started several businesses only to have local, state or federal government crush me. I have even gone broke a time or two, just like Trump. What claims can most others brag about? I did have a love of family, though. Many people have no idea what that is.
            Would people do their lives over? Would they dare? Would they do the correct thing in life or continue to take the easy way out? Would they care about other people or merely what they want others to thing of them? That’s what I thought.
            I know my answers. Seven decades have taught me much. Even the planets will all go ”direct” from time to time.
            As for ”education”, most people have been indoctrinated…not educated.
            Unfortunately, things will get worse before they get better. And Trump is a beginning to a better future.

  5. Trump is a businessman who can help run this country to a better future. Business as usual in government is now over and that is the beginning of a better USA and even a better world. The rotten old needs to go and we are offered new hope, provided people will give new ideas a chance. Please do not be fooled any more by the media and the liars on the far left. There are still plenty of liars on the far right to deal with. Trump may not be all good, but Trump is the beginning of much better. Give the man a chance because better change is coming.

  6. We are hoping, as a protest, that people turn on their tvs to the Food Channel all day. We would like for as few people as possible to watch this event. Do not watch the event on any channel. It’s important to keep the tvs on, not off, just Food Channel.

  7. Marjorie, thanks for this……to be honest, I have enormous difficulty imagining it happening at all…….it’s so surrealistic, and makes even the Bushes seem like esteemed intellectuals……but we’ll all be tuning in! and the “credo” – !!! it won’t be boring, before or after.

    • Maggy, Know what you mean, beyond bizarre. And I can’t imagine he’s reacting well to his calamitous approval ratings and celebrity no-shows for the Inaug. He needs to be loved or he lashes out.

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