Honor Blackman – setting a trend in sexy, bad-ass women


Honor Blackman has died, who played the iconic Pussy Galore in Goldfinger, the third Bond movie. Her status as innovator of tough feminine leads had been cemented in the television Avengers series as the leather-clad Cathy Gale. She regretted her typecasting from Pussy Galore, but it fitted her kick-ass character. She had had an abusive father and dispensed with husbands after two failed attempts saying they were a ‘hindrance.’

After TV and film she moved into the theatre and built a fresh reputation as a musical star in productions of Mother Goose, The Sound of Music and On Your Toes. She worked into her eighties, touring in My Fair Lady and in West End stint in Cabaret as well as appearing in a one-woman show.

Born 22 August 1925 6 am Plaistow, England she credited her father with instilling discipline despite his beatings. She took boxing lessons with her brother Ken and at one point knocked out two male bullies in the school playground. She thought about becoming a gym teacher but opted for acting instead. During the war she volunteered as a motorcycle dispatch rider, tearing around London at top speed, taking little notice of the falling bombs.

She had a filmic and entertaining Sun Neptune in Leo on her Ascendant; with a confident and tough Half Grand Sextile from a super-determined Pluto opposition a performing 5th house Jupiter, sextile/trine Mars Mercury in Virgo and Saturn in Scorpio. Her Virgo Moon was conjunct Venus and both opposed Uranus. Her actors’ 15th Harmonic was exceptionally strong; as was her creative 7H.

Patrick Macnee, whom she starred opposite in the Avengers, 6 February 1922 1 am London, had his Midheaven exactly on her Ascendant for a good career connection with his charming Sun Venus in Aquarius in her 6th house of work; and his Taurus Moon in her 10th conjunct her Midheaven. It wouldn’t all be sunshine and roses since his Mars in Scorpio (opposition his Moon) fell in her 4th and his Saturn squared her Jupiter and Pluto. Their relationship chart mirrored the pluses and minuses with an easy-going composite Venus, Jupiter, Sun and a power-struggling Mars square Pluto.

Sean Connery, 25 August 1930 6.05 pm Edinburgh, had his Sun Neptune on her Ascendant for a high-profile connection; though with his Midheaven on her IC, reminding her perhaps of her father, with his Mars in Gemini in an irritating square to her Moon and Uranus. The irrelationship chart hints at a good deal of attraction with a composite Venus opposition Jupiter square Pluto; though with some aggro from a composite Mars trine Uranus trine Saturn. But it clearly sparked off a good deal of creative tension.

She didn’t have an uncomplicated life with a difficult father and abusive first husband who was a financial fraud, had a nervous breakdown; nursed her former second husband through stomach cancer; and lost a good deal of her savings in a pension fund collapse. But she made it to 94. Patrick Macnee died at 93 and Sean Connery is still golfing in the Bahamas at 90 – so hardy specimens all.

3 thoughts on “Honor Blackman – setting a trend in sexy, bad-ass women

  1. Honor Blackman was a class act. She had it all – looks, elegance, that astonishing voice
    , and a martial arts expert to boot. Along with Patrick Macnee who still remains the
    best-dressed actor of any era, she was the definition of style in the iconic “Avengers”
    TV show.

    She was a far cry from the homey housewife image of the early 1960s and was utterly
    subversive. On the other side of the Atlantic, there was “Bewitched” with the beguiling
    Liz Montgomery who played a powerful witch, but was forced to conform to her husband’s
    conservative viewpoint of females.

    Without her, 21st Century female superheroes wouldn’t exist. Scarlet Johansson’s
    “Black Widow” is nothing less than a reboot of Cathy Gale, even down to the black leather

    She belonged to a linage of English beauty (Vivian Leigh, Liz Taylor) which has completely
    vanished now. Only Diana Rigg who replaced Honor remains from that distant period.

    Even in her mid-80s, she still remained incredibly striking.

    We won’t see her likes again.

  2. Speaking of “Goldfinger,” could you possibly do an astro profile of Shirley Bassey, who famously sang the theme song for that movie. Have always loved her powerhouse voice and bold presentation. My kind of singer. For all her talent/fame/success, it seems she’s had a rather messy personal life. Can you elaborate? Many thanks if you do. For a vintage Bassey Goldfinger performance, google: Shirley Bassey-GOLDFINGER (2011 Live)–you tube

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