Hillary & Donald – gladiatorial contest gets more vicious into October

Pres debateDT Hill compVP comp


The presidential debates are pitched for Sept 26, Oct 9th and 19th; with the VP debate on Oct 4th. They should provide some spectacle, especially the latter two, since the tr Mars tr Pluto in Capricorn will draw closer and be exact for Oct 19th – which is brutally bad-tempered and will by that time fall in Trump’s grandstanding 5th house so he’s likely to be incandescent with rage and hostility. It’ll be within orb for the VP debate as well.

The kick-off on Sept 26 starts with a late Taurus Ascendant conjunct Algol, so quite destructive.

Hillary’s chart has tr Uranus opposition her Solar Arc Mars for the first debate (and all thro from Sept 3rd to Oct 3) which is insecure and edgy, inclined to over-react. Though in some ways she’s in worse shape for the two October debates. For the October 9th debate: she’s got tr Saturn square her Mars/Neptune which is weak-willed, low energy, feeling inferior or unstable – so not on top confident form. The October 19th debate sees her with tr Saturn square her Jupiter/Uranus – disadvantages, losses, obstinate, inhibited; and square her Neptune/Pluto – pessimistic, muddled, tormented. These midpoint Saturn transits are relatively minor but she’ll be sagging slightly and she’s not a good extempore speaker at the best of times.

Donald Trump has tr Uranus square his Saturn throughout September, as well as tr Uranus square his Mars/Node midpoint – very high tension, quarrelsome. Not much showing over the Second debate; but like Hillary sagging over October 19th with tr Saturn square his Jupiter/Pluto = unable to make progress.

Their relationship chart, not surprisingly is horrendous; with composite Mars sitting midway and conjunct Sun on one side and Pluto on the other; with Pluto conjunct Saturn square Jupiter – so intense dislike. Plus a needs-space/no-compromise composite Uranus sextile Mars, square Mercury and Venus.

The two VP possibles, Dem Tim Kaine and Rep Mike Pence also have an argumentative, disharmonious relationship chart, though nothing like the volcano of boiling oil between the two lead candidates. Theirs has a composite Sun Mercury opposition Mars; an unkind, rough-edged Mars trine Saturn; and cold Saturn trine Sun Mercury Venus and trine resentful Pluto.

On Oct 4th Pence has tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Uranus so suffering some kind of upheaval or reversal; and a lack lustre tr Pluto sextile Jupiter/Neptune. Tim Kaine has tr Neptune square his Mars/Node which will put him on the defensive and make him inhibited. Though he looks cheered three days later with tr Jupiter conjunct his Solar Arc Uranus.

9 thoughts on “Hillary & Donald – gladiatorial contest gets more vicious into October

  1. @Marjorie Orr,

    I don’t expect you or any astrologer to manipulate interpretations just for my benefit. That’s not what I was getting at. I was pointing out that this reading seems very out of character for someone like Hillary Clinton. I would hardly think she would feel pessimistic or unsure of herself going up against someone like Donald Trump in the debates. I know high school students who are more politically savvy than Donald Trump. I have an appointment with my family astrologer this Thursday – I’ll ask how she would interpret Hillary’s tr Saturn squaring her Mars/Neptune and her Jupiter/Uranus. Hopefully, she’ll provide me with an alternative (and more optimistic) interpretation – I’ve invested so much money into my personal astrologer over the years…so, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. Chris – “Life is.”

    There are many sources of info in the universe. Some look to “god”, some look within. some remain focused on Fox News. Certainly, astro-related comments are not everyone’s cup of tea. If you want to listen only to what makes you feel good, well, try another channel.

    “Hillary Clinton will win by a landslide – PERIOD.”

    There you go! Guess you told us.

  3. Ps. One little niggle. Please would you change your search facility to be subject led as well as by time. I tried to see if you’d written about Mars Saturn conjunctions but nothing happened. With most searches, you enter the subject, press the ‘q’ and bingo …. or not.

    Many thanks.

    • Zita, I know. I tried to find something the other day and got stuck. There are still odd loose ends from the switch over to the new site. It’s on the to do list.

  4. Hi Marjorie,
    Earlier you asked for ‘happier’ suggestions. As the condition of the world becomes ever more depressing and however much I try, so hard to avoid, how about looking at the life and personality of Sonia Rykiel, who sadly died last week. Her clothes depicted joy and happiness and she herself was gifted, innovative and fun, despite her difficulties. In some ways she reminds me of Elsa Schiaparelli, another ‘great’.

    Thanks for producing all these wonderful insights. They’re really interesting and your new site is very good now.

    All best,

  5. Chris, Precisely what were you expecting from astrologers? That they (me) should manipulate interpretations to keep them within your comfort zone? She’s at the end of a long, bruising campaign and being hit with innumerable accusations, some of which may be hyped up or untrue and some certainly aren’t. But they’ll take their toll and some may stick, no matter how upset you get about it. She is stiff on the platform and doesn’t always think well on her feet when faced with criticism. The fact that you disagree with the astrology is neither here nor there. It is what it is. Open to interpretation admittedly, but she’s not bouncing on the happy trampoline through October, especially over the third debate. Then those Saturn transits to two of her midpoints disappear by late Oct.

  6. I disagree with this reading. Donald Trump is a total idiot. If Marjorie Orr is suggesting that he will somehow do better in the debates than Hillary Clinton, then I vehemently disagree. Hillary Clinton is EXCELLENT when it comes to debates. Bernie Sanders (who was immensely popular) couldn’t even beat Hillary Clinton in the debates. Why would Hillary Clinton feel “inhibited, pessimistic, muddled or tormented?” Please! Look at who she’s going up against! Hillary Clinton wouldn’t feel unsure of herself against some dumb ass like Donald Trump! Hillary Clinton, I’m sure, will feel VERY confident and sure of herself. Hillary Clinton is an extremely intelligent and seasoned politician. She understands both foreign and domestic policy. Trump has ZERO experience in BOTH of those fields – he has ZERO experience in politics. Trump will mostly make a total fool of himself during the debates (and Hillary’s poll numbers will go right back up) or Trump will refuse to debate Hillary Clinton (because he can’t debate her; he doesn’t know anything). I knew the corrupt corporate media wanted to give the false impression that it’s going to be an “extremely close” race because they’re all about money and ratings (they have to keep the horse race going; it’s how they get viewers to tune in). However, I was NOT expecting this from astrologers. Hillary Clinton will win by a landslide – PERIOD.

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