Helen McCrory, the extraordinarily talented actress has died tragically young at 52 of cancer. Although best known as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders, she was a mesmerising presence on stage as Medea and Lady Macbeth. She was married to Damian Lewis, of Band Of Brothers, Homeland and Billions renown, with two children and they managed to juggle two successful careers and family.
She was born 17 August 1968 in London, the daughter of a Scottish diplomat and a physiotherapist mother, both from humble backgrounds. They instilled in her the idea that life was ‘an adventure’ and she cheerfully admitted she was a ‘feral child’, prone to rages. Despite her penchant for dark, violent roles she said she was very ‘un-neurotic’ not inclined to look down through the cracks.
She was a Sun Leo in a creative square to Neptune and trine Saturn; with her Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries on the apex of a tricky Yod to Uranus Pluto sextile Neptune. That Yod is an extremely hard taskmaster and tr Pluto has been squaring her Saturn this year for a punishing experience. They’ve been very private about her illness so it’s not clear when she was diagnosed but she had a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Uranus fifteen months ago.
Damian Lewis, born 11 February 1971 into a wealthy, well-connected family and Eton educated, is a Sun Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus with his Saturn also on the apex of a Yod quincunx Uranus sextile Mars. So he has the same spine-straightening Saturn.
Their Suns are on opposite sides of the zodiac but they both had Venus in an Earth sign and probably a Mutable Moon – it wasn’t the most obvious of matches (without birth times) but clearly it worked. The relationship chart had a volatile composite Mars Uranus so it would be sparky at times; with a Sun Neptune maybe trine Moon sextile Pluto which would suit creative careers.
She is a huge loss not just to her family and fans but also to the profession since she had so much more to give.
Recently they threw themselves into an initiative to feed NHS workers meals from High-Street restaurants and raised nearly £1m. They started Feed NHS scheme in London and rolled out to other UK cities. See previous post April 12 2020.
Very sad for her beloved husband, but terrible for her children who have lost their mother.
This is just so sad. But what a legacy she has left for us! I remember her in the film, Hugo, with Ben Kingsley, which was a story about an orphan who finds his father’s automaton which writes scripts and draws pictures and ultimately reveals a mystery about the pioneering filmmaker, Georges Méliès, and his father’s connection to the silent film world. She was wonderful in that. Such a sad loss 🙁
I rectified her chart to 10:53:51 am, Asc 16Li58, giving natal Saturn, ruler 4th parents,
aspecting natal Sun…..and indicating her dark roles..
In her returns at passing, Lunar Return Uranus, exactly conjunct her natal 8th House,
while in her last Solar Return, natal Saturn & Pluto, exactly conj her natal 8th.