A fire which knocked out power to Heathrow Airport, the busiest airport in Europe, has raised questions about how well infrastructure is protected in the UK, whether from accidental damage or from deliberate sabotage.
What is clear is it fits the pattern of the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the UK 8th house Mars drawing ever closer. See previous post: Oil Tanker crash – UK 8th house red alert 11th March 2025.
The fire broke out at a sub-station close to Heathrow just after 11 pm on Thursday 20 March; with Jupiter on the cusp of the 8th opposition Moon which sounds overly-amiable. Saturn, North Node, Neptune, Scheat in the 4th trine a 9th house Mars is more descriptive.
Heathrow started as a small airfield and evidently the first experimental flight took off on 25 November 1930 when Uranus was a 11 degrees Aries, catching the up and coming Aries Solar Eclipse later this month.
Conspiracy theorists have raced to blame Russia since it fits a pattern and Starmer has been vocal in his support for Ukraine. But as yet there is no proof of anything subversive.
With or without an attack on national territory, relations between the UK and Russia are seriously strained. The UK/Russia 1991 relationship chart does have an explosive tr Uranus exactly square the Mars at the moment and increasing chill from tr Saturn square Venus Sun in coming weeks. The UK/Russia 1917 relationship chart is equally separated, worse in 26/27.
Keir Starmer, 2 September 1962, is under huge pressure at the moment – though there are local UK political challenges to his policies ongoing, as well as the global situation. His Solar Arc Sun Pluto is now sitting exactly on top of his Neptune which hints at confusion if not devastation of a significant order. His Solar Arc North Node is at 10 degrees Libra catching this Aries Solar Eclipse so it is a critical turning point for him.
His relationship chart with Putin (assuming 1952 birth date) is heading into catastrophic territory from the final days of this month with more turbulence to come from this August into 2026.
His relationship with Trump is being upended exactly now with serious frustrations and aggravations returning later this year.
The Saros Series of this Aries Solar Eclipse on the 29th (in effect before and for several months after) did point to violence, accidents and a generally stressed time. See previous post: Eclipses, Sun & Moon 2025. 24th February 2025.
Ashes at 23Aries, a fire sign, opposes the Heathrow Fire chart’s Ascendant.
The number 22 always shows up in catastrophes, fires, etc. In this case, the #22 is on the fire charts Ascendant.
The Aqaurius Pluto ingress has been particularly damaging to legislatures, electricity and air travel. All the legislative elections, DC mid-air collision, plane falling out of the sky in Philadelphia with the Alaska crash a few days later, the Toronto plane crash, then electric Teslas and charging stations burning, and now a electric substation fire that shutters Heathrow.
Scorpio Vesta is loosely opposing Uranus too. The little fire brand symbol taunting the radio symbol across the way.
Indeed, I would add that the growing scepticism about the whole renewable electric future fits into Pluto in Aquarius. For example, in the UK there is a growing realisation that renewable energy based on variable sources like wind and solar energy will always need a backup generating source which is almost certainly going to rely on CO2 producing fuel and which may raise costs to uncompetitive levels.
Though unconnected the outage at Heathrow yesterday showed what happens when the backups are not sufficient to keep all electrical dependent systems running.
Pluto is very much going to be testing the panglossian assumptions made in the past couple of decades about our electric future to destruction. In fact just as it did to the financial system in 2008.
Very interesting. It really is a strange thing they didn’t think about that. We did once rely on wind power especially but gave it up rapidly for the exact same reasons.
This suggests we may be in for some more Texas grid disruption type events.
During the Aquarius Pluto ingress last year, we had the May aurora events. One aurora was seen in Puerto Rico. Lots of gadget disruptions then. GPS on tractors and drones, radio signals.
I like the radio symbol opposing the firebrand symbol! I was thinking about the new planetary theme of air (Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius) and fire (Saturn and Neptune in Aries) that’s forming now. UK renewable energy is mainly fiery solar, and airy wind power. Might the challenges with adequate battery storage for these energies be earthy ones – that is, practical ones? Regarding water, I believe there are also various problems with hydro electric power, which would otherwise seem sensible for an island surrounded by sea. Perhaps Pluto in Aquarius will see advances in science and engineering that can solve these challenges. Eventually. Or something else entirely will be discovered.
In the midst of a big thunderstorm here. Very Uranian! For events with a widespread impact, it might be worth considering the huge geomagnetic storm that was the Carrington Event. 1st September, 1859. It disrupted all the ‘modern’ technology that the world then had in amazing and spectacular ways. Uranus in early Gemini was square Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Virgo. Saturn in fiery Leo was conjunct the S Node, opposing NN, Chiron, and BML in Aquarius. Mars in Leo was conjunct the MC. Neptune at 26 Pisces was close to Scheat, as it is now. The Scorpio Moon opposed Pluto at 8 Taurus.
The alchemy of Fusion. Fusion achieved on December 5, 2022, at precisely 1:03 am at the Livermore Laboratory in California
The ancient alchemical recipe.
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem in modern english “Visit the interior of the earth and purifying you will find the hidden stone.” For fusion, the Virgo Ceres earth and Pisces Vesta purification were partnered up on this one.
The green revolution. Taurus Uranus. We believed it would be solar and wind but the breakthrough on fusion was what we got instead. Eventually abundant and controllable green energy. Real Solar on demand.
The A.I. revolution. Gemini Uranus. Great minds think alike? Fusion leads to A.I?
This is so interesting, do you mean fusion as in cold fusion as opposed to nuclear fusion?
Will it give electricity etc., without the dangers inherent with nuclear power.
From what I understand, it does have some radioactive elements left at the end but, here in the US, I seem to recall that the government has already decided to regulate it like hospital medical devices.
Also the radioactive waste generated isn’t the type that lasts thousands upon thousands of years but instead will only require management for decades. By weight, fusion also gives us 4x the energy per kilogram of nuclear fission fuel.
Better than that, they can be set up in old coal stations or wherever the grid is built or can be built much closer to where the power is needed. That is going to be very important because it gives more options on the transmission side of the electricity equation.
Still a race with China, China just announced the longest fusion reaction to date is 17 minutes 36 seconds January 20, 2025. Britain has been betting big on this too. It’s a scramble and everyone is working on various parts of the commercialization.
The first commercial fusion reactor of 400 mW is expected to open just south of Richmond, Virginia in Chesterfield in the early 2030s. This reactor size is equivalent to one unit of a nuclear power plant. This size is only equivalent to four large data centers’ use in Ashburn, Virginia.
They already have the deal with Dominion Energy. If they are successful, I think Dominion will probably switch to fusion and maybe Virginia will be one of the first states to rely on fusion predominantly. Virginia has this new law that has already raised electricity rates but requires Dominion to add new sources, if fusion makes that list, they skip whole parts of the licensure speeding up the process and Dominion is already primed with cash they have to spend on green generation and old coal power sites they can’t sell but that have the grid backbone already installed.
Virginia has a Taurus Uranus in the 2h. Taurus, fixed earth, a very fusion theme. Uranus electricity. Virginia used to burn its own coal now it would fuse its own deuterium (extracted from seawater) and tritium (maybe a new use for North Anna and Surry)? This is another pieces of the puzzle that has to be solved. As the world moves on from Taurus Uranus, Virginia still is plugging along with hers.
I’ve written blog posts about both fusion advent chart and also one about what makes Virginia tick and included them in case you are interested.
Fusion achieved blog post http://www.bluemoonzodiac.com/the-fixed-houses-alchemy-fusion-achieved-2022/
Virginia blog post http://www.bluemoonzodiac.com/colony-and-dominion-of-virginia-1607-and-the-1851-pluto-return/
Thank you for the explanation. It seems as if humanity are slowly coming to know how to deal with the subhuman forces existing in uranium and plutonium, perhaps one day they will be used for the good of humanity, just as it has happened with electricity.
The unexplained drone sightings over the US struck me as particularly Pluto in Aquarius with public fears around possible Chinese or Russian espionage and security:
‘A recent 60 Minutes report has shed light on a series of alarming drone swarm incidents over sensitive U.S. military installations, raising significant concerns about national security and the country’s ability to detect and respond to such threats. The investigation, which aired last month, revealed that these mysterious drones may indeed have been engaged in espionage activities, according to statements from high-ranking military officials.‘
Funnily enough, today’s the anniversary of the Icelandic volcanic eruption that, on its second eruption on 14th April, produced an ash cloud that stopped European air traffic for days. It too had a 0 Aries Sun, with Mercury and Venus in Aries. And a Scorpio ascendant and Virgo MC (astro.com) like the Heathrow fire chart. The Moon in Taurus squared Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius, while Mars at 0 Leo was trine Sun, and sextile Saturn at 1 Libra.
That’s quite an observation, Jane. Bravo.
Lots of interesting little planetary similarities Jane assuming we’re talking about 2010 …
Mars was turned retrograde in Leo like it has this year. Both today and in 2010 it had complete the retrograde motion and was back to direct motion but still in the shadow.
Saturn was retrograding out of Libra and on April 14th was at 29 Virgo exactly opposite where Neptune in Pisces is today.
Uranus was in late Pisces and entered Aries in late May, just as Saturn will do this year.
Yes, GD, forgot to add 2010! It is an interesting group of connections indeed. And although Heathrow’s fire is industrial, and Iceland was natural, they do feel linked somehow I think. I was also thinking about the oil tanker collision and huge fire earlier this month, which has some Neptunian symbolism with the sea, oil, and the mystery of how it happened at all. Plus, as Marjorie writes, the SA Uranus and Mars energy is looking for an outlet, or outlets plural. And eclipse season in full swing as well.
@ Jane,
Back in 2010, there was also the BP oil spill that also occurred around this time. Granted, it began on April 20, 2010…but still exactly one month after the Iceland volcanic eruption.
Similar astrological aspects?
And they are worried environmentally off the Norfolk coast where those two boats collided
I note Ed Milliband the Energy Minister has his natal Uranus at 8 Libra so he is right in the firing line for the Solar Eclipse and is feeling the influence of Mercury/Venus turning retrograde at 8-9 Aries.
Hugh – do you mean ‘firing line’ literally?! There’ve been rumours about Ed Miliband being shifted elsewhere…..
Miliband is apparently more popular with the party membership than Starmer though I doubt that extends to the wider voting public who don’t seem particularly keen on either of them. It is difficult to judge what the Parliamentary Labour party itself thinks of them.
A composite mid point chart for this government and Miliband has the Sun and Venus conjunct at 8 Libra, opposite Mars at 10 Aries and the Moon at 9 Cancer. The composite chart for Chancellor Reeves and Miliband has Pluto at 8 Libra square Saturn at 6 Cancer. These relationships are certainly going to feel the impact of the Solar Eclipse.
Thank you Hugh. Those composites are fascinating indeed, and I’ll be watching to see what emerges when the eclipse is triggered. I find interpreting eclipses a slippery business, but they certainly have an impact and seem to sensitise a chart for quite a while. Mars in Libra this August could be interesting, as will Mars and Mercury in Aries next April.
Hi Hugh. I have that exact degree placement in my 6th. Wow!!!
The area of west London around Heathrow is known to have problems with its electrical grid capacity which has placed restrictions on development round there. In addition some of the transformer infrastructure is nearly 50 years old. Privatisation of the utilities has not brought the extra investment promised by the Thatcher government.
The CEGB sell off in 1990 occurred when Pluto was conjunct the UK 1801 Neptune in Scorpio and conjunct the SA Mars. Transiting Neptune and Uranus both conjoined the UK Sun at the time and squared the UK SA Uranus at 8 Aries. The upcoming eclipse will fall on that degree and it is also close to where Venus and Mercury went retrograde recently.
Thank you very much for writing on this event, Marjorie.
It seems to be one of those portentous events that captures the moment, like the two horses running through central London a few months ago.
On the point of eclipses, Marjorie, would the just past lunar eclipse being conjunct the Sun (or Moon) be indicative of getting or losing a job?
I noticed that Mark Carney was sworn in around the time of both his birthday (14th march) and the lunar eclipse. Conversely, a person I know with their birthday on 12th March lost his job (due to the company shutting down) unexpected on that day. I found it interesting that both people with birthdates close to each other (and so with their Suns conjunct each other’s) got or lost a job when a lunar eclipse rattled their Sun.
Others with their Sun or Moon near the date of the eclipse lost or gained life partners. The common denominator is a change in social status. These new situations will be tested in the corresponding lunar or solar eclipses in six months and challenged midway by solar squares.
That is a very useful analysis. Thank you, Andre.