Harry to marry – an earthy Virgo with a lively Leo



Happy news day – a spring Royal wedding up and coming to distract from the drear. The UK chart does look enlivened from late March to late May so the country will be in a jubilant mood.

Prince Harry does have tr Jupiter criss-crossing his midheaven in early 2018 so he’ll be on a high with admiration coming his way; and with tr Pluto trine his Taurus Moon in 2018/19 he’ll be not just moving house but also making positive changes in his emotional life. He has tr Pluto in a passionate square to his 9th house Venus (= bride from abroad) exactly now; with his Progressed Moon moving through his 7th house of marriage which is often when people settle down. Though it will be into his 8th by the time of the marriage which will see two years thereafter of wrestling with himself about what he really values. Tr Uranus opposes his Pluto from mid May onwards for a radical change in his lifestyle; and with tr Saturn heading for his Ascendant from 2019 onwards he’ll want a less pressured life for several years ahead with more time for personal interests, such as children and a family.

Meghan, 4 August 1981 Los Angeles has a birth time from astrotheme of 4.46am though I’m not sure how sound that is. She’s a Sun Leo with a Libra Moon, so very different in personality type to Harry who has a Virgo Sun and Taurus Moon. She’s Fire/Air giving her lively enthusiasm with his more practical Earth. But her Venus is in Virgo chimes with his Sun; and her Libra Moon with his Venus, so there will be an affectionate cross-over. Her Mars in his 7th suggests a lively relationship with frank exchanges of view; her Sun and Venus in his 8th for passion and a deep connection.

She has been looking understandably unsettled this year with the prospect of such a dramatic change to her life’s direction, but is jubilant through this December/January. Born a few days after the not-altogether-positive Eclipse which oversaw Prince Charles and Diana’s wedding, she has a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra close to her Moon. So she will be idealistic as well as ambitious, evidently now wanting to focus away from acting onto her charitable efforts in Africa.

Their relationship chart has a passionately affectionate composite Mars Venus conjunction (undergoing a minor dip later this December); a chained-together Saturn Pluto conjunction, suggesting the burden of duty will be weighty; a needs-space or needs-an-unconventional-lifestyle composite Sun square Uranus – both need to retain their individuality so she won’t just be arm-candy and walking submissively behind him; and Neptune square Venus Mars which is a minor worry, suggesting when the shine wears off there will be some disappointment and perhaps a clash of conflicting ambitions. The composite Jupiter may be trine the Moon (if her birth time is sound) which will help smooth out problems and foster mutual support. Tr Jupiter will give the composite Jupiter a boost in late April which would fit.

I wouldn’t have said it was absolutely ideal, but relationships need to be cut from a different mould to withstand the rigours of a Royal marriage, with a rabid tabloid press and tricky internal family dynamics and rivalries.

30 thoughts on “Harry to marry – an earthy Virgo with a lively Leo

  1. Celebrities and Royals are tricky since they are also human beings. But it is the price of fame, I’m afraid. Royals are a huge help for astrology since they have accurate birth times. The older generation Royals coped by never reading about themselves – Prince Charles, I gather, never looks at anything about himself and he’s wise. Elizabeth Taylor, a star since childhood, also just averted her gaze. The problem came with the Diana and Fergie generation who devoured everything written about them.
    The Royals survive as an institution because they are in the public arena, which was easier in days gone by with a respectful media, who suppressed the stories the establishment didn’t want told. But it doesn’t wash anymore. I never quite recovered from having stuck Woman’s Own middle page spreads of Lord Louis and Edwina Mountbatten on my wall, who were projected as a ‘perfect couple’ – and then the truth came out.
    Meghan is Fire/Air so positive-thinking and a lively communicator, which will come across as slightly out of character for the Royals, who tend to be earthier or understated, certainly not always comfortable chattering away. But she’s obviously bright and comes from a publicity-oriented business. Quite how she’ll fit into the shooting, fishing, welly boots in the mud set will be interesting to see.
    He is great with kids and so clearly wants a family of his own, so here’s hoping it all works out for him.

  2. This is an astrology forum. High-profile people and their planetary aspects are discussed here all the time. Harry and Meghan and their forthcoming nuptials are no exception. Naturally there’s a lot of curiosity about them and astrology helps to paint a fuller picture. When William and Kate announced their engagement the astrological spotlight was focused on them as well. As I recall, Marjorie at one point suggested that Kate might have a problem with child-bearing or conceiving. Interestingly, her problem turned out to be severe morning sickness. I think it’s very romantic and telling that Harry chose someone not of the aristocracy, with a show biz background to boot. That he eschewed convention to a certain extent and followed his heart reflects positively on him as far as I’m concerned. Of course some of us here would be interested to know if this royal romance–which indeed brings much-needed lightness to these gloomy times–might include children. Only natural.

  3. I think it’s a damn shame. Y’all are bashing him for not picking a “better woman”. Mixed race. Already trashing her ability to make babies. Hovering over every teensy astrological aspect of their love as though nothing else in the world matters…

    Give it a rest. Let love take root, blossom, and endure as it can.

  4. A May wedding? Hmm. Up to mid May there’s a Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter which is expansive and indulgent. But there’s also a cutlery-in-the-air Mars Uranus square, right through May; and early on it’s a Mars Pluto square Uranus, which is even more aggravation. Mind you April would have been worse.

  5. Was wondering the same thing. She’s pushing 40 after all. Not that her age is a big obstacle re conception, etc. Women today are having children into their middle years. Still, she’s not exactly a fertile 20-something.

  6. Marjorie: There’s much talk in the media about Harry’s unconventional choice for a bride. Which makes me wonder if he has any strong Uranian aspects. One of Harry’s most likable traits is his utter lack of snobbery. That would also (I think) imply Aquarius/Uranus. Your thoughts?

    • Not really. His Uranus is in his 11th (=unconventional friends) but isn’t that heavily aspected. His 9th house = foreign bride is more a pointer. In many ways, he’ll probably get more conventional the older he gets with a 4th house Taurus Moon.
      His Sun is square his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint which also aspects his MC, which is independent-minded. And his Jupiter aspects his rebellious, status-quo upsetting Uranus/Pluto. But these are relatively minor.
      Maybe he just didn’t notice. I’m marginally surprised at the fuss about her ‘mixed-race’ background. I watched Suits for several seasons and it never really registered.
      And divorced? The Royal Family are well used to that by now.

      • Harry is a bit more snobby than his hail and hearty persona. Was said to have left Afghanistan because his superior officer didn’t treat him like a Prince.

        Also saw a series of pics of Meghan in the DM. She was obviously Afro American in her youth, with African hair. Hair straightener has been her choice since then. I know it’s not PC to notice things like that, but facts are facts. Her natural hair, without the straightening, is quite lovely if styled right. Just like any hair–it’s all in the care taken of it.

  7. She definitely seems very assertive, watching that interview – too assertive maybe. Won’t they have to reign her in a bit? Leo’s – they’re the sun aren’t they? Feeling a bit for Harry…

    • Too assertive, really? She comes across as strong and independent and perhaps Harry likes that in a woman? It doesn’t have to be seen as a negative. It’s nice to see he went for the absolute opposite of what his dreary brother William opted for; a woman who has been so stepforded out of recognition she doesn’t know what she wants, only what her mother planned for her. Kate is such a boring, whitewash of a woman. That would have resonated with the public, even more, years ago due to her traditional image, especially in regards of what is expected of women in general, but the public is evolving and the monarchy has to as well.

      I love the fact Harry has gone for a mixed race, feisty, divorcee, (something that would have horrified the Royals just two decades ago) because it shows how damn modern and unaffected he is. Whether it will last is another thing but I’m happy for them.

      • Kate didn’t seem too boring with her boobs and bush on display in the outdoor nude photos taken of her and Wills. That’s not a “traditional image” for the future queen and king. How quickly you’ve forgotten, Jo., in your feisty love for this new royal coupling!

  8. My rainbow family are delighted. Harry and Meghan shared many values and appear to be in tune with each other. I hope it works out for them but they will need to be very strong. Much talk is of echoes of the 1930s right now. We can add the Edward/Wallis marriage ( 1936 I think) to this pattern. It’s as if they’ve paved the way. Just my rambling thoughts.

    • I remember Marjorie wrote well and realistically about Yves Saint Laurent and his partner. The write up about the Game of Thrones actors Kit and Rose wasn’t bad. There is hope! Xxx

  9. Marjorie you are so right we all need a bit of sun and hope in all this gloom! I do wonder though she really seemed to lead the interview, Harry seemed besotted and liked the analogy with astrology. I wish that they had spent some time in the same continent before getting engaged. Hey ho the stars aren’t positive and I hope they are wrong, but I do have this sinking feeling that she will get bored and will move onto something else…

  10. I think if she is loving and supportive of him, in other words his best friend, the relationship will last. When Harry came to New Zealand about two years ago, he was friendly, outgoing, had everyone hanging of his every word, but is seemed so alone…I thought this guy has to find someone soonish. I wish them the very best of luck in the future.

  11. Didn’t you say a few months ago that they would break up?

    What about the fact that his Pluto squares her nodes? That could be a real problem.

    • It seems a shame to rain on their parade. And heaven knows the country could do with some frothy distraction from the gloom. I don’t think it’s perfect but what relationship is? I suspect he’s been making the running with Pluto hitting his Venus which now wanes. She looks less sure.

      • I’m with you Marjorie!

        This too: ‘Let him have this joy. The sight of the lad behind his Mum’s coffin … You have an amazing young man Megan. Look after his heart, its been broken once already.’ Wakeuptaxpayers

  12. During the photocall, a reporter shouted:

    “Meghan how are you feeling?”, to which she replied: “I’m so happy.”

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle engagement announcement – In pictures

    The prince was then asked: “When did you know she was the one?”

    “From the very first time we met,” came the reply.

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (The Standard)

    Hope they make it!

      • I’m hoping the good in their synastry and composite will help carry them through the sure-to-happen difficult moments. They do look crazy in love right now and I hope that is enough. Also happy he got this engagement and announcement in before the Mercury Retrograde kicked in on the 3rd (still in the shadow though)!

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