Hamilton collects the accolades without Lin Manuel



A snippet on the hip hop musical Hamilton about US founding father Alexander Hamilton which swept the board at the Olivier Awards, picking up seven gongs from its 13 nominations. Its creator Lin Manuel sadly couldn’t attend, having been diagnosed with shingles. [See December 18 2017 post.]

Born 16 January 1980 11am (astrotheme) New York, he does have, on this birth time, Mars in the 6th which is picking up the tr Neptune opposition exactly now, which would make sense of a debilitating ailment. Regrettably that hangs around on and off till late 2019, which doesn’t mean his shingles will go on and on, though it can do. He’s just had his second child, which is perhaps why tr Pluto is square his 7th house Pluto, with added pressures and the need for change in his close relationships.

He’s got a strong and innovative chart with a 10th house Capricorn Sun Mercury trine Saturn, sextile Uranus. And there’s every indication he’ll be working just as hard and successfully for years ahead.

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