The Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people in 2017 was the result of “dishonest” companies, successive governments, and a lack of strategy by the fire service, the official report out today concludes. It says a cladding product manufacturer “deliberately concealed” fire risks, while coalition and Conservative governments “ignored, delayed or disregarded” concerns. All deaths were avoidable, the inquiry chair says. There will be no charging decisions until end of 2026, says CPS due to the “sheer volume of evidence and complexity of the investigation”.
The fire broke out at 12.54 am on 14 June 2017 in London when Saturn and BML in Sagittarius were close to the Midheaven opposition the Sun and square Chiron. London was always supposed to be a Gemini city so that fits. Jupiter as per usual in a disaster was in play in an over-expansive square to Pluto and an opportunistic square to Mars. There was a Fire Grand Trine of Saturn, BML, Midheaven trine Uranus in Aries trine North Node which again can be arrogant, attention-seeking, a risk-taker and unrealistic. The Mars Pluto opposition moved to exact in following days as outrage grew. Neptune on the Ascendant squared Mercury pointing to the confusion in tackling the blaze.
The previous Solar Eclipse of 26 February 2017 located to London put the accident-prone, explosive Mars Uranus in Aries exactly conjunct the Midheaven opposition Jupiter and square Pluto hinting at the scale of the disaster to come. There was also an intense New Moon and Neptune in Pisces in the Eclipse 8th. And the Pisces New Moon of the eclipse was exactly conjunct the Ascendant of the fire outbreak.
Eclipses are often best guide to major catastrophes, man made or otherwise.
The Climate Change Act passed on 26 November 2008 set targets for the first time mandating UK public authorities to reduce carbon emissions. After it became law there was a huge rush to slap insulating cladding in a lot of public housing in the UK without too much thought about the consequences. Post Grenfell a lot of this work is now having to be undone. Unfortunately the budgets and the incentives to remove the cladding are nowhere near as big and so the work is taking far longer than when it was installed.
The Climate Change Act was passed when Uranus retrograde at 18 Pisces opposed Saturn at 20 Virgo trine Jupiter at 21 Capricorn. This configuration might indicate an a big drive by the authorities totally to transform existing structures such as Grenfell Towers. The fact Saturn was inconjunct Neptune at 21 Aquarius suggests the government was probably being swept along without fully understanding the potential risks of what they were doing. This disconnect opened themselves up to deception and fraud. The day the Act became law the Moon in Scorpio made a square to Chiron at 16 Aquarius.
I am not eloquent in communicating like so many of you, as well as seasoned astrologers, but what stood out for me from Marjorie’s write up is the FIRE (operative word indeed) Grand trine with Saturn (lesson), MC (public) and Uranus (shock/surprise) with NN (future). Astrology is so interesting – it really is written in the stars. We just have to learn how to read it and it makes sense that in many generations many cultures would consult the astrology or the stars before making important decisions around what is happening now or how to go forward whether personally, nationally or in current affairs. Doesn’t feel like that’s what happening these days. Sooo… interesting as always Marjorie. Keep on keeping on hopefully. We love you!
Further, it would be even more interesting to see if this chart has any correlation to the chart date of building start or completion date? (Have no idea)
Start 1972, open 1974 but no dates. Uranus then in last decan Libra so would be catching the tr Uranus opposition at the 2017 fire.
Interesting, thanks Marjorie
Thank you Marjorie. The evidence reveals decades of neglect by various people, companies and governments. Shockingly, it goes back as far as 1992 –
“The report by Sir Martin Moore-Bick, a retired High Court judge, says experts sounded an alarm about cladding fires in 1992 after the 11-storey Knowsley Heights tower caught alight in Huyton, Merseyside.
Seven years later there was another fire at Garnock Court in Irvine, North Ayrshire, and a committee of MPs repeated the concerns.
But the flammable cladding wasn’t banned because it had already been classed as meeting a British safety standard.
Fire tests proved how dangerous the cladding was.
Safety tests in 2001 revealed the type of cladding of concern “burned violently”. The results were kept confidential and the government did not tighten any rules.” BBC website, 4 September 2024
I don’t know what astrological patterns might describe how the ‘powers that be’ behave like this, in so many scandals over the years – NHS, the Post Office scandal, the contaminated blood scandal and so on and on.
I noticed, too, that this autumn’s eclipses seem pertinent. The October Solar, 10 Libra, is close to the Jupiter (law?) for the terrible fire. UK South Node (the past?) is there too, allowing four degrees for mundane interpretations. September’s Lunar, 25 Pisces, aligns with Chiron for February 2017, squares the Sun/Saturn opposition in the chart for the fire. Next March, the Virgo Lunar eclipse also connects, with tr Neptune conjunct Chiron in Pisces for the fire itself. The emotional pain and sacrifice symbolised by Neptune and Chiron in Pisces seems horribly appropriate.
As we hopefully now question building regulations and scrutinise the whole system, I wonder what effect this might have on Labour’s super-ambitious housing targets.