Grand British Mission – wind and water

Making Britain a clean energy superpower by 2030 is the new UK Labour Government’s impressive mission put into the hands of Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. Great British Energy (GBE) is being set up, to be headquartered in Scotland and the founding statement was unveiled on 25 July 2024.

  GBE has a tied-together Half Grand Sextile of Sun opposition Pluto sextile Mars in Gemini sextile Neptune in final degree Pisces (and Scheat). Ambitious but an uphill battle which given Miliband’s lacklustre previous track record is worrisome.

  Born 24 December 1969 (2pm?) London, he has a Capricorn Sun square Uranus in Libra and Pluto in late Virgo – keen on leading edge technology certainly. He has an up-and-down Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus which won’t give him great judgement; and neither will his impulsive, scattergun Mars in Pisces inconjunct Uranus. Now that I look he has a yod of Mars sextile Sun inconjunct Uranus – that could make him an agent for enlightened change or a fringe activist who flies ahead regardless on his pet crusade. He has a last degree Neptune in Scorpio.

 Oddly enough despite his elevation he has an aggravated Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Saturn this year which usually accompanies setbacks – and he has tr Pluto leaning on his unstable Jupiter opposition Saturn this year and next so will be on highs and lows. But his real test is 2026/27 which is when Keir Starmer’s chart is showing maximum stress. In Miliband’s case he has tr Uranus in an insecure square to his Mars alongside tr Neptune and tr Saturn square his Sun. His relationship chart with Starmer is sagging in 2025 and catastrophically bad through 2026/27.

  Juergen Maier, 12 January 1964, a former Siemens UK chief executive, is to spearhead Great British Energy. He has an ambitious Sun Mars in Capricorn, with his Mars road-blocked by a tr Pluto conjunction till this December. But again it is 2026/27 which look devastating for him with SA Pluto conjunct his Neptune and SA Neptune conjunct his Sun.

 Of the other Labour Cabinet members: Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is struggling through this year with her final degree Pisces Sun sagging under Neptune; and again her 2026 with the exception of one ray of sunshine is noticeably panicky.

 Health Secretary Wes Streeting is likewise penned down by negative events in 2026/27, though admittedly he has an impossible job.

  I wonder what the future brings? The poisoned chalice of a decade plus of Tory rule with no money in the kitty, nothing working as it should plus outside events, do seem to be taking their toll.

11 thoughts on “Grand British Mission – wind and water

  1. I had a little play about and looked at the chart for the nuclear fusion project STEP from its launch on Tuesday 23 July. Based on lunchtime or earlier (likely launch time), it has Aqua Moon opposite Merc T-sq Uranus, which seems about right. As well as a Pluto/Neptune to focal point Merc (Leo) yod, which all seems fitting. Has huge potential if it ever happens.

    I would say, having 15 years experience in clean energy, it was seen as way way off if ever when I left the industry in 2019, it has accelerated much faster than it was predicted to.

    • Energy independence is a noble aim both for economic and political reasons. However, achieving it is not going to happen in the next 6 years given the current starting position. The problem with wind power is that it can not be relied upon to maintain the base load of the grid unless there is some infrastructure for storing any surplus when the wind turbines are producing extra power. Until that exists the grid will always need either gas or nuclear power plants to do some of the lifting. It should be noted that the failure to invest in low carbon infrastructure can not be just blamed on the Conservatives as Labour did little or nothing meaningful in this area when it was in government between 1997-2010. The last nuclear power station in the U.K. to become operational was Sizewell B which was commissioned under the Thatcher government and started operating in 1995. The next one Hinckley Point C was not commissioned until 2016 and will probably not start producing power until 2031 at the earliest. This means that the U.K. energy grid is likely to be dependent on gas fossil fuel power until well after 2030 to keep the lights on. No amount of electric cars or heat pumps are going to change that fact. The Labour Party has set an unachievable target which it will almost certainly fail to meet.

      The fact that the chart for Great British Energy has a natal Uranus conjunct Algol and Neptune conjunct Scheat suggests it is particularly ill starred. That said Nikola Tesla born 10 July 1856 had that Uranus/Algol placement almost exactly. It is going to take someone of that genius to make Milliband’s plans work.

  2. We have these wind turbines everywhere here in the Netherlands and a forest of them along the German border (border pollution, they call it here). TBH they are a blot on the landscape and birds often collide with them. In Groningen they are now painted black instead of white because Storks don’t see white very well and there were a lot of accidents. Maintenance is also an issue, as is metal fatigue. Solar panels are more efficient but if there is a fire they also become hazardous. I am not convinced that any of these ‘alternatives’ are the answer. First the grid has to be made ready to accept the additional load and able to deal with the fluctuations.
    My feeling is that before too long other options will become available and 30 years from now we will look back on this simply as a transition period. Personally I think geothermal energy will be the answer and Iceland will be exporting it. Even here in the Netherlands there are efforts in this area to provide heating for commercial greenhouses. Maybe what the astrology is showing is that the present plans will be overtaken by advances elsewhere. The added problem for the UK, of course, is that many of its energy production and distribution plants are no longer under British control/ownership.

  3. On the surface of it, producing more of our electricity by solar, wind and wave power seems a good idea. Clean energy which requires no disposal of exhausted uranium or particles from coal as happens with our current power stations and all their other hazardous dangers.

    I haven’t looked any deeper so happy to have the issues explained.

    It just feels like the negativity was started by the Conservatives as a way to try and get people not to vote Labour. As well as keeping their mates in the energy industry happy.

    (To be clear, not accusing Marjorie’s astrological interpretation as negative just what I’m seeing/hearing in the press).

    • Disposal of solar panels and wind turbines (as well as the land usage and mining required for production) are often overlooked as far as hazardous dangers are concerned.

      Due to their complex nature, the short lived panels and turbines cannot be recycled or up-cycled and end up in a toxic dump.

      Wind turbine foundations are necessarily wide spread, massive, concrete + steel developments, all connected by access roads.

      All nuclear waste is highly regulated and contained. Nuclear power plants and their fuel require far fewer resources to reliably produce comparable amounts wind and solar.

      Despite their feel good associations, renewables are unpredictable and completely unsuited to maintaining the stable base load we have rely upon.

  4. Water and Wind? Thank you Marjorie. I am not familiar with how all the wind/ solar generating electricity works. I did look up how wind turbines generated thermal heat, which is then used to produce electricity. However, what struck me was – generating thermal heat – as the earth naturally generates this anyway. Which made me think, is all this green energy generated by wind turbines and solar panels overloading the natural balance between thermal natural heat and a push for more and more? Heat rises, which could cause humidity ( turbines by water – more rain) and wind? I maybe making a complete fool of myself, yet could this actually be overloading our natural eco-system balance? It looks like Ed Miliband’s Sun/Moon midpoint could possibly conjunct his Uranus in Libra – going for something out of the ordinary?

  5. Whats wrong with politicians is they have no practical wisdom .
    I bet Ed Milliband doesnt even know hot to change a wheel on a car
    or do anything practical , he probably thinks all the infrastructure for his
    magical fantasies comes out of the sky

  6. Lived in Germany for many years and they have these windmills all over the place, particularly on high ground where it is windy. They have had incidents where the windmills have been damaged, but never heard of any farmer complaining about ground contamination.

    • To be completely fair I did hear about erosion due to dry soil, caused by climate change. Perhaps less likely here by this year’s record!

  7. Thanks, Marjorie. I often refer to the saying that ‘the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.’ Peter Santenello did a feature on rural Illinois, where there are windmills just like in the photo. The farmers didn’t like having them because they said that if one fell off and onto the ground, it would contaminate the earth and then they wouldn’t be able to grow anything in that area for a long time.

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