Graham, Grassley, McConnell – deep in the DC dog fight *updated



Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham are leading Republicans pushing hard for Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Grassley, 17 September 1933, Iowa is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a reputation as curmudgeonly. Graham, 9 July 1955 SC, put himself forward as a presidential candidate in 2015, dropped out, supported Jeb Bush, then Ted Cruz and has finally flipped to be a strong Trump supporter; he found Christine Ford’s testimony ‘unconvincing.’

Graham has a Cancer Sun trine Saturn in Scorpio; with a volatile Uranus Mars also in Cancer in a can-be-fanatical and publicity-seeking square to Neptune. His Neptune is in a Half Grand Sextile trine Mercury in Gemini, sextiling onto Pluto –  and North Node trine Pluto, sextile Neptune – ambitious, persuasive, also elusive/evasive.

Grassley is a Sun Virgo sextile Pluto and inconjunct Uranus; with his irascible streak coming from a vengeful Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius. Mis Mercury in Virgo is on the focal point of a Yod to Uranus sextile an Aquarius North Node – which will make him intelligent, a communicator but also scattered.

Both of them have shocking or stuck Solar Arcs in 2019 though Grassley is knocking on age-wise so it may not all be political setbacks. Both look to be facing a reality check around mid this November.

There are no birth times so timing could be marginally out.

As far as Kavanaugh is concerned there’s a stuck patch showing up in early November – in both the above charts and in their relationship charts with Kavanaugh himself. Neither look personally attacked to Kavanaugh, more tied in by circumstances to ram through the confirmation before the mid terms.

Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader since 2015 and ‘obstructionist’ over Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court, was born 20 February 1942. He is a Sun Pisces with a heavyweight, hard-edged, enduring and staggeringly stubborn collection of Uranus, Saturn, Mars in Taurus. His Sun is in an unco-operative square to Uranus; and his triple conjunction is trine Neptune; with a Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto perhaps square a Taurus Moon. Not a man for budging in the face of Armageddon.

He’s had an uphill and frustrating struggle this year with tr Pluto trine his Mars, worsening in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto trine his Saturn and over 2020/21 his Saturn/Uranus midpoint plus a dashed-hopes tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune also in 2020/21, which will test him even to his limits. But again he’s no spring chicken so that may not all be politics.

He looks considerably unhappy in the final days of this November. And aggravated with Trump in mid December. As does Grassley with Trump at the same period. Grassley looks especially piqued at Trump over the midterms as well and their relationship will be jolted, jangled and confused in 2019 and even more so in 2020.

Graham looks choked at Trump just before or on the mid terms, more so late in this November; and thoroughly unnerved by him in 2020.

Not a happy bunch of campers, that’s for sure.

22 thoughts on “Graham, Grassley, McConnell – deep in the DC dog fight *updated

  1. Been watching the confirmation hearing and some Republicans sound a bit weak. Nervous that they don’t have the votes, or nervous that that do?

    • Edit: 2nd that=they.

      Vedic astrologer predicts Kavanaugh does not get confirmed because of Venus retrograde, and the moon going into Venus’s nakshatra on Saturday.

      • Making my own prediction based on Venus going retrograde on the 6th. Kavanaugh will get confirmed as Supreme Court justice.

        Mesoamerican cultures, in particular the Aztecs (Mexico), performed human sacrifices to appease Venus, the warrior planet, the bringer of disaster.

        When Venus goes direct on November 15, the changes made during the retrograde will come under fire.

        • I posted my comment at 8:10 am eastern standard time in the US, on October 6. The time stamp on this site is from somewhere else. The Kavanaugh vote has not been held yet.

  2. Depress yourself further. It’s actually playing in his/the GOP’s favour.
    ‘All the signs are that the Kavanaugh confirmation is ….. energising Republicans and rolling back the Blue surge expected in next month’s midterms. Before last week’s Kavanaugh Senate hearing …. the Republicans were heading for a wipeout with national polls showing Democrats with a double-digit lead, enough to seize the House of Representatives with something approaching a landslide and maybe even snatch the Senate. The latest polls show the Democrats double digit leads have been halved, from 14 per cent to seven per cent in three weeks. (Rob Crilly, Telegraph).

    • Looks like gaslighting to me.
      Far-right kooks can attempt to create any reality they want. Doesn’t mean we have to accept their invitation to dwell there. But I sincerely appreciate your sharing this.

      I find it interesting (and revealing) to see a poll such as this in the U.K., similar to those recently created by US “dark money groups,” seemingly to attempt to dampen democratic enthusiasm (see below).

      In reality, most mainstream polls show a slight uptick in numbers for the right (increased enthusiasm), due to Kavanaugh–which makes sense. He’s the far- right’s “dream come true.”

  3. Graham’s chart is there with Manafort’s as harsh Saturn aspects keep on hitting and hitting it for the next couple of years. I think he is already unravelling before our eyes. I don’t know if this means jailtime, but there is “karma” involved, as with Manafort, who is practically in for his well beyond means lifestyle. Graham is famous for dining alone at chain restaurants, so something else here?

    McConnell has, by all accounts (especially Woodward, who spoke to his protegé Priebus), “firewalled” himself from Trump scandals pretty efficiently. I do not think Flynn or Manafort have anything on him. His “not happy” is an indicator Democrats will take Senate too and he will be “dead man walking” as Majority Leader.

    • Didn’t think Trump could sink any deeper into the gutter but now he’s surpassed himself by mocking an alleged rape victim at a rally full of whooping, inbred neanderthals and proved me wrong.

    • As an impartial observer (not American, and if you exclude moral issues that seem to divide Americans, but most Europeans agree on, a moderate) I think Republicans are sinking themselves with this one. I know they think they have to get Kavanaugh confirmed before Midterms, but really, if Democrats get hold of the Senate too, there’s a strong possibilty for a SCOTUS impeachment. This is possible and even probable, as numerous legal associations that don’t usually meddle in this process have spoken against Kavanaugh.

      • The only Supreme Court judge to be impeached was Samuel Chase, over 200 years ago. The Senate acquitted him, and he remained a Supreme Court judge until his death.

        The one thing the government has always taken care of is themselves.

  4. When Grassley’s attacking his colleagues, or trying to play the bully, I remember that Grassley bailed out of a press conference, (he escaped behind flags), to avoid questions about the Russia investigation and Manafort. Such a coward.

    Here’s the clip from C-span:

  5. You can’t pardon someone who has been impeached. Nixon was charged by the House but the Senate didn’t convict. That’s why Ford could pardon him.

    He can pardon any of his co-conspirators though, unless they’re removed by impeachment.

  6. Republicans want to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because of a case that is coming up. Gamble vs the US, which argues that State charges on a person who has been pardoned by the president is double jeopardy.

    In other words, Trump can pardon himself and all of his cronies from any Mueller investigation convictions and no State charges could be brought against them. There would be no other tool in the justice system to make a person pay for presidentially pardoned crimes. Theoretically, you could shoot up a school and not go to jail if pardoned by the prez.

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