Panic is in the air everywhere and economic journalists tend to see catastrophes beyond every bend in the road. But there are worrying indicators beginning to flash red. One is government debt which is massively up everywhere. Biden probably spent more even than Trump. In the UK, newly-arrived Starmer is discovering there is no wiggle room for spending on welfare improvement since the cupboards are bare with public debt already over stretched. France is heading for a knuckle-rapping from Brussels for the scale of its overspend.
There is evidently another worry which to economic illiterates (like me) sounds like the pre 2008 financial leveraged jiggery pokery.
Trying to simplify (what I don’t entirely understand) is the insertion of private equity into – everywhere – family homes to supermarkets and cosmetics companies — even hospitals. Think about veterinarians being bought over by finance companies. Think about the Royal Mail being bought on debt.
An analyst cautioned in April there were “natural questions about the risks of these financing arrangements, and the growth in kinds and quantity of leverage, or ‘leverage on leverage’, throughout the ecosystem”. The debt that ties private equity in with the banks, insurance companies and other groups means that any stress in the industry could ripple across the wider financial system. “The opacity, complexity, and interconnectedness of the sector have made assessing its developments difficult.” “There should not be a pocket of the market that touches on so much of the economy in such a sizeable way.”
The US Federal Reserve Bank, 16 November 1914, is under severe pressure and panic as tr Saturn Neptune move into Aries from May 2025 onwards to square the Saturn Pluto in Cancer; with a further layer of panic in 2026 with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Fed Res Sun and tr Uranus in an insecure square to the Mars.
The Bank of China, 1 December 1948, is also heading for 2026 as a crisis time, building up from this year onwards as tr Neptune squares the Uranus and peaking when tr Saturn Neptune square the Mars Jupiter at the same time as a tr Uranus square the Pluto in 2026 as well.
Bank of Australia is in serious trouble in 2025/26. Bank of Canada ditto in 2026/27. Bank of Switzerland is into calamity zone by and through 2025. France hits high stress from mid 2025, worsening through into 2027/28.
The European Central Bank, depending on whether the original 1973 chart or the later 1 January 1999, or even 1 June 1998, is showing extreme stress from mid 2025 right through for several years.
All of the central banks will be coping with additional turbulence as they face the csonequences of having borrowed too much when the going was cheap.
The huge private equity firms which are behind much of the other worry are tricky to pin down astrologically since they often start as private firms without dates and then sell multiple times over the years.
But the Carlyle Group launched on Nasdaq on 3 May 2012 will not respond favourably to Uranus moving into Gemini from mid 2025 and will be more stressed in 2026 and by 2027 is looking blocked and deprived.
Blackstone, 1 October 1985, is heading for the buffers in 2025 as its Solar Arc Pluto squares its Mars, which if accurate will grind it to a halt. Followed by hugely disruptive 2026 as SA Pluto is conjunct the Uranus.
Dyal Capital which merged into Blue Owl, 19 May 2001, is feeling a chill wind at the moment with tr Neptune square the Mars; with major jolts and upsets in 2026/27.
Whether it is political leaders or greedy financiers leading the way, the end result never seems to be helpful.
See previous posts: Banks at Risk 17 March 2023; Debt levels 26 October 2023.
Interesting news regarding America. Reported yesterday that the US GDP doubled (from 1.4% to 2.8%) from lanereport.com. Was there an indicator for this from Taurus placement(s)? Trump added 8 trillion to the national debt-is that somehow reflected in his inauguration chart? Would that be 2nd house or 8th house?
To Marjorie’s point —according to axios and The Hill (their respective websites), Biden did not spend more than Trump.
Statistics d** stats – whatever I read and it wasn’t Heritage – it said Biden under spent Trump for the first three years and then caught up this year.
To add to the mix, from your Dec ’21 post on Canada
“The Bank of Canada chart, 11 March 1935 is showing signs of a change of direction at the moment with the the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct its Pluto now and even more so in 2023/24 with tr Pluto square the Uranus so there will be an economic shift but with Uranus involved, the trickster planet, it can go up or down. The significant problems show up for the central bank by 2026.”
The same Carlyle Group that started as an investment company dominated by the Bush family and members of its administration and that invested billions for the Bin Ladin family early in the 2000s?
The reasons most governments are running huge deficits are because they bailed out the financial system after the 2008 Great Financial Crisis by essentially agreeing to take massive amounts of bad private debt onto the public books making the taxpayer not the original lenders or the borrowers liable. Everything since including ZIRP and Covid has compounded this situation. Without the moral hazard that the rich might lose their wealth when they make bad financial decisions then Capitalism has no moral justification and it deserves to fail.
Yes private profit, public debt.Mafia casino.
Thanks Marjorie for a great topic as always, I have been observing what is happening with all the banks worldwide and economies for years. I think we are in a transition mode now, from traditional currencies to digital like Bitcoin. In 2008 we saw the birth of Bitcoin( Pluto in Capricorn) which resulted in many cryptocurrencies following, since digital currencies are decentralised and not centralised, they don’t need banks as transactions and all transfers are done on blockchain. Banks are definitely going to be closed as the trend has already started, yes they are on their way out. Bitcoin is going to be used as a global reserve currency, though currently this might sound impossible or not making sense to some people, but it is definitely going to happen in the next few years. We will see most countries starting to adopt digital currencies ( result of Pluto in Aquarius). The good thing about Bitcoin is that it will reduce inequality and poverty we are seeing around the world, most people will live better lives than now.
I have to disagree here, because there are several issues with Bitcoin, most importantly “mining” requiring significant amount of energy that’s becoming scarse.
In fact, I have long thought the next bubble bursting will be very energy intensive forms of technology, most importantly Bitcoin and AI. Our capacity to produce energy simply isn’t meeting the requirements of this tech, and based on the always useful Maslow Pyramid, I think PEOPLE will prioritize keeping cool to having non tangible wealth.
There MIGHT be an energy breakthrough coming, but my feeling would be this is happening 2028 with Pluto in Aquarius/Uranus in Gemini trine, so there are still quite a few opportunities to have another financial meltdown.
I agree Solaia. Cloud storage, too, uses enormous amounts of energy. One thing I thought about Pluto in Aquarius was that Aquarius has two ruling planets. So Pluto hasn’t entirely left Saturn’s home turf, but is dipping into the Uranian inventiveness of Aquarius more cautiously? Also Pluto digs deep wherever it is, and energy and vital ecological considerations may well be part of what’s exposed. That 2008 Pluto in Capricorn will soon be challenged by Saturn and Neptune in Aries, scorched earth or putting out the fire?
Mining plus databanks…awful load
The energy required to mine Bitcoin is based on a form of ‘competition’, that influences how many people are able to mine Bitcoin. Meaning that the network uses less when energy is scarce. The system is designed to adapt to keep the system functioning in a decentralised way.
Who will control issuance and circulation of bitcoin? And when the grid goes down or hackers strike who compensates?it will be easier for govts to seize funds and blame hackers so yes i am sure they will want bitcoin.with these huge deficits. I think barter will be a better bet:)
The issuance of Bitcoin is controlled by the software protocol and only 21 million bitcoins will ever be issued. They are released on a decreasing basis with the last one due to be mined in 2140. If the grid goes down, as long as there is one tiny node operating on the planet, the entire network will not skip a beat and will be up and running when the network is switched back on again. They even have Bitcoin nodes on satellites now to keep the system running.
Wonderful, pie in the sky.
Yes, Victoria you are spot on and absolutely correct. Most people around the world still don’t know and understand how Bitcoin and blockchain works. The more and more people become knowledgeable and learn about it, it will be great and it is going to have a big impact on its adoption and price. The future of Bitcoin is looking good, last weekend at Nashville Bitcoin conference the are already some politicians who are pushing for Bitcoin Strategic reserve by the US treasury. Now you can imagine what’s going to happen to the price ? Even countries like China will be forced to unban Bitcoin soon.
I think it was somewhere last year or early this year and someone who was burnt in the 1997 Asian crisis said the market felt like what it was at that time.
Sorry to say but being financial consultant since 2 decades n experiencing great recession…the rich always get away n poor have to pay for their greed n working class…stock markets were infused since banks etc being govt ones made govt pay n had restrictions while stock market losses make govt not responsible to repay nor have any govt restrictions…well, greed is on both sides
For anyone interested, the publication listed above is a good primer on the growth of private equity — and the inherent risks.
I worked in various aspects of the investment industry for decades (and experienced every downhill slide since the savings and loan debacle). Greed and overreach are unfortunately woven into mankind’s destiny. All I can say is that the mantra is always “Cash is King”.
Marjorie: Thanks for posting on the subject. I actually started studying astrology with the hopes of using it for market research. I never got proficient enough to utilize it properly, but some people do quite well with it. The W.D. Gann financial table is rather prophetic and worth looking up.
I wonder if funds such as the Medallion ever did any sort of research between the stars and the markets.
Thanks Marjorie. It’s all so secretive, and those things I do understand sound like a total “find the lady” style card con game! The whole system is just one giant global casino.
I looked at the NY Stock Exchange, 17 May 1792 and see it’s Sun is 27 Taurus, so in a sensitive place with the ongoing Uranus transit. There’s an eclipse in Aquarius in February 2026 at 28-9 degrees, square tr Uranus 27 Taurus – a kind of mirror to August’s Aquarius full Moon. At the same time, Saturn and Neptune approach the NYSE Nodes at 2 Libra/Aries. Mars approaches the conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. Be interesting to see what might emerge at August’s full Moon, possibly a chance to begin putting protections into place? I won’t hold my breath on that one!
Thanks for this Marjorie-very helpful.