Gladiator II, Ridley Scott’s epic historical action film, the sequel to the successful Russell Crowe 2000 blockbuster, is due for release this November. Paul Mescal plays Lucius, the secret son of the murdered Maximus from the previous narrative. The storyline sticks close to the original with Lucius, formerly heir to the Roman Empire, becoming a gladiator after his wife and child are killed in a coup, to wreak vengeance on corrupt rulers. The original was the second highest grossing film worldwide in 2000.
Principal Photography started on 7 June 2023 in Ourzazate, Morocco, with a potentially successful Venus (Mars) opposition Pluto square Jupiter North Node in Taurus. Though the Gemini Sun square the Saturn/Neptune midpoint hints at a degree of uncertainty.
It will be released on 15 November 2024 when there is a Sun opposition Uranus; a blocked Mars opposition Pluto and an up and down Mercury opposition Jupiter square Neptune. The Gladiator 1 release, 5 May 2000, had a Sun Jupiter Saturn in Taurus conjunction inconjunct Pluto; with Jupiter in a lucky square to Uranus so some similarities with a marked Jupiter in Taurus but this one not perhaps quite as successful.
Ridley Scott, the director, 30 November 1937, is a Sun Sagittarius with a risk-taking Mars in Aquarius square Uranus and a super-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto. Tr Pluto tugging on his successful Jupiter Pluto opposition will help to boost his chances; but he also has undermining, failed-hopes influences.
Paul Mescal, the Irish lead, 2 February 1996, a Sun Mars in Aquarius, has one upbeat influence over the launch followed by a less than ecstatic one after a few days through December.
Oddly Ridley Scott and Gladiator might get a lift in 2026/27 but it does not look to be the same rip roaring success as before.
Perhaps the appetite for blood and circuses has receded since pre-9/11, Iraq and all that has followed recently.
The film feels like a good pop culture representation of Mars in Cancer opp Pluto in Cap somehow. I looked up the release date of the original, Mars approaching an opposition to Pluto at 6 degrees Gem, Pluto at 12 Sag.
I saw the first Gladiator film back in January 2001. Even though I’ve always been a history buff, I didn’t think I was going to enjoy the film – I assumed it was going to be just another slicked up film with a bunch of overly dramatized effects. Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the film very much and I thought Russell Crowe did a phenomenal acting job.
I had no idea, until reading this post, that a squeal of this film was even being made. I’m surprised they waited 24 years (I remember The Gladiator was released in 2000 here in the U.S.) but I guess better late than never.
Anyway, after obtaining my Associate of Arts Degree over a decade ago and later studying at a few universities since then, I took a long hiatus. Just a few weeks ago, however, I finally decided to go back to university to major in history. I was recently accepted at University of Central Florida and I begin classes in January 2025 (my first course will be Medieval Ireland).
So, I may have to see Gladiator II – just to keep my history vibes momentum going.
Good luck with your studies, Chris! I’m also a history grad, with an undergrad degree in mediaeval and modern history with a focus on architectural history from the University of London, plus two later graduate certificates in government relations and one in feature writing from US universities. It’s important to keep learning always!
@ Nicole Sours Larson,
Oh thanks, Nicole. Yes, I love history and I’m finally happy I decided on a major. I obtained my Associate of Arts Degree years ago. However, I ended up studying at 5 different universities over the years because I kept changing my major. Finally, after a hiatus, I decided to go back and major in history because I have so many credits in this field. I took courses in art history, Latin American history, European history, and African-American history when I was working on my AA Degree.
I will be attending University of Central Florida via their online Bachelor of Arts Degree program so I don’t have to move down to Orlando. University of Central Florida has one of the best online degree programs here in the state of Florida and their history program has some of the best academics and scholars here in Florida too.
In the history degree program, students have the option of picking a certain region of the world to focus on. I love history of every region of the world. However, I plan to focus mainly on Europe (since I enjoy European history the most).
I also want to take a few Caribbean and Latin American history courses as well since I am a Floridian (and of partial Latinx heritage) and Florida has close cultural, social, economic, and geopolitical ties with the Caribbean and Latin America.
For example, did you know Florida was governed by Cuba between the 16th and 18th centuries when it was part of the Spanish Empire? Our state was governed by the Governors of Cuba and the city of Havana was the seat of power. And the British took control of Florida in 1763 which led to massive exodus of Spaniard settlers fleeing the state and taking refugee in Cuba. In other words, Florida was part of the Caribbean and Latin America long before it became part of the “Deep South” United States. Just an interesting bit of trivia I wanted to share.
I’m starting with one class in January at UCF. The course I’m going to be taking is called “Medieval Ireland” and the professor who teaches it is actually from the Republic of Ireland himself. I’m looking forward it; Ireland is a fascinating country that’s often overlooked in European history. In fact, during the Early Middle Ages (476 CE to 1000s CE), Ireland remained a beacon of education, learning, innovation, science, and technology while much of continental Europe spiraled into political and social chaos as a result of persistent invasions from various Germanic, Finno-Ugric, and Turkic tribes (such as the Vandals, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Suevi, Huns, Magyars, Franks, Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, etc.), power struggles between the so-called “Barbarian Kingdoms,” (like Austrasia, Neustria, etc.), and the rise of fundamentalism that rose from the spread of Catholicism, Arianism, and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Anyway, I will sum this up (since I know this post is intended to be about the astrology of the film that’s coming out). Nicole, if you’re on Twitter / X, we can follow each other if you’d like. My handle is @ChrizzzChris. I follow many historians, astrologers, Geopolitical experts, journalists, humanitarians, environmentalists, etc. on Twitter / X.