Gina Miller – taking on the establishment

Gina Miller, a Guyanese-British business owner and activist has again set sail down the judicial route to oppose the decision to suspend Parliament in the courts. It is not possible to mount a legal challenge to the Queen’s approval of the suspension but she believes she can legally challenge the advice the Queen’s prime minister gives her. She has been joined by former Tory PM Sir John Major and is backed by Lib Dem Jo Swinson and Labour deputy leader Tom Watson. The High Court will hold a preliminary hearing next Thursday and, if it agrees, a full hearing will take place the next day.

She’s already made herself exceedingly unpopular with Brexiteers by mounting previous challenges; and indeed is much disliked in the City of London for her True and Fair Campaign, which aims to “limit the possibility of future mis-selling or financial scandals through greater transparency.”

Born on Guyana, then a British colony, on 19 April 1965, she is a last degree Aries Sun conjunct Venus in Taurus with Jupiter in last degree Taurus, neither heaily aspected or well integrated in her chart. More notably she has a firebrand Mars, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn possibly square a Sagittarius Moon, which would certainly suit her for a public career with an emphasised Moon, as well as for fighting constant battles.

She’s on confident fighting form right through from now till mid December with tr Pluto triggering too of her Jupiter midpoints. Which doesn’t necessarily means she’s winning but she won’t give up.

John Major, 29 March 1943 3.15 am London, another Sun Aries is looking more rattled, less sanguine about the way things are going through the autumn with tr Saturn opposing his Jupiter in October, lowering his enthusiasm; and seriously jangled by Uranus transits to midpoints mid October into November and on.

Pic: Keith Edkins.

8 thoughts on “Gina Miller – taking on the establishment

    • Hi Jennifer,
      It’s just a point I noticed crop up a lot with those involved, there are a few others too.

      Keir Starmer, Dominic Raab, Yvette Cooper, Philip Hammond, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Jo Swinson, Ed Davey and the Lib Dem party chart have this one quite strong – some have planets in a station or in the shadow of a station at these points and some (Raab, Swinson and Lib Dem chart among them) born around an eclipse at these points. And of course Theresa May and that Mars in Pisces, which Dominic Cummings has (one could argue it’s him who really took over from her).

      lo and behold, I later saw this article

      • Thanks tara

        I remember reading this article too earlier this year. I was curious about what you said because I have pluto at 12 Virgo square Mars at 11 Gemini and I am having a pretty rough time right now

  1. Interesting, her stationary Mars is opposite Boris Johnson’s stationary Saturn, both triggered by the new moon and Uranus. One freezing parliament (Saturn) and the other challenging (Mars). She also has that 10-13 mutable signature that keeps popping up

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