Gigi Hadid & Zayn Malik – Moon-crossed lovers

Model Gigi Hadid is expecting a baby with her on-off boyfriend singer Zayn Malik. They’ve had several splits over four years but have now come together to welcome a happy event later in the year.

Her chart is looking super-emotional and delighted with a Progressed Venus conjunct her Taurus Sun exactly now to within a minute of a degree. She was born 23 April 1995 at 6.28am Los Angeles and has her Taurus Sun, North Node and Mercury straddling her Ascendant giving her an upfront, exuberant personality. She has the inspired and unpredictable Neptune Uranus conjunction in her 10th conjunct her Midheaven. Her mischievous Aquarius Moon is opposition a flamboyant Mars in Leo, which will make her short-fused at home.

Zayn Malik, 12 January 1993, Bradford, England, is a tumultuous, highly-strung Sun, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury in Capricorn in a volatile opposition to Mars in excitable Cancer. His Virgo Moon opposes Venus, is sextile Mars and trines Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Sun so he’s emotionally changeable.

It’s an odd combination with her Saturn in Pisces opposition his Virgo Moon; and his Saturn conjunct her Aquarius Moon and opposition her Mars.

Their relationship chart does have a wide-ish affectionate conjunction of Sun and Venus which is trine Jupiter – all of which will bring mutual support and smooth rough edges. But the Moon squares Saturn and is trine Mars suggesting too much work or defensive and impatience blocks will get in the way of nurturing. The Moon is what is going to prove problematic for them.

3 thoughts on “Gigi Hadid & Zayn Malik – Moon-crossed lovers

  1. Their composite Chart has the Venus/Saturn midpoint on their Sun. Perhaps suggesting a very strong tie and a long term relationship? There will be up and downs, however, it is difficult to see them breaking away from each other with such a strong Saturn connection; especially with a Moon square Saturn involved.

  2. I hope they work things out for the long run. They both appear sensible compared to most celebrities. Sorry to digress but Madonna seems to have really lost the plot recently.

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