Germany’s elections this September will mark a fork in the road as Angela Merkel, Chancellor since 2005, finally leaves the stage.
The national chart, 1 January 1871 12am, indicates that 2021 is a year of turbulence and dramatic change with tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Uranus in the run up to the election and again in December, so nothing will be quite the same in the aftermath.
Armin Laschet, who describes himself as the Merkel continuity candidate, is the right-centre’s choice for the top office. Although regarded as dull with a few blotches on his copybook he is a political survivor who has bounced back from previous defeats, is known for his liberal politics, passion for the EU and ability to connect with immigrant communities. See Post January 16 2021.
The Greens have pitched as their candidate Annalena Baerbock, 15 December 1980.
There are no birth times for any of them. At the election the Saturn square Uranus is still in orb setting the progressives up against the status quo-ers.
Annalena Baerbock is an idealistic Sun Neptune in Sagittarius with a determined Mars in Libra square Pluto and a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra so quite a mix of soft and hard. She’s not doing well in the run up to the election with an undermining and indecisive tr Neptune square her Neptune Sun and again in early 2022. That apart there’s not much showing on her chart without a birth time.
Laschet, 18 February 1961, may benefit from the reflected glow of tr Jupiter in Aquarius close to his Aquarius Sun. though it won’t hit the exact conjunction till late December. Tr Pluto is just off the conjunction to his Jupiter Saturn in Capricorn from mid August, returning in December, which is impossible to interpret, bringing good and bad.
Olaf Scholz, the Social Democrat (SPD) candidate, 14 June 1958 is on a Neptunian slide downwards from late this month onwards into 2022 so not in with a chance.
That Germany is going through a major spin and shake out isn’t in doubt, since not only is tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Uranus this year; by 2022 tr Uranus till be conjunct the 8th house Pluto for yet another upheaval – financial and psychological.
Angela Merkel ist leaving the political stage in Germany. During her “reign” she installed subtle changes to communism and “Planwirtschaft”. I am a child of the 60ies, born, raised and still living in Germany. I am less than impressed with the changes in Germany during recent years. Totalitarian changes, restrictions and no end in sight.
In 1933, transiting Pluto was approx conjunct with that Uranus in the 10th (it was around 22 Cancer). That was the year the Nazis came to power.
For the forthcoming election, transiting Pluto is approaching opposition to that Uranus in the 10th with tr Uranus conj the natal Pluto.
Doesn’t feel good. An upset maybe?
The 1871 Mars at 0 Libra is extraordinarily powerful in the German chart. Transiting Mars was exactly conjunct that degree on 15 August 1914 just after the outbreak of the First World War. The North Node went over that degree in May 1941 just before Germany invaded the Soviet Union via Operation Barbarossa. Transiting Neptune was conjunct that degree in October 1942 as the Battle of Stalingrad started and went retrograde back and forth over that part of the chart up to May 1945 when Germany surrendered. Venus was conjunct that degree on 2 October 1990 the day before Germany formally reunified on 3 October 1990. Interestingly Mars will transit this same degree 10 days before this September’s election and the Sun will be conjunct it exactly a couple of days before the poll.
I for one will very much miss Merkel, her subtle humour, her humanity balanced well with her scientific rational approach, her ethics and most of all the stability, fundamental decency and groundedness she has brought to the EU and the world during very unstable times.
She deserves her rest and leisure more than any leader I can think of, yet I fear for us all after she leaves.
She is a firm steady hand on the ship, and while in her position she will always have enemies and naysayers, and of course she has made mistakes, overall I feel the world owes her a huge debt of gratitude.
Hi Marjorie,
Shouldn’t the reunification date be used? That is after all the modern day country. Germany was officially reunited at 00:00 CEST on 3 October 1990.
No, we do not get a new chart every time we divorce/remarry. The original unification charts are the ones which work best if you can find the date.
Hi Marjorie
I am afraid you would have to correct the birth date of Annalena Baerbock. She was not born in November, but December 15th 1980.
I don’t know much about her, but her party could fit well with the ongoing changes into a new era. Therefore a peak into her chart would be interesting.
oops, thanks for that. Have amended.
What happened in 1971 to form a German national horoscope?
Pretty sure it was a typo. It is 1871, with the same details, not 1971.
Could I request you to also look at Markus Söder, the Minister-President of Bavaria, who is another potential KanzlerKandidat (Chancellor candidate) for the CDU (though technically he is from the CSU, the Bavarian sister party of the CDU).
According to Wikipedia, he was born on 5 January 1967.
Within the CDU-CSU Union, he is considerably to the right of Merkel, criticising her for allowing a million refugees into the country in 2015 and suggesting that Greece be allowed to leave the Eurozone during the crisis there.
Most controversially, he had crucifixes placed at the entrances of all public buildings and in schools, as a symbol of Bavarian cultural identity. (I can just imagine how this looks at from a US point-of-view, but it is worth remembering that the strict division of church and state is very much a US thing, due to their own early history).
He sounds like he could gain some votes from the AfD voters, while possibly losing some centrist voters to the FDP.
As an aside, Marjorie, can you also have a look at the SPD, the centre-left party of the German political spectrum. It seems to have gone into terminal decline lately.
It was founded in 23 May 1863 (Wikipedia again) and survived the Nazis (to whom they were some of the most opposed to).