Germany – a country divided

A splintered result in the Germany elections will almost certainly see Friederich Merz replace Scholz as much-of-the-same head of a coalition government. The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, egged on by senior figures in the Trump administration, notched up the strongest election result for any party of the radical right since the Second World War, with a projected 20 per cent of the vote. Its support comes from eastern Germany and across the younger, poorer half of the electorate.

The new Chancellor will face formidable problems with no economic growth for the past five years and parts of the manufacturing base in freefall; public unrest over immigration and domestic security after terror attacks and indiscriminate stabbings by foreigners; and the USA, the cornerstone of German security for the past 70 years, withdrawing support.

 The Germany 1 January 1871 12 am chart is showing a cataclysmic two years ahead with tr Neptune Saturn in Aries opposing the Mars and square Saturn, picking up from April this year – and a swampy road ahead till the end of the decade as tr Neptune moves (across midpoints) to finally square the Germany Capricorn Sun. There could/should be a positive turning point by 2030 with a Solar Arc Sun conjunct Jupiter; tr Uranus moving out of the financial/economic 8th and tr Pluto moving into the 5th to restore Germany’s self-esteem. But it will go down before it goes up – with an increasingly fractured relationship with the EU (see below) through the next few years.

 What is interesting is that the East Germany split, 7 October 1949 and Germany Reunited 3 October 1990 charts both have tr Pluto in hard aspect to the Germany 1871 Pluto and tr Uranus conjunct the chart axis – tr Uranus moving to conjunct the Midheaven in 1949 and conjunct the IC in 1980. Tr Uranus will return to Cancer by 2034 at the same time as tr Pluto in Aquarius will be square the Germany 8th house Pluto. So it will be another history-changing moment for the country.

Previous post February 13.

Germany is heading to the polls on 23 February to vote in a snap general election, after the government collapsed in November. The centre-right CDU/CSU alliance is in the lead with about 30%, while the anti-immigration, Eurosceptic, far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has risen to more than 20%, making it the second strongest party.

 The country is seeing a radicalisation on the left and right in line with elsewhere. There are concerns about a lack of investment in the country’s ailing transport, energy, housing, education and health infrastructure which run headlong into Germany’s reticence about taking on more public borrowing. Cheap gas from Russia has dried up and German industry has suffered, with a third consecutive year of recession looming.

 The likely winner Friedrich Merz is not inspiring enthusiasm any more than the outgoing Scholz did.

  Whoever wins, the country is moving into troubled times. The Germany 1 January 1871 chart has Mars at zero degrees Libra square Saturn at 1 degrees Capricorn which will be badly undermined by tr Neptune Saturn in Aries from April onwards into 2026 in hard aspect to both, resulting in a sense of panicky failure and great uncertainty.  

 Germany’s relationship with the EU was always in for a rocky ride from this month onwards, worsening through 2026/27 and continuing through till  late decade with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus, then square the Mars and finally square the Moon; followed by tr Saturn and Neptune eroding the tightly controlled composite Sun opposition Pluto.

 Relations with France will be rocky through this year, sagging in 2026 and in a significant upheaval by 2028. USA diplomatic ties are also on a slide for several years. And with Russia there will be aggravation in 2026/27 – and perhaps worse through the final years of the decade.

  The Bundesbank, central bank chart, 26 July 1957, flags up confusion and indecision now, with an extended phase of disappointment, losses and turmoil through 2026 to 2028.

Friederich Merz, 11 November 1955, no birth time,  is a determined and battened-down Sun Saturn in Scorpio square a confident Jupiter Pluto in Leo. His life is changing radically this year with tr Pluto opposition his Uranus and lucky with tr Uranus square his Pluto Jupiter conjunction from June onwards – but if he does get elected his 2026/27 look fairly calamitous with tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars and his Mars/Saturn midpoints.

ADD ON:  Alice Weidel, 6 February 1979 Gutersloh, Germany, co-chairman of the right wing AFD, [born a few days before UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves] is a determined Sun, Mercury, Mars in Aquarius sextile Neptune trine Pluto and square Uranus. She has an upbeat, confident tr Pluto opposition her Jupiter till early March and on and off till late 2025. And gets a lucky break this April but thereafter runs into considerable setbacks in May 2025 and later in the year. With her successful influences running out in 2026/27.

Tino Chrupalla, the other co-chairman, 14 April 1975, also has smatterings of good luck bringing success though the election result won’t please him.  But he will gear up and push ahead confidently despite hitches and glitches for the next two years.

5 thoughts on “Germany – a country divided

  1. The US Progressed Mars is retrograde until 2086–probably well past the lifetimes of anyone here. It doesn’t exit its shadow until 2148, nearly halfway through the 22nd century. Who knows at this point if America even survives that long in its current form?

    I think maybe this long transit explains at least part of what it happening with men in the US, especially younger men, who have been so listless and gullible to the likes of Trump and the far-right nuts. Seems things may well come to a head in America at some point as they did for Germany, under Hitler’s regime, but at what cost?

  2. AFD did very well with young men. Young women -not so much. Does Germany also have a slew of right wing podcasters like Joe Rogan? Similarly, here in the US, young men voted for Trump. I thought the young people here would vote as a monolith to protect the environment. I was so wrong about the young men. Would this be Mars energy? Does Venus play a role? Don’t most young people have either copious Cap outer planets or copious AQ outer planets? Harris did win young voters overall, though. Also, please note Harris won the college educated (those with a degree) vote by a wide margin. Does that show up in 9th house of USA chart?

  3. Thanks for the analysis Marjorie. It fits the picure. Interesting to see on the map that the vote was regionally divided three ways (east, west and south): could the country eventually split again along these fault lines?
    Merz has pledged to become more internationally active and urged for less dependence on the US including NATO reform but may end up entangled in domestic issues, like his predecessor. Wherever you go, change comes at a cost.

  4. It is said that a winner of the German election is Netanyahu because Merz has pledged closer ties with Israel. He seems more willful than Scholz and I’m not sure that’s a good thing. He will certainly be tougher on immigration on the Danish model. I maintain my initial assessment of Scholz: a good man overwhelmed by events. The German economy is in a bind because it relied far too much on ties with Russia and China. Blind globalization only shows that greed has the upper hand on sound judgment. A lesson for us all.

    The instability of Germany will remain a major concern. It caused two world wars. The Kaiser and Hitler were both mad while Germany’s progressed Mars was retrograde. Now it is the turn of the US almost until the end of the century..

    • Germany’s retrograde progressed Mars has turned direct but is still in its retrograde shadow. It won’t return to its 1871 location at 0 Libra until 2038. Worth noting that the US progressed Mars was conjunct the German 1871 natal Mars in 1941 and was within one degrees of a closing conjunction with the German retrograde progressed Mars at that time.

      The process is now in reverse with the US retrograde Mars heading back to meet the German progressed Mars heading direct in 2052 at 6 Libra. The US retrograde Mars will then conjoin the German natal Mars at 0 Libra in 2074.

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