A sporting round up with two greats – George Foreman and Eddie Jordan gone and the IOC (Olympic Committee) facing the fall-out from a questionable election result.
George Foreman, 10 January 1949, 9.15pm Marshall, Texas, was a heavyweight boxing champion and Olympic gold medallist who in his career had 76 wins and only five losses, one of them against Muhammad Ali. After retiring he became a minister as well as a successful businessman leaving behind $300 million (£236.24m), mostly from his trademark George Foreman Grill. He had five wives, 12 children and 15 grandchildren.
He had a confident, lucky Sun Jupiter in Capricorn in his sporting 5th house square Neptune, alongside an assertive 5th house Mars in Aquarius widely opposition Pluto. He had Uranus in his 10th hinting at an unconventional career and it opposed a 4th house Venus square his Sun/Moon midpoint – one reason for his multiple marriages, the first four very short lived. His Gemini Moon was conjunct his Midheaven suiting him for a public career.
Eddie Jordan, 30 March 1948, Dublin, Ireland, no birth time, the legendary Formula 1 team owner, has also died. He started life as a racer before turning his attention to team ownership.
He had a go-ahead Aries Sun, catching this month’s Solar Eclipse, opposition Neptune; with an adventurous Uranus opposition Jupiter (Moon) in Sagittarius. Plus an ultra-determined Pluto, Saturn, Mars in Leo. A fiery, entrepreneurial chart, attracted to excitement and risk, as well as doggedly enduring and stubborn.
Aries always seems fitting for a racing car enthusiast.
The International Olympic Committee, 23 June 1894 Lausanne Switzerland has elected a new president in Kirsty Coventry, a Zimbabwean gold medallist and sports cabinet minister in the government of Zim President Mnangagwa (widely known as “The Crocodile”). Seb Coe lost heavily which has produced sharp reactions and not all sour grapes.
Marina Hyde lets fly in the Guardian: “Coe’s decisive loss yet again confirms of the IOC that you can’t win as an outsider in an insider’s race. It’s not that he’s an unknown quantity, more that he’s a known quantity. They certainly can’t be risking a new broom, after all, just as they couldn’t risk looking too hard into a quite staggering array of vote-buying/bribery/corruption/doping/political/sportwashing scandals down the decades. Once you realise that the one thing sport’s biggest wigs really hate is a sporting chance, it all becomes so much easier to understand.”
The IOC will not enjoy tr Neptune Saturn in Aries conjunct its Mars and square its Cancer Sun from this month right through 2026. With a grind-to-a-halt Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Saturn in 2026 as well.
Sebastian Coe, 29 September 1956, has his Libra Sun conjunct the IOC South Node – so maybe he reminds them of their failure to strive for progress. His relationship chart with the IOC is explosive and aggravated so he would have wakened it up – and attracted hostility.
Kirsty Coventry, 16 September 1983, in contrast has an IOC relationship chart dominated by controlling Pluto so she may not deviate too far from the party line.