Gen Z Kenya – rebelling against politicians

‘A plague on all their houses’ appears to be the apolitical approach of young Kenyans, eloquent and educated, who are staging demonstrations against corruption, injustice and inequality in a self-serving political class whom they are denouncing across the board. The GenZ movement as they are known who claim no political or tribal allegiance and organize their protests through social media platforms have been compared to the Arab Spring uprisings. In the face of a deteriorating economic situation, they have been expressing their discontent at the lavish lifestyles enjoyed by politicians funded by the taxes of the citizens.

  Kenya gained independence on 12 December 1964 at 12 am in the midst of the tumultuous Uranus Pluto Mars conjunction square a Sagittarius Sun – so it is fitting that a young reformist, revolutionary movement has finally decided to stand up and rock the boat as tr Saturn opposes the three Virgo planets and squares the Sun this year. The next several years look challenging and fraught as the disruptive Uranus Pluto Mars moves by Solar Arc to cross the Jupiter in Taurus opposition Venus Neptune in Scorpio (= acquisitive, financially deceptive, money-grubbing). The freedom fighters cross swords with the corrupt.

 The present president William Ruto, 21 December 1966, who has been accused in the past of a series of land grabbing manoeuvres (and is an evangelical Christian) is not looking overly happy. Tr Neptune and Scheat are square his final degree Sagittarius Sun this year and next; with tr Saturn following suit in opposing his Uranus Pluto, reaching his Second Saturn return and squaring his Sun all next year.

  It is reckoned that Generation Z is currently the largest in Africa making up 31.20%. Millennials represent 20.49%. Both generations make up 51.69%.

  Hopes for the future and a hint that across the globe there are signs of dissatisfaction with governing classes of all stripes. At least in Kenya the young are standing up to have an effect – where are Gen Z in USA and UK?

GenZ are reckoned to be late 1990s to 2010 – which covers the Pluto in Sagittarius phase of 1995 to 2008.

5 thoughts on “Gen Z Kenya – rebelling against politicians

  1. Thanks for your indiscriminate, global approach Marjorie! African affairs often rank bottom in coverage across news, media, and global culture. What a thrill to see your post, and yes, you’ve hit the context on the nail! Though the forecast appears a bit grim, this post makes us feel seen. Love from Kenya! ❤️

  2. He is currently in his BML Return giving trauma & crisis.
    Trans BML opp his natal Neptune…..addiction to substances; backlash of his spiritual beliefs.
    oppression from the outside world; loss & dissolution of his reality.
    Trans Pluto sextile BML…generational wealth thru’ the mother; easily attract powerful people.
    Trans BML square natal Sun…delays, backlash & falls from grace; a cycle of sisempowerment can occur because of bullying, jealousy or nonacceptance from others.
    Click above link then click magnifer to enlarge biwheel.

  3. Here is Buto’s current biwheel with emphasis on Black Moon Lilith. He is now in his
    BML Return so he will experience trauma & crisis.
    Trans BML opp natal Neptune….addiction to substances; backlash re his spiritual beliefs;
    oppression from the outside world; loss & dissolution of his reality.
    Trans Pluto sextile BML…generational wealth from the mother.
    Trans BML square natal Sun….delays, backlash, and falls from grace. A cycle of
    disempowerment can occur because of bullying, jealousy or non-acceptance from others.
    Click link then click magnifier to enlarge biwheel.

  4. Thank you, Marjorie. I have shared your post with my physician friend who lives in Nairobi. She has joined in some of the protests and cares deeply about her fellow Kenyans

  5. The last Pluto in Sagittarius generation were the ones to start the Revolution in France (1788-1799), also during a Pluto in Aquarius transit…
    I think our own Pluto in Sagittarius generation will be very politically and socially aware and active too, much more so than the Millenials who – mostly with Pluto in Scorpio and Neptune in Capricorn – seem to be very preoccupied with power and ambition…

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