Gen Mike Jackson – whisky defused global crisis

General Sir Mike Jackson, formerly called ‘The Prince of Darkness’ and UK Chief of the General Staff from 2003 and 2006, has died.  Well liked amongst military personnel for his no-nonsense style of leadership, he proved his mettle in the Kosovo crisis when he refused to obey his American counterpart in blocking Russian troops landing at Pristina airport to support the Serbs, saying “I’m not going to start World War Three for you.” He defused the situation, which could have ended in a nuclear conflagration by drinking whisky and then vodka with his Russian counterpart.

  He was born 21 March 1944 in Sheffield, into a military family, studied Russian at university and moved into Intelligence before transferring into the Parachute Regiment.  He was a junior adjutant in Northern Ireland during Bloody Sunday, when British troops killed 13 Catholic men during a civil rights march in Londonderry in January 1972 and served three tours there.

 He had a pro-active Aries Sun and Mercury opposition Neptune and trine Pluto North Node in Leo – Neptune Pluto gave him overwhelming ambition and Pluto North Node in Leo, influence and leadership ability. He had a talented Half Grand Sextile from the Sun Neptune opposition sextile Uranus and Pluto North Node. Plus a military Mars Saturn conjunction in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Leo.

When the standoff in Kosovo happened in June 1999 his Solar Arc Pluto was opposition his Sun putting him under considerable strain. With a lucky tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter and a nerve-wracking tr Neptune opposition his Pluto North Node.

Generally considered one of the last of the old school military leaders.

8 thoughts on “Gen Mike Jackson – whisky defused global crisis

  1. Thanks Marjorie. A formidable man described by the Parachute Regimental Association as a “great leader of men”.
    Very apt description. Very apt chart.

  2. Marjorie, is there anything in particular interesting about the Moon in Aquarius you’ve noticed or read about through the years?

  3. Jackson has a strong 24th Harmonic chart. Factor 24 = 2 X 2 X 2 x 3.
    24th harmonic contains the 2nd Harmonic, cooperation, senitivity, and
    contains the 3rd Harmonic, charm determination. Jackson used both
    of these when he had a whiskey with the Russian and avoided nuclear war.
    The 24th Harmonic brought together Saturn, leadership and Uranus,
    decisions to be made, interpreted as follows….”You may find it much
    easier to go against the majority opinion and follow your own ethical
    guidelines and principles. You don’t need the support of others, and
    are not stressed or confused, as others would be. You single follow
    your own conscience and convictions, whether it agrees with others or
    not.” Here is his 24th Harmonic

  4. I agree very much Jane with your last sentiment. Also about the presence of Jupiter at death. I lost a baby very late on in one of my pregnancies and sought an astrologer’s reading to help me get over it. Jupiter figured very strongly on the day of the loss and she interpreted this as a sense of release/ expansion beyond the physical.

    • Very sorry about your late miscarriage, Saborg. I also had that experience, around the time I first began my fairly haphazard ‘journey’ of studying astrology. I agree Jupiter offers a sense of release and expansion. With Jupiter being associated with travel, I see it also as the beginning of a journey for the individual, and another kind of exploration for those close to the person who has died. Perhaps it is connected with the Egyptian Sun god, Ra, and his solar barque which he used to travel through the skies, and onwards into the night? Boats were also used in Ancient Egyptian funerary rites, on the River Nile.

  5. Thanks Marjorie. I see that tr Jupiter had just passed his natal Saturn, and approaching Mars. How reliably Jupiter seems to turn up when people die. He was the kind of military man who inspires confidence. I tend very much towards pacifism, but if we have to have conflict then a man like this is what’s needed. RIP

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