Gaza – suffering without end



In Gaza, they are fearful of the USA’s latest move to slash funding to the UN Relief Agency which brings food aid to Palestinian refugees. Just as VP Mike Pence is in Israel talking blithely about a peace plan. Observers say the situation unfolding now is unprecedented, with the backdrop of a 10-year blockade by Israel. “Nobody has ever taken away their bread and that is precisely due to UNRWA’s presence in all Palestinian camps,” said a senior UN official. They give aid not only to Gaza, but to Palestinian refugees in camps in the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan – where five million refugees rely on their basic services, including health and education.

Gaza, 9 November 2017 9am, does have their Neptune Saturn in Leo in the line of fire of the late January Lunar eclipse, as well as the mid-year one, which will bring high anxiety. Tr Neptune is opposing the Virgo Moon through this year, undermining the population; and tr Saturn is in hard aspect to the Venus opposition Pluto, especially marked this February and returning later in the year, bringing anguish and depression.

The USA is the biggest contributor to UNRWA and one might wonder whether UK and indeed EU foreign aid might not be better deployed to those in dire need, instead of sending it into countries who are capable of feeding their own poor.

One thought on “Gaza – suffering without end

  1. The odious regime in Israel could resolve this inhuman state of affairs but they choose not to. Their useful idiot lackeys in Washington do as they’re told and our beyond pathetic prime minister couldn’t care less. What a world..

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