Gaza – from bad to worse

As if Gaza didn’t have enough problems being stockaded by Israel and under Hamas’s thumb, there is now word that disaffected Hamas militants are moving over to ISIL. ISIL dislike Hamas since they are not ‘Islamic’ enough, ie. not hard-line and have threatened to turn their caliphate campaign against Israel.

The Gaza 9 Nov 1917 9am chart is in a despairing year in 2015 with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Sun. Then come 2016 tr Saturn will oppose the Gaza Jupiter and square their Virgo Moon – so denting whatever enthusiasm the local population can muster and probably undermining the economy as well. Then late 2016 into 2017 the Solar Arc Mars will square the Moon – a shock for the poor Gazans; with an undermining tr Neptune opposing the Moon in 2017.

Tensions between ISIL and Israel will increase late Feb/March next year.

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