Gary Oldman is back as the greasy, flatulent spy boss of the losers and rejects at Slough House in Season 4 of Mick Herron’s Slow Horses (Apple TV+). Despite a stellar career awash with awards and a position as one of the highest-grossing actors of all time – in Harry Potter; Tinker, Tailor; The Dark Knight Trilogy; Darkest Hour as Winston Churchill – he has managed to remain low key. He evidently does not employ a publicist and avoids parties.
Reviews are glowing for the latest season and his performance as Jackson Lamb – “Slough House’s monstrously jaded and dirty-mac-clad ruler, who shambles and roars like a bear dipped in chip fat.” Another remarked he “contaminates the screen beautifully.”
Born 21 March 1958 10.56 am, London, with an alcoholic father who left when he was seven, he gave up school at 16, before eventually taking an acting training and starting his career on stage. He has a 10th house Aries Sun and Moon (widely conjunct) with Mercury also in Aries in his career 10th.
He has an uncompromising Uranus opposition an 8th house Mars square a creative Neptune in Scorpio. His Neptune is also on one leg of a yod sextile an intense 3rd house Pluto inconjunct his Sun – a yod focal point Sun will make him awkwardly self-conscious, constantly trying to balance his ego-drives, too much and too little. A hardworking, knowledgeable Saturn in Sagittarius in his 6th trines his Mercury. His Venus in Aquarius opposition Uranus sits in his passionate 8th house. He has been married five times with a history of alcoholism. His Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct his Black Moon, perhaps a hint of one failed marriage where he was accused of abuse but later one of his sons said his mother had lied.
He has tr Saturn moving across his Midheaven this year starting a high profile, hard working few years so he’ll be putting off retirement for a while. Tr Saturn Neptune conjunct his 10th house Sun and tr Uranus in Gemini squaring his Pluto all in 2025 rattling up his yod could set him on a new path. Not necessarily an easy one initially since tr Pluto will conjunct his Mars in 2025/26 and square his Neptune.
I have a soft spot for him due to his amazing talent as an actor plus some connections from his chart to mine probably helping that along, but I am grateful I do not have to deal with him in real life. He abandoned Lesley Manville, also an excellant actor when their child was still tiny, and I thought the role that went to kristin Scott Thomas in Slow Horses could have been played as well by her.
I see Pluto is about to hit his Mars, it’s a very tricky transit.
Marjorie, Pluto right now is sextiling his sun. You didn’t mention it so wondering if it has no impact as it’s a sextile?
Thanks Marjorie. Married five times… sounds tricky to live with , but talented for sure.