Friedrich Merz – stepping into a minefield

Friederich Merz, a Sun Scorpio with an exceptionally Fixed chart, almost certain to step up as German Chancellor heading a coalition, has a tougher temperament than the departing Olaf Scholz, a Gemini Sun trine Jupiter.

He has announced a political deal to raise hundreds of billions of euros in extra spending on defence to counter Trump’s withdrawal from Ukraine; and to plough money into Germany’s failing infrastructure.

 Born 11 November 1955 Briton, Germany, no birth time, he has an ultra-determined and stubborn Scorpio Sun conjunct Saturn with Saturn square a pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Leo. He also has Uranus square Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in late Libra so will be outspoken as well as evasive and confused at times.  His Mars in Libra may be conjunct a Libra Moon but is otherwise unaspected. Such a Mars can be uncompromising and constantly on the go. He has a stronger temperament than his rather weedy ‘bank manager’ appearance might suggest.

 His Sun opposes the Germany 8th house Pluto so he will throw his weight against entrenched attitudes especially financial ones. And with his Mars in Germany’s 1st he will waken up the national image. Though he’s likely to arouse some hostility with his bulldozer approach especially towards the end of his term.

 His relations with attention-seeking Emmanuel Macron are likely to be volatile with Merz’s Sun conjunct EM’s opinionated 9th house Uranus square EM’s Mars; and Merz’s Uranus falling in EM’s 7th for a divisive interface. Plus plus other friction points. The Aries and Libra Solar Eclipses will collide with their composite Saturn right through this year so it will take self-control to keep cooperation on track.

 His relationship with Keir Starmer who appears to be rising to the occasion better than expected is less fractious than with Macron though there will be jolts and jangles in May and the early months of 2026 with tr Uranus square their composite Mars; plus reams of confusion and uncertainty all year into early 2026. Though that may be a result of having to cope with a fast-changing global situation.

  With Trump, Merz’s confident, stubborn Jupiter Pluto square Saturn collides with Trump’s Mars in Leo – with tensions erupting later this month; and more in 2026.

 Merz’s relationship chart with Putin (1952) is hostile and power struggling with tensions erupting soon and depressed into 2026/27.

  Merz’s relations with the EU and Ursula van der Leyen are under mounting pressure into 2026 and beyond.

 It is difficult to see quite what the road ahead is. This week’s headlines are all about a rousing hope of a strong Germany/France/UK response to the ultimatums from across the Atlantic.  But Germany’s relations with the EU are under serious strain over the coming years and the Bundesbank central bank is facing storm-force headwinds for a few years ahead as well.   

See previous post: Germany 24th February 2025. 

3 thoughts on “Friedrich Merz – stepping into a minefield

  1. You have described his way of communication as outspoken as well as evasive and confused.
    Merz is losing the trust of the public more and more because he broke two major promises within several weeks. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet.

    I am not sure Merz is aware of the damage he is causing by his outspokenness.

    He is known for losing his temper which isn’t a good streak in a leader. (Moon conjunct Mars?)

  2. I have a friend born a few days before Merz in 1955. She’s like a super-hero in a librarian costume. Well, she actually is a librarian, seems meek and mild on the surface. But when trouble comes — look out — the lady has reserves. I’m glad Merz is placed where he is at this time in history, I suspect he’s more than capable.

  3. There is something to be said about astrology here: I doubt any of the leaders in the UK or France looked particularly happy when Hitler attacked their countries. Neither did Finns when Stalin attacked. The outcomes were different, sure, but the transits at the beginning wouldn’t have predicted the outcome.

    What I look at right now at the charts is resilience. I remember looking at Brexit “main characters” from Conservative party and noting the lack of fixed elements. Charts with fixed elements tend to be resilient, but there are other markers: This may be a personal bias of mine, but I think Plutonian people are good with dealing with adversity.

    Also: Politicians with strong Scorpios tend to have cyclic careers. Hillary Clinton has had at least four political lives, and I am pretty certain Sanna Marin is going to be like her too. Joe Biden would have been remembered more fondly if he had stepped down in 2023 and allowed a primary. Merz has such a long career too, and was mainly known as the person who lost to Merkel before this. Who knows what the future holds?

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