Frederica Wilson – never pick a fight with a triple Scorpio



John Kelly just dug himself deeper into Trump’s hole over how not to talk to a soldier’s grieving mother. Kelly in trying to retrieve the situation spoke poignantly about his own son’s death in Iraq, and then proceeded to fabricate a smear against Frederica Wilson, the Democrat Representative for South Florida, who was in the car when the blundering phone call was made. Luckily for her, in the era of ‘fake news’, there was film footage of the event at which Kelly falsely claimed Wilson had taken credit which wasn’t due.

Frederica Wilson, 5 November 1942, certainly isn’t the woman to put up with nonsense from anyone with a passionately intense Sun Venus Mars in Scorpio square Pluto. She’s a tower of strength and a good fighter for causes. Her influential Pluto is further emphasised being on the midpoint of Uranus Saturn in Gemini trine Neptune (Moon) in Libra – so no one’s pushover.

She certainly dislikes Trump with a hostile composite Mars Neptune square Saturn in their relationship chart; and a needs-space, differing-agendas composite Sun square Uranus. But if anything she dislikes John Kelly even more with a composite Sun Pluto square Jupiter, which is a struggle for the upper hand; and an ego-battling composite Mars Neptune; plus a cold Venus opposition Saturn.

There’ll be more clashes to come with both men. She looks to be forging confidently ahead this December and on and off through 2018 with tr Pluto trine her Sun/Jupiter midpoint; though she will have some downers with dashed hopes from tr Neptune opposition her Mars/Jupiter and a confused tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune from March onwards. Tr Uranus moves to oppose her Mars from mid year, on and off into 2019; and then in 2019 to square her Pluto – so she will be aggravated and going through some seismic changes.

4 thoughts on “Frederica Wilson – never pick a fight with a triple Scorpio

  1. I love Frederica Wilson…she’s one of our Democratic Congresswomen here in Florida. She doesn’t put up with “White Lip” from the Republicans nor does she allow herself to be intimidated by them either. Wilson’s congressional district is so heavily Democrat that Republican candidates don’t even run there. Last year, Wilson was the only sole candidate for the congressional race on the ballot for her district and was reelected with no problem. I’m glad, she has nothing to worry about. She’ll be reelected next year too. As for Donald Trump and his cronies, they better watch out….people are FURIOUS and they ARE ready to vote. We need to get rid of as many Republican Senators, Congresspeople and State Governors (like the SOB we currently have here in Florida) as possible next year.

    Jacksonville, Florida

  2. Cynthia, Johnson had to have a closed coffin. For his family’s sake, let’s hope they don’t find out every detail of what happened, but remember him as he was.

    Johnson’s wife is pregnant, too, which Kelly and Trump don’t care about as they attack.

    Trump has been busy this weekend sending out condolence letters to all deceased soldier’s familys, something that he hasn’t bothered with during the past year (with exceptions, though I don’t know what he made exceptions for).

    • And, it’s worth to notice that Obama’s policy has left DJT in a situation where he’d had only a tenth of letters to write compared to Obama’s first year in office. Not to mention Lyndon B. Johnson, who would have had 17 000 letter to write in one year only, if he’d approached every Gold Star Family.

  3. Thank you for posting this. Trump will never stop attacking her. She’s known La David Johnson since he was a boy and guided him through a mentorship program. His wife asked for her help and she’s on the job. If her work requires attacking Trump or his administration, she will not back down. What happened to La David in Niger will come to light someday, sooner than later for his family’s sake.

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