France – let them come if they dare, we’ll be there



The French are working up a head of steam doing what they do best – demonstrating against the government. The ‘Yellow Vest’ barricades at toll-booths, roundabouts and fuel depots at have been ongoing for a week or so, with two people accidentally killed and more than 530 injured, 17 seriously. It was initially a protest spurred on by social and local media, about rising fuel taxes. But it has grown into a wider rebellion against inequality and decline in living standards, stoked by anger at a political class seen as cut off from reality, and the pro-business Macron’s persistently negative image as a “president of the rich”.

They are on course for a clash with police in Paris tomorrow who insist the Champs-Elysees will be on lockdown as they march towards their desired location of the Place de la Concorde in central Paris. Macron’s personal popularity ratings have reached a new low, dipping below 30%.

His Presidency chart 14 May 2017 11.25 am has tr Neptune square the Mars through 2018 till late 2019 which always has the scent of failure about it. He has made some positive reforms in loosening labour laws and overhauling the welfare state but not enough benefits have filtered down to the proletariat.  And downsizing the staggeringly generous levels of state support was never going to go down well, even if everyone admits it needs done.

He may pick up some traction from tr Pluto trine the Presidency Taurus Sun from spring 2019 till late 2020. But it’ll be an uphill struggle.

The France 21 September 1792 3.30pm Paris chart looks on high-alert and highly-strung this December/January 2019 with tr Uranus opposing the Neptune; and bedevilled in terms of transport and communications in March with tr Uranus conjunct the 3rd house Saturn – tensions won’t die down quickly.

Macron’s Scorpio midheaven is conjunct the France Mars and square the France Uranus opposition Pluto – so he was always going to run into the French revolutionary ardour – pitchforks to the fore.

His personal chart, 21 December 1977 10.40 Amiens, has a Capricorn Ascendant which means his fortunes and his motivation will fall lower from early 2020 onwards.  Tr Uranus is square his Ascendant through this December/January 2019 so his image will be getting a shake up.  But he has boundless confidence with a Sagittarius Sun opposition Jupiter; and an emphasised Mars in Leo squaring onto Uranus opposition a Taurus Moon which gives him sticking power, if not always much common sense or subtlety.

8 thoughts on “France – let them come if they dare, we’ll be there

  1. Good afternoon Marjorie,
    I was looking at the 2020 Great Conjunction in Aquarius on 21 December 2020 at 18.20p.m., fixed for London. will square Uranus
    and I noticed that the 2000 Great Conjunction in Taurus on 28 May 2000 that it squared Uranus also.
    What will this lead to, do you think? My memory if correct, this lead to Dot Com bubble being burst in 2000.
    Thank you if you look into!

    • Michael, Uranus square Saturn has traditionally been a marker for economic instability/depression. The Dot Com bubble burst several months before the exact aspect of Uranus in Aquarius square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus. The Uranus Saturn in Pisces/Virgo opposition was around next in 2009 for another financial lurch. In 2020 tr Uranus will be just entering the UK’s 8th house (depending on house system) where it stays for several years which will be erratic and unpredictable where international and business finances are concerned. So it may start on a jolting downturn – and the addition of Jupiter could amplify whatever is going on..
      The December 2020 Solar Eclipse for London isn’t too keyed up on the angles; though it’s a tough Eclipse with the New Moon trine Mars; and Mars square the triple conjunction of Pluto Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn so will be intense, aggravated and risky. Uranus is also at the Eclipse in an out-of-sign square to Saturn.
      The June 2020 Solar Eclipse at zero Cancer is more significant for Washington, DC with Pluto close to the midheaven and conjunct Jupiter Saturn; with Uranus conjunct the Ascendant – and that could be quite destructive to reputation as well as in other areas with pushy over confidence transgressing rules and regulations and backfiring as well as hugely unsettled.

  2. Good morning Marjorie,
    The Actress Olivia Colman born 30 January 1974 in Norwich, receiving great plaudits for her role in The Favourite as Queen Anne
    and she is in the forthcoming series of The Crown playing Queen Elizabeth 2.
    What do you make of her future and does her Chart resonate with the UK Chart given her recent roles?
    Thank you of you look into.

  3. French unions don’t want to be reigned-in by the govt. I was in Paris during the sept 2010 strikes (manifestations). It was largely peacful yet somewhat humorous on reflection. If the worker bees don’t want to lose something, in spite of the absurdity of that “something” and no matter how much common good would result, the entire workforce still goes on strike.

    • Depends really what degree your Ascendant is. Though Saturn will move across it at whatever degree during 2018/19/20 and down into the First Quadrant. That’s a time to step back from an over pressured and ambitious time and rebalance life with more time for personal matters. Which of course doesn’t suit politicians who want to sit on top of Mount Olympus permanently. For us lesser mortal it’s just a time to re-organise life, take it marginally easier and step back a touch. Jupiter moving through the first in 2020 is good news, usually a confidence booster.
      Pluto moving through Capricorn 2008 to 2024 will cross your Asc as some point and it starts a hugely useful phase of several years gaining deeper self-knowledge and understanding about your place in the world in general.
      The Ascendant at a simple level is your image, how you appear to others – so you will be seen in a marginally different light with all this going on.

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