France – another devastating atrocity

Nice Truck killingsFrance ISIS syn



Encore l’horreur. Carnage in Nice on the Cote D’Azur to add to the Bataclan bombings in Paris last November, and the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish supermarket attacks in Jan 2015, as well as a tsunami of terrorist atrocities in Turkey, Baghdad, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Mogadishu, Orlando, Somalia, Pakistan, Belgium, Ivory Coast – and that’s just this year.

84 are dead in France with 18 on the critical list this morning after a local resident, a French-Tunisian, around 11 pm last night drove a truck at speed into beachside crowds watching the traditional Bastille Day firework display with their children. He was shooting as he drove, had explosives and other arms in his trick and was shot dead by police.

The Scorpio Moon was within less than a degree conjunct Mars in vengeful Scorpio; and both were moving to conjunct the France Mars MC in Scorpio in the immediate aftermath in the case of the Moon, and coming days for Mars – and oppose the destructive Fixed star Algol, which tr Mars gets to exactly around the 22nd of this month.

That would be the trigger though they are minor enough influences. What in France’s case is being activated this year is their revolutionary, aggressive and unsettled Uranus in Aquarius opposition Pluto square Mars MC in Scorpio – with tr Uranus sextile the France Pluto and trine FR Uranus through 2016 into early 2017. That’s more major than it sounds, since on country charts, soft transits act like hard.

France is more at risk than many EU countries because of large numbers of immigrants from the old North African colonies, Algeria and Tunisia, who include swathes of disenfranchised, resentful, radicalized youth, especially on the Med coast, which is also where the far-right (Le Pen) have their stronghold. It’s going to get ugly.

Spain should have a problem, but after the Madrid bombings, Azar pulled troops out of Iraq and they’ve had not had too much trouble since. Whereas France has been actively involved in Syria and elsewhere. President Hollande said this morning they would redouble their efforts to defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

What covers all three France attacks is the Saturn square Neptune and the Uranus square Pluto – paranoia and neurosis, deep uncertainty from the first; and subversive violence from the second.

Although this sounds like a lone-wolf attack with no overt connections to ISIS or radical groups, ISIS are following Al Quaeda’s strategy of franchising out their ideology to motivate localised attacks. The ISIS 2006 chart has Neptune in Aquarius opposition Saturn square Jupiter in Scorpio which sits exactly on top of France’s Uranus Pluto Mars MC T Square – so France would be a favoured target.

Neptune Saturn aspects have historically been associated with epidemics of illness (amongst other things) – and in an odd way this is like a difficult-to-diagnose-and-treat-malady. Like trying to pin down a poisonous shoal of jelly fish. Very Neptunian.

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