FARC – Colombia – trying to carve a new future



South America’s longest running war is coming to an end with Colombia’s FARC left-wing guerrillas about to hang up their guns – or at least so the theory goes, since some dissidents have refused to demilitarize.

FARC’s founding is generally put at 27 May 1964 which gives the revolutionary Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn square a Gemini Sun; with a determined, enduring Mars Mercury Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune; and those three Taurus planets trine Uranus Pluto. So elements of brutality and ruthlessness, as well as a vision. The central Mutable T Square is being hard-aspected by the tr Saturn square tr Neptune as FARC decides how to make the tricky transition from war into politics.

Though it won’t be easy as President Santos has said their illicit fortune would be seized and used to pay reparations to war victims if voters approve a peace agreement in an Oct 2 plebiscite.

President Juan Manuel Santos’ 2nd Term, 7 Aug 2014, doesn’t look that stable at the moment with a discouraging Solar Arc Mercury square Saturn; and tr Pluto moving to square Uranus in December and through 2017.

Born 10 Aug 1951, he’s a controlling Sun Pluto in Leo in a confident trine to Jupiter; square a Scorpio Moon; with an excitable Mars in Cancer on the point of a T Square to Neptune opposition Jupiter. He’s perhaps over confident this month with tr Pluto square his Jupiter, heading into confusion in early 2017; with explosive eruptions and insecurity from May 2017 onwards. He has exceptionally high risk and damaging Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn late 2017/18 as well as a deeply frustrating and dangerous Solar Arc Pluto square his focal point Mars in 2018. That may not all be the FARC issue but he’s pushing it very hard.

Colombia, 17 Dec 1819, has a tough chart to start with – Sun Uranus Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn Pluto in Pisces. Tr Saturn will be in a discouraging conjunction to the Sagittarius planets through 2017, and square Pluto Saturn; with difficult Solar Arcs to their financial Venus in 2018. The relationship chart between FARC and Colombia looks disappointing to put it mildly for a few years ahead, so it may take time to wind down decades of aggravation.

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