Eurovision is “not the arena to solve a Middle East conflict” say the organizers, valiantly trying to stave off criticism about Israel’s inclusion after its invasion of Gaza, when Russia was banned after the Ukraine incursion. Their banner “United by music” is unlikely to make an impact against a backdrop of heightened terror alerts across Europe, the Ukraine conflict and Russia’s ire about Sweden joining Nato, Eurovision 2024 looks to be the most politically contentious ever. What is worse, the location in Malmo, an international city with a young and diverse population (around a third born outside Sweden) with a strong Palestinian community is likely to throw up its own problems.
Activism and terrorism are the twin threats for locals and the 100,000 visitors, who will be entertained not just at Eurovision but in club nights and drag shows across multiple venues.
The competition kicks off at 9pm on 7 May 2024 just before the Taurus New Moon; with a divisive Uranus in the 7th house of neighbourly relations and Mars in pro-active, assertive Aries in the performing 5th house. Plus a downbeat Saturn in the 4th as well as Neptune hinting at an uncertain mood on the home territory.
With eerie syncronicity the final on 11 May occurs just as tr Uranus moves to 23 degrees Taurus to conjunct the Israel 8th house Sun.
The Sweden 6 June 1523 JC 11.30am Stockholm chart, has tr Saturn almost opposition an aggravated Mars over the song contest and just after as well as square the Midheaven (start time being accurate). Plus a handful of tough Pluto transits to midpoints but nothing too dramatic.
The Sweden 7 December 1856 3.30 pm chart is on its Nodal Half Return with the SA Pluto catching this month’s Solar Eclipse and tr Uranus connecting with the 23 Taurus SA Sun.
Relationship charts between both Sweden charts and Russia and Israel hint at some disruptions in May but more across the July/August period and beyond.
Sweden does not have its problems to seek even without a fractious Eurovision. An open-door migration policy in the past with no accompanying policy to help the newcomers integrate has led to the emergence of neighborhoods with all residents immigrants, unemployment rates are high and where the children are often not proficient in Swedish. ‘This has served as an incubator for crime, as gangs take over where society fails.’ ‘Present-day Sweden carries the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of gangland killings in Europe. It boasts the lowest average age of serious offenders, with children in their low teens being arrested for murder.’
Foreign-born citizens now account for 20 percent of the nation’s population. If this includes those born in Sweden with two foreign-born parents, the number rises to 26 percent.
Among residents aged 25-34 years, one-third presently has a foreign background, and among those aged 35-44 years, it is 38 percent.
As devastated as I was last year with our Käärijä losing due to jury vote, I’m genuinely relieved we are not in the position Sweden is right now arranging the ESC!
I’m a life long fan, and remarkably enough, the first contest I remember watching was in 1983, when my favourites were Ofra Haza singing for Israel and Carola Häggqvist for Sweden. Still love both songs, but this Spring has left a bitter feeling about Israeli participation.
But, being an “older” fan, this isn’t the first bad political decision by the EBU, not even in Malmö, and puts things in context. In 1992, the contest was held in May 9th in Malmö. Yugoslavian broadcaster was allowed to send a representative, while in war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They did move swiftly to let Croatian and Bosnian broadcasters in in months to follow, and after the war, Serbia-Montenegro only returned in 2004, but I remember being appalled.
Before pressure from the Nordic broadcasters convinced EBU to ban Russia after the attack to Ukraine, it had been allowed to attack two EBU members without any consequences for them. First, Georgia in 2008 and then Ukraine in 2014. In both cases, countries attacked withdrew for a year, Georgia by having EBU ban their song titled “We Don’t Want to Put In”, Ukraine by their own choice.
I personally would not have had anything against Israel participating either, if there was a ceasefire in Gaza, or even if the humanitarian routes were covered. That said, the Publuc Broadcaster KAN that was established by Netanyahu to replace the too leftish one in 2018, has made this a mess. They chose to defy EBU regulation banning “political” content that got Belarus banned in 2021 TWICE, and only rewrote the second song “October Rain” to “Hurricane” after President Herzog intervened.
Therefore, I think EBU made a horrible decision giving in to bullies and endangering artists and fans. KAN continues their trolling, for instance approaching artists who have publicly spoken in favour of ceasefire at “preparties”, which are now a more affordable and immediate way for fans to interact with the artists (I personally know people who now skip the main event they’ve been to a dozen or more times and prefer these parties).
Israel did not invade Gaza. Does no-one remember who started all of this on 7th October 2023? I’m not condoning what has happened since but Hamas is ultimately responsible for this war and we shouldn’t forget that.
@Sue, I agree on this, but as a citizen of a country that has been clear on a need of a ceasefire since February-March, EBU should have listened and exclude Israel when majority of contributing country governments were doing so. Especially with the attitude Israeli public broadcaster had on this.
Do non European countries like Israel routinely qualify for this? Same in European football. They are in Asia.
I think Australia is there too every year since a few years back.
@Gamal, in theory, any EBU member can participate. Public broadcasting model isn’t limited to Europe, and many broadcaster are EBU members due to program exchange. Israel has been in since the 1970”s, Turkey participated from 1970’s until 2011 (I think, anyway, there about, they withdrew due to conservative backlash on “gay” competition). Marocco participated once. Lebanon was considering participating in 2000.
I was delighted to have Australia in in 2015, because Australians already were big fans. I loved the early entries, last year Voyager was in my TOP4 (and there really were maybe 6-7 songs I liked), and I think this year the song is SERIOUSLY underrated by the fandom and will do well.
@All I just find it encouraging that the thing still exists, for those of us who never watch it, it is a a good sign of something simplistic and harmless which appears to give pleasure to many.
Because the song contest has nothing to do with Europe, it is run by the Eurovision TV network, which has been in operation since 1954, and gave its name to the contest. 75 TV broadcasters are members. Israel has been a member for decades. I’m not entirely sure how Australia qualifies under the rules; I think it’s simply that the ciontest is hugely popular there and Australia is now a major contributor to the cost of the show and so gains automatic entry to the final, with the UK, France, Italy Germany and Spain.
As an add on to the above by Marjorie. A part of the Swedish crime problems are also because of a re-organisation of the Swedish police. This was executed on january 1st 2015.
21 former police districts were united into 1 centralized police organisation. Youth crime had previosly been much a local police matter. Now the police lost the connections to the local communities, schools, social welfare workers and so on who could see and warn early on that problems were arising.
Much of the violent crime here in Sweden is gang related and to sales of drugs.