EU teetering on the brink again – IMF getting real

bog  ecb  eu


Greece is facing yet another existential crisis as the IMF warns that its debts are on an “explosive” path, despite years of attempted austerity and economic reforms. The IMF has called on the EU to provide “significant debt relief” to Greece, though Germany (and others) as per usual have ruled out any further relief before the current rescue programme expires in 2018. It could threaten the sustainability of the Eurozone with Italian politicians also openly talking of exiting the euro and returning to the lira.

The Bank of Greece chart, 7 Dec 1927, certainly looks in a panicky slide at the moment with Solar Arc Mars opposition Neptune; and tr Neptune square Saturn and Sun in Sagittarius through 2017 till late 2018.

The ECB (European Central Bank) start/EURO chart, 1 Jan 1999 12 am, is also in fair meltdown with tr Pluto square Mars, exact now and running till late 2018; with a jolting tr Uranus conjunct Saturn picking up from May; plus tr Uranus square the Mars/Saturn midpoint and the financial Venus this year as well – so all hell breaking out.

The EU chart, 31 Dec 1957 12 am, is still recovering from the Brexit shock of mid 2016 and the aftermath with the Solar Arc Moon opposition the Capricorn Sun and Solar Arc Uranus square the EU Sun a coupler of months later. It’s facing a ratchety, jolting, frustrated and enraged 2017 but its acute problems pick up in 2018 with tr Saturn hitting the chart axis as it moves into the 4th; with complete panics, devastation and rolling crises and confusion in 2019 and thereafter.

5 thoughts on “EU teetering on the brink again – IMF getting real

  1. I read in another thread that you prefer using older reunification charts for countries, but must say that using a 1957 chart based on Treaty of Rome for EU isn’t logical. Treaty of Maastricht that efficiently turned old EC to EU is so much more farfetching that these two shouldn’t be viewed as the same entity. It was, for instance, only Treaty of Maastricht that made common currency a possibility. Also, more than half of the current memberstates -all former Soviet Block countries, but Sweden and Finland before them – only joined the entity after Treaty of Maastricht. Now, what’s up to debate is whether it’s better to use the date the treaty was signed or the date it became effective, but I’ve noticed signing works better.

    Also, I’d use signing of Treaty of Amsterdam data for things related to Euro. It was signed in October 2nd, 1997. I do not have the exact time of signing, but have to say that culmination of Greek Crises corrisponded with Saturn transiting on that chart’s Venus, maybe the clearest astrological marker of a currency crises. The current Jupiter-Pluto-Uranus T Square hits Treaty of Amsterdam Moon -somewhere in mid-Libra, which is quite telling, as well.

    • Solaia, You can get yourself lost arguing about which chart makes most sense and rationality has little to do with it. All of the significant staging posts along the way will have a connection to each other. Really you have to test various charts against events and then stick to one if you can, otherwise you go round in circles.

  2. Hello,

    You wrote “2018 with tr Saturn hitting the chart axis as it moves into the 4th; with complete panics, devastation and rolling crises ”

    Can Saturn conj. IC also have some positive outcome?

    • Brostri, On an individual chart tr Saturn into the 4th tends to have two consequences. One is that domestic reorganisation takes place or even a house move, and emotional tensions in the family need to be address. The other is a move out of a low profile phase work-wise with a subsequent step up.
      On mundane charts to tends to focus on domestic tensions within the country.

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