The EU will struggle mightily against headwinds in the coming year which won’t ease thereafter financially or otherwise with the years running into late decade being equally fraught.
At present the Midheaven and Ascendant being final degree Gemini and Virgo respectively will have the undermining tr Neptune in hard aspect throughout 2025 bringing indecision over direction and image with confusion rife. The Solar Arc Pluto will oppose the EU 8th house Moon and square Uranus over the next few months for a deadlocked phase with heavy economic challenges. It won’t ease up in 2026 either with tr Pluto starting the square the 2nd house Neptune for financial devastation and confusion – and scandals, which may emerge sooner as tr Pluto squares the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint through this coming year.
In 2026 tr Uranus will start to square the EU 12th house Pluto for upheavals and turmoil – with more dark secrets emerging and a loss of control – and that extends on to 2028 with tr Uranus opposition the EU Mars for jolts, jangles and high insecurity. By 2029 tr Pluto will oppose the 8th house Moon and square Uranus for an almighty upheaval – which could see a split or a collapse. The 2004 enlargement countries, mainly eastern European, could well move away.
The Maastricht Treaty chart, 1 November 1993, is pointing to major ruptures, fractures and bitter arguments through this year with tr Uranus square the Saturn and opposition Mars Pluto till mid 2025. 2028/2029 also look critical years of momentous change and challenges.
The European Central Bank, 3 April 1973, is showing a discouraging mood through 2026, and much worse in 2028/29.
The Euro, 1 January 1999 chart is suffering under tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune throughout this year; with blockages and immense pressures in 2029/30.
Ursula van der Leyen, 8 October 1958, Brussels, Belgium in for a second term as president will face muddle and mayhem this coming year with tr Pluto square her Neptune and similar continuing on thereafter. Her worst year will be 2026 with tr Uranus in a tumultuous and high-risk conjunction to her Mars in Gemini and square her Pluto, rattling even her iron self-control.
The euro is already sagging against the dollar and the imponderable is what effect Trump will have given his America-first approach to trade and the likelihood of him unsettling global economic stability with increasing debt, rising inflation etc. His relationship chart with the EU will be undermined right through his next term with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the composite Sun and opposition Mercury and later Saturn.
Relocating his chart to Brussels puts Pluto on the Midheaven. According to Jim Lewis this is the ‘Looking out for Number One’ placing. Power struggles are inevitable and can often backfire. It will trigger his (one of many) obsessive streaks.
Add On: World Economic Forum. 24 January 1971, is an international advocacy non-governmental organization and think tank, with a mission statement about “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. Its annual Davos meetings for investors, business leaders, political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists and its practices have attracted criticism from anti-globalization campaigners and others.
The WEF is in for a poleaxing amount of pressure from this year and on to 2027. The early Aquarius Sun is in the line of fire of the tr Pluto conjunction in 2026/27. Tr Uranus into Gemini will oppose its Mars, Jupiter, Neptune from mid 2025 onwards for a highly unsettled two years. And tr Neptune is opposing its final degree Virgo Pluto throughout 2025 with the Eclipses adding their challenging crises as well and perhaps eroding its influence.
The relationship chart with the EU points to 2026/27 being years of high stress as tr Uranus will square the composite Saturn and oppose the Mars.
Well, it seems Trump REALLY wants to annex Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark, founding member of NATO and one of the EU-12. Jr is currently there “negotiating”, although it isn’t clear with who, since the Governor/PM Múte Bourup Egede, a Socialist Independentist won’t receive him.
Astrology works, but some times in the most incredible and, to be frank, stupid ways. It’s hard to overstate how much having a complete loose cannon, advised by other loose cannons, as POTUS will affect everything. There are already calls for consolidating European collaboration from different quarters. And I think this will ultimately bind Europeans – we have our differences, but there isn’t a significative party in Austria demanding annexing Südtirol/Alto Adige, or in Sweden viewing for Aland (although some Finns would be ok with ceding the region to Sweden), because we are allies.
Enough money always talks…there are barely nations left anymore just ‘leaders of sorts of regions-ish’ and they can all be bought by the deepest pockets.
He is making loud noises about using military force to take what he wants. Methinks he has been watching too many reruns of Putin the Great on television. Will he also forcefully absorb Canada, as well, and forbid/ban la langue Quebequoise?
Silly man.
This all fits with the far right and fascists (aka’populism’) in the ascendancy in many EU countries unfortunately. Courage and honesty will be needed to square up to this Uranus/Pluto threat. It’s as if the 1930s never happened.
Great write up Marjorie, really, and spot on re the East pulling away-might happen very much sooner under a Trump presidency.
Marjorie, How does the EU chart line up against the World Economic Forum astrologically?
Why should there be a crossover between them?
How to explain? My thinking is along the lines of intervention during the great degree of political uncertainty and change in the EU. Germany and France may no longer be the leading lights; there is the direction of travel of right-wing politics in more member countries. The WEF is supposed to be neutral and independent and I wondered what their reactions would be to the possibility of challenge to agreed policies like Agenda 30 (UN and WEF) if member states suddenly opted out and whether the astrology would indicate something of this. It’s more a niggling curiosity really.