The charismatic New York mayor Eric Adams is facing a federal indictment on bribery and fraud charges bribery and soliciting illegal campaign contributions from Turkish businessmen. In typically ebullient form he has been comparing himself to Job, the biblical figure who must endure various plagues. And relates a tale from his rough childhood where his mother tells him ‘You are going to find yourself in dark places. It’s not a burial, it’s a planting’.
Full marks for brass neck, zero for competence and integrity. The Washington Post remarks: “The scandal is that, in a city of 8.3 million people, this clown was somehow the best we had to offer.”
Eric Adams, 1 September 1960, New York, grew up in a rat infested tenement with a single mother, joined a gang then transferred to the police and after rising up the ranks became a politician with a pledge to bring down crime. He is a Sun conjunct Pluto, Mercury in Virgo sextile Neptune and trine Saturn in Capricorn – determined, controlling, used to tough conditions; with Mars in chatty Gemini in an overly confident, can-be-opportunistic opposition to Jupiter square an indulgent Venus in Virgo.
He took over as Mayor on 1 January 2022 – and if we assume at midnight then the approaching Libra Solar Eclipse is conjunct the Ascendant for an image crisis and the Solar Arc Venus has moved to close the conjunction to Pluto to exact which has overtones of indulgence and financial manipulation.
The New York chart, 1 January 1898, if a 12 am start also has a Libra Ascendant catching the Solar Eclipse. Notably in addition it has tr Neptune square the Mars Venus in Sagittarius through this year up to early this month, and again on and off through 2025 till January 2026. This will bring disappointment, a sense of failure, a definite enthusiasm-dent. 2025 sees tr Saturn square the NY Neptune and then Mars Venus, again on and off till early 2026 which will bring uncertainty and aggravation. Plus tr Uranus will be opposing the NY Uranus from mid 2025 – for an important staging post on the city’s path. Stop for a rethink.
Adams’ relationship chart with New York is locked together and a mix of great affection with overtones of less desirable traits of power and control. There is a composite friendly and indulgent Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunction; with Jupiter North Node trine Pluto trine Mars. And a yod of Pluto sextile South Node in Taurus inconjunct Saturn – such a yod demands self-discipline and sticking-to-the-rules to work well. Otherwise it becomes self-defeating. The composite unaspected Uranus will be triggered by the Solar Eclipse in conjunction – liberation and disruption – as they presumably part ways.
Adams’ personal chart is showing a massive shock now with his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Uranus; disappointment and loss from tr Neptune opposition his Venus; and tr Saturn square his Mars, Jupiter, Venus T Square now till early 2026. With panic and uncertainty in 2026 from SA Neptune conjunct his Saturn.
An Israeli lady I stayed with on the Upper East Side last year told me that New York was a disaster and met the best mayor was Giuliani! Of all the horrors! I do believe it was mayor Koch that put into place changing 8th avenue and improving it and it was when he was out of office and it appears that Giuliani is getting all the credit for it. She also lived in Israel for a while and said that you never want to mess with the Hasidic Jews because they will kill you! There’s a Lebanese restaurant next door to her place and it stays open until 3:00 a.m. and she said that the sweetest loveliest people she’s ever met. I’ve also had long conversations with people that were homeless when visiting Central Park that told me they were never so embarrassed about their City, especially the subway station at 125th Street and Lexington in Harlem. I wish I knew astrology better, or knew of a good astrology teacher, so I could share better, with more astrological insights. Thank you
I think was widely known in NYC Adams would be bad, and all parties should ask themselves the question my new boss asks us when something doesn’t go as planned: “What did we learn from this?”
But obviously, New Yorkers are likely the most jaded people in the planet, and are mainly looking forward to the inevitable SNL sketch with who ever plays Adams listing all the cities of the World being New York of that country. Which would, given the how New York has grown through immigration, make sense the other way around, for instance “New York is Athens of the US”, but not the other way around, because Lima, for instance, is definitely not like New York and it’s actually offensive to both parties this way.
@ Christ Romero, I remember the last election cycle, and how New Yorkers seemed to know Adams would be a disaster. Especially one of my favourite follows in “old” Twitter, Molly Jong-Fast. She was, of course, a staunch Maya Wiley supporter, but being the kind of “Nepo Baby” I can stand behind – someone who has been exposed to certain conversations, and is observant enough to take note-, she definitely knew why and how Adams would be bad.
It’s women time now. Match the female Governor with a female Mayor(which would be another first). I nominate Letitia James.
Hillary’s time has passed!
To paraphrase a quote from somebody I can’t remember who, on being Mayor of New York: ‘If you can’t get somebody to bribe you, then you are not doing the job right.’
Here’s the link without quote marks…….https://ibb.co/7K5LRhz……use magnifier.
Without quote marks we can open the link.
Will try again…………’https://ibb.co/7K5LRhz’
Marjorie ….if i use quotation marks I don’t think the URL will open.
Does it open?
Here is Adams’ indictment biwheel….8th House, other people’s money, strong.
One of the comments below mentioned that Hillary Clinton should run for NYC mayor. That’s a really good idea. Also, Kier Starmer said sausages should be released instead of hostages in relation to the middle east crisis. That’s not very statesmanlike. Will he hold on to the job or will he have to resign? Already so many things are being exposed such as rich businessmen gifting his kids’ accommodation and gifting his wife designer clothes.
Isn’t Keir a sun/Pluto is something affecting them all ?
No idea. But both their sun at 9 degree Virgo. Recent Neptune at 28 Pisces, Pluto at 29 Capricorn. Adam’s Pluto will made a 144 degree aspect with transiting Pluto. Starmer’s Pluto at 5 Virgo, transiting Pluto will quincunx it.
Sorry. The quincunx is calculated wrongly. Orb is too wide. It is 140 degree apart.
Adams’ North Node (135) transit Neptune.
Sigh….and to think, I used to support Eric Adams. I really wish Hillary Clinton would run for Mayor in New York City (many New Yorkers were urging her to do a few years ago); I think she would win there quite easily. It’s about time that city had a Mayor who was competent and capable of doing their job. Their last few mayors (now including Eric Adams) have been total failures.
Eric Adams should step down for the good of the people. He says he won’t though.
But, Chris, why would Hillary want to take on a messine New York City? The desire and motivation have to be present. Also, I believe she lives outside the city jurisdiction.