Emma Chambers – a sensitive Pisces



English actress Emma Chambers, best known for playing oddball roles in Nottinghill and The Vicar of Dibley, has died aged 53 from natural causes. She suffered from asthma and serious allergies.

Born 11 March 1964, she was a Sun, Mercury, Mars in Pisces trine filmic Neptune; with her Mars in a high-tension opposition to Pluto (Uranus) in Virgo. Her Venus in Taurus was also trine Pluto Uranus, so a lively spark. Her Moon was in maverick Aquarius and she had an upfront, go-ahead Jupiter in Aries. Tr Pluto had been making heavy weather conjunct her confusing Sun/Neptune conjunction in January; with tr Neptune making a tranche of hard aspects this year, some last year, some up and coming – to her Pluto, square her Mars/Pluto and Sun/Uranus, conjunct her Mars. Not an easy time.

3 thoughts on “Emma Chambers – a sensitive Pisces

  1. Far from being an expert and among other things, could the recent eclipse conjunct her Saturn play a part in this suddenness? It just stood out to me when looking at her chart.

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