Elon Musk, always regarded as an off-beat, contrarian genius, has decided to ‘rebrand himself lord of misrule’ in the words of one commentator. ‘Until now, we’ve never watched a plutocrat go full Bond villain, cackling from his lair as he spreads discord and fear.’ He is pro-Trump, has spread a deep-fake video of Kamala Harris, posted inflammatory posts about the far-right riots in the UK. “Civil war is inevitable,” he posted on X, and has engaged with Tommy Robinson, boosting the visibility of the founder of a British far-right group, and posted fake news from the co-leader of another, Britain First.
Now he has declared war on advertisers who have retreated from X/Twitter because of questionable online material along with a goodly chunk of users. Even Tesla appears to be feeling the knock-on effect of his unpopularity. Bumper stickers are available for purchase online featuring slogans such as: “I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy.”
His daughter Vivian coming out as transgender and changing her name, declaring that she no longer wanted to “be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form”, has also caused a Musk explosion as he declared his son “is dead, killed by the woke mind virus”.
He was born 28 June 1971 7.30am (biography) in Pretoria, South Africa, a week before Julian Assange. That gives him a Cancer Sun Mercury square Uranus. If his birth time is accurate, Jupiter Neptune is in his 5th house of creativity and children opposition Saturn in Gemini – he has 12 offspring at last count; Jupiter Neptune can be scandal-prone due to instability; and opposition Saturn will give mood swings from high to low as well as a neurotic temperament. He also has a deeply buried 8th house Mars and North Node in Aquarius trine a 12th house Venus which also suggests a fair number of inner demons and subconscious anger driving him.
His 8th house North Node and Mars was rattled by tr Uranus square around the time he bought twitter; and Uranus was also starting to tug at his Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn. His Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Jupiter three years ago, moving on to conjunct his Neptune this year and oppose his Saturn in 2025. Which is a good deal of highly-strung pressure being put on an already unstable opposition. And as if that was not enough tr Uranus moving into Gemini will oppose his Neptune and conjunct his Saturn in 2025/26 – so his misjudgements and over-reactions are only likely to increase.
Plus his yod of Pluto sextile Jupiter Neptune inconjunct Midheaven has moved by Solar Arc direction to focus its energy on his 12th house Venus in Gemini – bringing more emotional flare-ups. The second half of this decade will not ben kind to him since in addition to the above, tr Neptune Saturn in Aries will square his Sun and oppose his Uranus.
He has described his father Errol Musk as “evil” and “a terrible human being”, but they seem in agreement over their political views. Errol is a Sun Gemini which is conjunct Elon’s Saturn and opposition his Neptune so a cold and uncertain chemistry between them. With Errol’s ferociously determined and dominating Mars Pluto in Leo conjunct Elon’s South Node; and his Neptune square Errol’s Sun.
It is a trait that appears to have come down the family line with Vivien Jenna Wilson, Elon’s now estranged daughter, 15 April 2004, having a prominent Mars opposition Pluto, hinting at a controlling father.
ADD ON: 13 August. The tecno-challenged interview between Musk and Trump yesterday was described by a commentator (after Oscar Wilde) “as the incoherent in full pursuit of the unendurable.” “ A display of two planet-sized egos, toxic masculinity and breathtaking mendacity. More surprisingly it was also dull.” “If Trump doesn’t win the election, and if Musk doesn’t become the emperor of the universe, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
Their relationship chart has a cool, workmanlike composite Sun Saturn in Gemini – which is being undermined throughout this year and in particular over the election from mid October to early February 2025 by tr Neptune in square to the Sun and Saturn. This coincides with tr Neptune opposition Musk’s Pluto undermining his power and influence. Musk will not, naturally, be down and out but will bounce back with yet another initiative in early 2025 – but in terms of Trump it does look less than celebratory.
It’s odd that most of his children were conceived through IVF or born to surrogates. However that explains the triplets and twins. It there anything in his chart that might indicate this “hands off” style parenting or if it’s an attempt to do some genetic engineering?
Musk with his newly purchased hair always remind me of Frankie Howerd.
Just goes to show money can’t buy class or style. At least, Frankie was very funny.
Twitter not !
Interesting how he said his son was killed by the woke mind virus. But, for someone who thinks of themselves as full of power, why not take some of the responsibility for the problems in the relationship? Relationship 101 stuff. Blaming seems like a victim mentality. Maybe Pisces Moon in part why.
At least he didin;t claim to have a worm eat part of his brain…Only in America.
Haha. That’s a plus!
I am not commenting on Musk’s comments about his child. Yet I have seen a father of a transgender child, find it very difficult to see their child change gender. They still loved them. Yet they were part of a creation of one sex and now find themselves being told they can no longer see their child as that sex. No one gives them any understanding or recognition on how difficult that is.
Parents should live their children unconditionally.
If a parent has a problem with how their child turned out it is probably from ego (narcissist) or worrying about what other people think.
It is not about unconditional love. It is about grieving. Surely all should have empathy and understanding?
Even parents who completely and unconditionally love their children can have some difficulty with it, it’s a multi-layered adjustment that is potentially challenging on many fronts. Parents are programmed to fear for their children’s long-term happiness, safety and fulfillment. I could just as easily say that parents who DON’T love their children unconditionally will eagerly embrace it because they are narcissists who care more for the present zeitgeist and the reflected attention of their child’s actions, rather than the hard work of deeply considering the self-awareness of all concerned and the consequences of that choice. See how dangerously easy it is to make blanket statements? Until we ourselves have had a child who has asked for this at an undeveloped age, we should resist judging others who are in that position. As far as Musk goes, his caustic reaction could speak to hurt, fear and a confused anger, which is ironic considering he himself owns an influencing channel, but he is also Aspergers so that may have some bearing on how he processes emotions. It’s likely that Vivian and Elon’s story has much further to go, and in public at that. I wish them both well because there seems a lot of hurt there.
I believe there are legitimate trans people (I have them ans friends) and I’m also convinced there is a woke mind virus that is dementing younger minds into transitioning for attention. Oddly, these young people I have encountered all have a narcissistic parent or a parent with Münchausen syndrome. The legitimate trans people I have encountered in my life take a very long time to come to terms with their identity, sometimes even into their 30s and 40s. I see far too many teenagers throwing tantrums and threatening suicide if they don’t get their surgeries. The frontal lobe of the brain isn’t fully developed until 26. It’s immoral to do these surgeries on teenagers. These sudden trans tantrums are more like a bad case of affluenza. Too much money, time and social media and not enough real love and nuturing at home.
The point is loss. It is not only about the transgender, they have families who have to adjust as well. “No man/women/transgender is an island”. I was merely making the point that some parents are grieving for the lost gender child they loved. It is a huge change; all should be considered. The parent I know has only love for their child, yet I hear their grief and heartache as they unburden their loss. They perfectly understand the situation and accept it, yet they have lost their daughter who changed to a man, it is difficult to erase all their memories. I am just putting their point of view over. They are part of our as well. Nothing is one- sided in this world.
Musk needs to set his massive ego aside and admit for once that he doesn’t have all the answers. This seems more about what he perceives as an affront to his dignity by the specter of “wokeness” than genuine concern for the well being and mental/emotional health of his child.
There are indeed some positive models for fathers out there who have transgender children. Former Basketball star Dwyane Wade for one, who has been openly supportive of his transgender daughter and transgender children in general.
Keep in mind that he has Asbergers (and readily admits to it). Processing emotions is difficult and can result in angry outbursts.
It seems a lot of people in the tech world are on the spectrum, as a benefit is the ability to focus on one particular area.
I don’t know if Marjorie has done Theil’s chart — I’ll have to do a search, but he’s always been a strange one.
Theil apparently learned about mortality from his father at the age of 3 and was so shaken by it that everything he’s done since has been about finding a way to become immortal, to the point of investigating some of the Nazis rumored experiments. And he’s in JD Vance’s ear on many things. Unsettling to say the least.
Musk has always struck me as being a Lex Luther character – the evil genius that will do anything to get what he wants.
Lex Luther is a great character and far more interesting than Superman or his alter-ego Clark Kent. But unfortunately Elon Musk isn’t a fictional character.
I noticed that also. They sound delighted with him and I feel repulsed by him
The U.K. PM Keir Starmer’s Sun/Pluto midpoint is conjunct Musk’s Moon in Virgo. No surprise that Starmer reacted to Musk, as it touched a personal nerve with his authority. A quick calculation makes Musk’s Mercury/Uranus midpoint in Leo square his Jupiter in Scorpio. A combination of a deep thinker with an inquisitive inventive mind. Uranus is the planet the spins the opposite way to the rest of the planets. He was never going to be a conventional thinker. This is what gives him an impetus to do unusual things. Uranus is the focal planet, as both Mercury and Jupiter are in water. His mind is able to anchor his emotions through creativity, along with Saturn in Gemini grounding him and enabling to give form. He is not the conventional student, yet he has produce creations for the beginning of the Aquarian age.
Would Mars square Pluto really be a controlling father? Is Venus/Pluto a controlling mother? I would say MarsPluto is excessive energy. One of the first books of astrology I read said Mars/Pluto in females can be a rape indicator and the antidote is to encourage daughters to participate in sports to get the energy away from chances of rape. Would that energy include sons who decided to become daughters? My niece has Mars Square Pluto and she first did competitive swimming, then competitive bike racing and now in her 40’s does competitive long distance running. Her father is gay and lives with AIDS and parents divorced when she was 12. Her dad is not controlling but is more and more absent as he’s gotten older. I’d say Sun Pluto and Moon Pluto are more the controlling parent aspects.
I think I’d describe Mars/Pluto as being a powerhouse of energy which he seems to be, can’t say if his trans daughter also is.
Pluto in aspect to Mars or the Sun links father to control. Sometimes it plays out as a control-freak father and sometimes the exact opposite – a father who is outwith the child’s control either because he dies, moves away or because of other circumstances. A Mars Pluto father at its most extreme ties father in with death because the child fears his ruthlessness which has the potential to destroy them. It can in turn engender a do-or-die determined trait in the adult child who will push themselves up to the limit and beyond. Often people who work in crisis situations have Mars Pluto since they have walked through the fire early on and survived and can handle high-risk situations better than most.
Also on this birth time Musk has his Moon square his Mars/Pluto midpoint and his Mars opposition his demagogic Mercury/Pluto midpoint. He is not exactly sweetness and light.
Thanks Marjorie, that was very helpful, my niece does push herself above and beyond and is very successful herself. I would imagine Musk wouldn’t have gotten as far as he has if he were all sweetness and light but being female, she hides the toughness though it has come out when she’s had bike accidents such as when a car hit her. Interestingly, her brother works for Musk and has Mars sextile his Sun. He is quietly strong and did suffer when his parents divorced and he wasn’t told why as he was only 7.
My daughter has a Mars oppose Pluto aspect in her chart in the 5-11 house axis. This always scared me as what it can mean. My husband is not disciplinary at all, and I thought perhaps she will be the subject of some sort of violence later in life. Unfortunately, she is not into sports, as it could have been good to learn self-defense.
I have Mars Scorpio and I can relate somewhat to Mars/Pluto women I have encountered. No rape here thank God but I was very sexual before 45-ish and have (for now) rather remarkable physical energy and stamina so much so that, I do manual labor for a living and still need uphill cardio every day after work just to feel balanced. I worked also as a professional model and people are confused as to why I do manual labor when I “look like I should be married to a rich guy”. I was confused too until I started studying astrology! Haha
Mars/Pluto -Scorpio seems like relentless power. Blessing and a curse!
That’s interesting. I have the sextile and did encounter sexual violence as a teenager. I was never sporty or taught about boundaries – my Mars is conjunct Neptune. Brought up by my well-intentioned mother to put others first and be kind to everyone and to say sorry first = recipe for disaster. My Scorpio Mars has however given me immense stamina and despite being a languid Libran, I am physically strong.
I find him interesting and no herd mentality
me too.
Musk is a just another in the long line of wealthy jerks who feel as if their opinions matter more than others.
Wrong? Goodness me. How nice of you to correct us with your opinion, Roderick.
Amazingly we are all allowed our opinions. Did you enjoy telling two women that they were ‘wrong’?
Hypothetical questions corner.
Does a contrary opinion voiced by a man to a woman become misogynistic by default?
Also, if Musk informs advertisers to “go f**k themselves” (NYT DealBook Conference, November 2023), and they comply, does he have realistic grounds to issue proceedings?
Mercury in Capricorn seeks clarity.
hahahaha 🙂
Like your way
Me too!
Fantastic, JB!
Great, JB!
I find him loathsome; the man totally creeps me out.
It troubles me that someone like him can amass so much power and, rather than use his great creativity and wealth to benefit the world, he turns instead to evil. He reminds me of an authoritarian barbaric warlord in his greed and lust for power.
There’s no way in hell I’d ever buy a Tesla or willingly put an extra penny in his pocket. I suspect many others feel that way. (Apologies for lack of astrological references.)
Whether male or female or any point in-between, a person who states others are “wrong”, when opinions and not facts are the issue is arrogant and rude. Just my opinion.
I agree with Roderick’s opinion, even if his communication style could be more subtle but it is clearly a strongly held opinion rather than a dismissal of women’s views IMO! I see Musk as one of those brats who likes to bait people just to see who bites and how far they will run with it. In Starmer he has found a willing participant in his game. Like Trump, Musk hates to be ignored and the less attention he gets the more ‘radical’ he becomes. He is teaching us about the importance of boundaries, both personal and public.
As the astrology shows, he needs to understand the consequences of his actions. He expects more maturity of his daughter than he does of himself. I also fail to see how fathering 12 children and then essentially abandonning them promotes the values of family life. Just a bloke following his dick… and to hell with the consequences.
It’s a shame really, as his work with a woman chief engineer at SpaceX has been extraordinary in advancing that field of endeavour. I don’t understand why SpaceX has not been called in to rescue the stranded astronauts, presumably he is holding NASA and the US government to ransom.
Sun Uranus can be a provocateur and a disrupter, liking anarchy and chaos for its own sake. lawless and defiant.
That sounds like him.
I have a tight sun conjunct uranus conjunction in Libra. It’s always baffled me as, short of being a rebellious teen, I’m happy with a book and an early night. I lean towards pessimism and depression if I’m not in balance. I’ve often wondered if it works at bit like Sun/Saturn. My daughter has a tight Sun/Saturn conjunction also in Libra.
Well said, Suhu. I think there’s a ton of rage in him, which is why he’s drawn to other angry, extreme men like Trump and has allowed agitators like Yaxley-Lemon and others back on his platform. A fixed, Aquarian ultra-stubborn Mars in the 8th tells me that extreme rage goes back through his male/paternal ancestral line.
Eventually he will go too far and have his reckoning.
@SuHu, actually SpaceX HAS been called in to rescue the two stranded astronauts. They’re adapting a capsule that’s been used to transport cargo previously to carry humans. It won’t be ready for a few months.
Despite my (well-justified) disdain for Musk and his antics (and I believe several of you here have characterized him well), I have great respect for SpaceX’s accomplishments. I gather from NASA head Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and US senator, Musk is pretty much a hands-off owner in this case, allowing the woman who runs it autonomy from his interference.
“…SpaceX HAS been called in to rescue the two stranded astronauts. They’re adapting a capsule that’s been used to transport cargo previously to carry humans. It won’t be ready for a few months.”
Do the 2 astronauts need to buy air from Musk for the flight home?
At least, don;t need to worry abt sitting next to a Boeing door plug.
That’s positive Nicole. Thanks for the update.
Not sure how you know how he feels. Just because you don’t like him, don’t assume you know what he thinks.
I should point out that Elon Musk has not gone to war with advertisers, it was an advertising agency which went to war with Elon Musk. Within days days of placing his lawsuit the advertising agency collapsed. He may talk rubbish about a faraway country about which he knows little but all that means that outside of their spheres of specialization even geniuses are no more informed than any other layperson.
As for further difficulties all of the overvalued social media stocks are in an overvalued bubble and it has to burst sometime soon. Likewise with the electric car scam.
As for his attitudes to his underage teenage children not being able to give informed consent to one-way life changing procedures which will make them dependent on drugs (profitable for some) for the rest of their lives I am prepared to give Elon Musk the benefit of the doubt. The Tavistock Clinic had its teenage mutilation department closed down for a reason.
Yes, absolutely. If adults want to change sexes, that’s their business, but children are a different matter completely. Their brains aren’t fully formed yet and we can all remember stupid decisions we made when we were young. Also “experts” telling the parent the child will commit suicide if not allowed is coercive and wrong.
Personally I’m wary of believing news stories about Elon Musk. Newspapers and their moguls are going to view him as their enemy, he threatens their power to influence the general public, and free speech on X undermines their preferred narratives. They depict him in as negative a way as the law allows.
If he was a “dark force” I would expect to see aspects between Mars, Uranus and Pluto and there are none apart from one bi-quintile. Unlike Rupert Murdoch for example, who has Mars conjunct Pluto square Uranus.
@Claire D.,
Musk is definitely using misinformation to stoke the race riots in the U.K.
And I have no idea why any rich person would be threatened by Musk’s supposed business acumen since he has ruined Twitter since he purchased it, and his support of right-wing politicians like Trump is at odds with the politics of his Tesla customers.
The thing that bothers me about Elon is he is putting his fingers on the scales of the election. He is very smart technically – but should stay out of politics. He and Peter Thiel are pursuing policies that I don’t think are good for the country.
Some other powerful people with “dark force” aspects which Elon Musk does not have:
Keir Starmer with Sun conjunct both Pluto and Uranus sextile Mars.
George Soros, Pluto semi-sextile Mars square Uranus.
Victor Orban, Pluto conjunct Mars and Uranus.
Oh I don’t know. Mars in Aquarius in the 8th (Scorpio’s natural home) will have its moments.
No doubt, especially when it’s conjunct the North Node.
Mind you Marjorie, sorry to be awkward, but for me using Whole-sign house division as I do, Elon’s Mars is in his 7th house not his 8th, so Libran rather than Scorpionic.
It would explain his obstreperous competitiveness in business
Hmm, Claire D. We don’t need astrology for this: Musk’s actions speak for themselves. if he looks like a pr*ck and acts like a pr*ck, you know, perhaps he is….
Gad Saad, was the scholar who wrote “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense” which Elon was referencing for his son.
Saad’s experience as a refugee from Lebanon and his time in Canadian academia might be interesting to explore further.
It sounds as if that book’s title could apply to Elon himself.
My problem with Elon would be the ties to Jeffrey Epstein (photographed at Epstein’s parties) ,and the child abuse and pornography he allows on Twitter. Oh, also Diddy is involved financially with him, by being one of his backers when he needed financing Just selfish and amoral, imo
He’s getting rather excited and seems to be inciting far right violence or some kind of insurrection in the UK whilst he watches on from afar…. He’s taken a real dislike to Starmer – Musk’s Sun is conjunct Starmer’s Mars, his Moon is conjunct Starmer’s Sun Pluto conjunction in Virgo. He’s more or less exposed himself as racist on a public platform. Dualistic Mercury rising in clannish Cancer.
Also, not sure if this is the darker face of Cancer, but he’s obsessed with making lots of white babies with lots of different women as he fears that the demise of the nuclear family will lead to the fall of Western Civilisation. He shares this view with a number of other right-wing angry men. Funnily enough, not every woman wants to stay at home and churn out babies for the fatherland and consider his breeding kink mega creepy.
VF: is it that he is so afraid of losing something? Or acquiring something he was never born with?
He has Sun in Cancer – family and home – sextile his Moon in Virgo – a critical mind.
I suspect it has something to do with his Pluto sextile Neptune. I have been looking at my own Pluto sextile Neptune and sort of concluded that the social issue we tend to push for better or worst have to do with the midpoint and house. Elon Pluto/neptune midpoint is in 4th house (family). So he believes in increasing the family sizes by having more children.
Am I correct that he has Sirius rising? 13 Cancer? Maybe that’s why he’s so obsessed with space.