Ellen Degeneres – the shine wearing off



The once hugely popular Ellen DeGeneres Show, running since 2003, is sagging with falling ratings and is now under investigation following accounts of a ‘toxic’ and ‘bullying’ workplace culture, with allegations aimed at three producers. Ellen’s philosophy is ‘be kind to one another’ and she hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing herself. Though she did appear to generate a diva-like atmosphere with staff walking on eggshells in her presence.

She was born 26 January 1958 in Metairie, LA – with a revised birth time of 8.43am (from memory). She has a friendly Sun Venus in Aquarius in a rebellious and uncompromising opposition to Uranus squaring onto a sugary-sweet, head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune. The other significant chunk of her chart is less covered in syrup with a short-tempered Mars Saturn in Sagittarius in a volatile trine to an Aries Moon on one side and in a frustrated and high-tension trine to Pluto on the other.

Tr Uranus is rattling up her Fixed T Square having been opposition her Jupiter Neptune last year and is now in square to her Sun, Venus and Uranus. It will be a disruptive time, shaking up her ambitions and peeling back some of the veneer of ‘niceness’.

More tricky is tr Neptune at present undermining four of her midpoints; and worse by late April 2021 moving to square her Saturn and then the disaster-prone Mars/Saturn midpoint before squaring her Mars in 2023 – and that will produce a mood of high-anxiety, uncertainty, panicky-failure.  If the birth time is accurate, she also has her Solar Arc Moon opposing her Saturn now and then her Mars in 2022 which will be aggravating in the extreme, perhaps affecting her domestic life.

Her wife Portia Di Rossi, 31 January 1973 3am Geelong, Australia, is another Sun Aquarius with a Sagittarius Moon and Mars in Sagittarius opposition Saturn – both reasonably similar temperaments.

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