Edward Snowden – the cost of making a difference



Edward Snowden, still stuck in Moscow, has given an interview to the Financial Times in which he criticizes Russia’s stance on human rights and hacking, as well as offering up a faint prayer for a pardon from President Obama as he exits. Snowden’s leaking of NSA classified material in 2013 about global surveillance by intelligence agencies attracted both vociferous condemnation and admiring praise; and his actions have certainly had an effect, not just in government policy in the US and beyond, but also across the social media world.

Born 21 June 1983 4.42am Elizabeth City, North Carolina (BCert) he’s a Sun, North Node, Mars in Gemini in his 1st opposition a 7th house Neptune; and trine Saturn Pluto in Libra in his 5th and trine an Aquarius Midheaven – so do-or-die determined, has courage, grit, a ruthless streak to drive his vision. The Neptune Pluto in aspect to his Sun will lend power to his vision, can be a touch megalomaniac, but arguably also gives him the arrogance/strength of character to take on the big boys. His adventurous Uranus Jupiter in Sagittarius opposes his Mercury in Gemini. He’s quite Mutable with three Gemini and three Sagittarius planets so excitable, high-wire. Though balanced out by a Fixed Scorpio Moon and that key Saturn Pluto, which in old astrology books was sometimes associated with the black magician.

Tr Pluto moved into his 8th house in late 2012 and stays there until 2023 which can be trapped and hidden. He has tr Jupiter now on the cusp of his 5th so more outgoing for the next year. There may be a slight, positive change of direction when tr Uranus sextiles his MC for the final time in December/January; and his Progressed Moon is due to move out of his stuck 8th in a couple of months’ time, so he should feel less restricted. His Solar Return set for Moscow from June 2016 for a year ahead is much more visible with Sun Venus Mercury in the 10th and Jupiter on the Ascendant, though looking less cheerful about his home base and relationships with Saturn in the 4th and Neptune on the Descendant.

On the other hand, really bad news is his Solar Arc Mars moving to square his Pluto, exact in six months and square Saturn in 18 months’ time, both of which are high-risk, blocked and scary; with a tricky tr Uranus opposition Pluto Saturn from mid 2017 which will bring a considerable upheaval. Plus tr Saturn opposing his Mars Sun, conjunct Neptune through 2017. So not easy whatever happens.

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