Doug Ford, the Ontario premier, is coping with the pandemic as well as might be expected which is not at all. The situation there is chaotic, with infection rates rising and incomprehensible edicts being tossed around. As the Washington Post remarks he is deflecting blame and losing the plot. ‘Ford was never fit to be premier of Ontario. The pandemic didn’t reveal that; it just bathed it in the garish light of emergency. Both before his time in provincial politics and since, he has shown no distinction other than his extraordinary capacity to alienate, divide and fail. And the failures are many and epic.’
Born November 20 1964, he has an immoveable and impervious to advice Fixed T square of a Scorpio Sun and Neptune opposition Jupiter in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. A focal point Saturn dislikes sharing the driving seat and is wilfully resistant to outside pressure. Jupiter opposition Neptune is a Boris Johnson marker – head-in-the-clouds, unreliable, impractical, fuelled by arrogance, likely to land themselves in scandals caused by their own instability.
Ford also has a volatile, loathes-interference Mars Uranus in Virgo with Uranus conjunct Pluto squaring onto Mercury in Sagittarius maybe opposition a Gemini Moon – not stable.
Without a birth time there’s not much affecting his chart at the moment though even he must be feeling the heat so it’ll be there on the chart axis.
His Term chart, 29 June 2018, again without a start time, has been exceptionally rattled recently with tr Uranus square the Mars and tr Saturn conjunct Mars for mounting irritation and setbacks. Tr Saturn will remain in place on and off all year hammering away at the Mars for more mistakes. The Term Jupiter is also in line for tr Uranus oppositions from June this year which look like fortunate breaks extending into 2022. He has Boris’s luck-of-the-devil clearly. His comeuppance will come – just not quite yet.
See previous post July 30 2018
There is something quite odd going on at the moment with even more outrageously appalling leaders around than usual – as well as monumental financial frauds being exposed and collapsing – WireCard is hammering away at the German elite; Greensill at the UK and Archegos is giving the global banks a major shaking. Unnerving.
Thanks, Marjorie! One of Ford’s luck-of-the-devil breaks is that local health authorities are sidestepping inadequate provincial regulations to impose tougher controls on employers fueling Ontario’s pandemic with unsafe working conditions. (https://www.thestar.com/business/2021/04/20/peel-region-orders-sweeping-closures-for-businesses-with-5-or-more-covid-19-cases.html.) Ford and his cabinet (which includes greedy, backward, Robber Baron-style business people) is also buckling to months of pressure to provide a tiny bit of paid sick days to keep unwell people coming to work because they can’t afford to stop working.
(https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2021/04/20/under-pressure-ontario-government-scrambles-to-launch-a-provincial-sick-leave-program.html). This is too little, too late but better than nothing. So I live in hope of your observation that Ford’s “comeuppance will come – just not quite yet.” Maybe when businesses start boycotting the Ford family’s company, Deco Labels and Flexible Packaging, as retaliation for hurting Ontario’s economy so badly with Ford’s stunning incompetence.
It is shocking considering that this part of Canada led the world in the treatment of tuberculosis in the mid to late 19th century. They actually offered free and high quality health care for those suffering from this horrible disease, which was quite rife at the time. Their only real competitors were the American south-west which offered the much sought after dry climate, but hardly free. Douglas Ford should be ashamed of himself!
Hi Marjorie: In reference to Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario. I did some research this morning and discovered a news release by the Government of Ontario with an outline of times as to when a photograph would be taken of the Premier Designate at 10:25 a.m. EDT; at 11:00 a.m. EDT the swearing in of the Executive Council and then at 12:00 noon EDT approximate (news releases’ words) the swearing in of the Premier of Ontario and his remarks to the public. This all occurred on Friday, June 29, 2018. Another source called blogTO stated in print Doug Ford took the Oath of Office shortly after 11 a.m. EDT Friday, June 29, 2018. Premier Ford took the Oath of Office twice: once inside the legislature and then again outside on the steps of the legislature. There is an actual You Tube ceremony of Ford being sworn in as Premier. Unfortunately there isn’t any time stamp on the ceremony. Hope this helps you. Also, the next scheduled provincial election is to be held on or before June 2, 2022. Ford does have the power to call a snap election prior to June 2, 2022. Time will tell if he can successfully survive the politics of the pandemic crisis. I don’t think any politician who runs for office ever thinks ahead of the crises that could enhance or sink their chances of re-election.
He had a younger brother Rob (28 May 1969 – 22 March 2016), who was mayor of Toronto (2010-14). He was full of drugs and alcohol addiction, which all came to a head in the 2014 election when video was released of him smoking crack cocaine.
Reading wikipedia, it seems the Fords have been creating a political dynasty. Doug of this article preceded him as a city councillor for his ward, his nephew Michael followed him.
Thanks Marjorie – yes there is something strange going on. Could it be partly the pressure from Pluto in Capricorn? Plus the tension between Saturn and Uranus – something fresh and different wrestling with what’s established? Even after all we’ve collectively experienced with this pandemic, there are still so many refusing to think or act globally, or to care about others. Greed and a sense of entitlement are always with us of course, but they do seem to be magnified at the moment.
A bit off-topic, but I’m also thinking about the horrendous plans just announced for a football European Super League. It’s being discussed widely in the media today, and represents a massive and incredibly greedy upheaval for the sport. At least, for once, the UK government is condemning it from all sides. This proposed plan ignores fans and supporters completely, and is all about money. The news comes with Mars trine Jupiter in Aquarius – quite sporty and possibly lacking empathy. Also Mercury conjunct the Sun, which in Aries has to be quite representative of games, and a whoosh of self-centred energy. Sport as a business is increasingly dubious, if not downright shady at times.
Jane – it’s the Saturn return of the Premier League this year. They broke away from the original Football League in 1991 to could get more money. Their promises that it would be better for grassroots football etc, etc have turned out to be lies. If it happens, this will be EPL karma.
Football gave up on fans and supporters in the decade that followed as it raised ticket prices and squeezed money out of them for replica shirts and pay-per-view TV. The money they get from TV easily outweighs what they get from attendances but as lockdown is showing, without fans there is no atmosphere. The working class supporters have gradually been pushed out of the game by the middle-class prawn sandwich eating brigade to use Roy Keane’s term.
Teams are no longer representative of their geographic area. At the beginning of the Premier League, there were few foreign players in the league. These days it’s harder to find an English player amongst all the foreign players. This is just an extension of how players began to come from all parts of the British Isles a century ago. Another example of globalisation.
It has become painfully obvious to me that if you want to watch real football and feel connection to the team and community, you’re better off doing that at your local non-league club.
(Sorry for the long rant, Jane – not aimed at you specifically)
What a fantastic reply Gnarly Dude.!!! Football, our national game hi jacked as you say for 30 years.
It’s that Pluto thing again though. Money for nothing and the cheques for free.
Ps. You can’t catch the Chinese flu playing elite sport, that’s been my nemesis. In fact all the rich elite are immune, apparently.
Thanks GD, I do agree with you. As the proud descendant of a working class Victorian founder member of what’s become a fairly big club, I have watched football at every level. I just think this new ESL development represents our current times in many ways and is another potential ‘Americanisation’ of our culture. I am not sure how things are organised in Canada, the subject of this post! I used to enjoy going to ice hockey games when I lived there.
Interestingly, the founding chart for FIFA (21 May 1904) has Saturn in Aquarius (20), like the Premier League. It’s fixed t-square of Saturn, Moon, Venus and Mercury, will be activated by Saturn and Uranus in the time ahead. Personally, I think it is well overdue for a major shake up.
So, for you, it’s more personal than just being an ordinary fan. The club your ancestor founded being threatened by all this. That must feel gutting.
Incidentally, the Champions League is also hitting its Saturn Return, its first year coincided with the first year of the Premier League (1992-93 season) although it grew out of the European Cup (April 1955 – transformed its structure for profit when transiting Pluto went over its Saturn in Scorpio).
I could write reams on this. But will refrain from doing so!
@Jane, I was just going to suggest this as a topic. I’m actually fan of two teams involved in this, from different countries, although not as deeply as in the 1990’s. And, let me tell you, I’m angry.
GD and Solaia – thanks for your responses. It’s interesting about the number of Saturn returns here, suggesting a message of review at the very least, plus those charts will have Uranus square Saturn to work through too.
And it’s so enjoyable when an unlikely team actually get somewhere isn’t it? Remember Greece winning the Euros in 2004? Leicester City – champions in 2016?
Yes I am gutted, angry, and sad about this proposed development now. There’s been talk of this super league “saving football”…..which would make me laugh if it wasn’t so depressing.
“Jane – it’s the Saturn return of the Premier League this year. They broke away from the original Football League in 1991 to could get more money. Their promises that it would be better for grassroots football etc, etc have turned out to be lies. If it happens, this will be EPL karma.”
Since I used to spend about all of my free time on following different National Leagues/Series in the early 1990’s, I remember this well.
1992-1993 was also when they founded UEFA Champion’s League, expanding previous European Cup beyond National Champion teams. Also, soon eventually got rid of Cup Winners Cup in the late 1990’s by combining it with UEFA Cup – previous competition for top teams that didn’t make it to European Cup. I used to love Cup Winners Cup, because you’d often get some “unlikely” participants, teams that didn’t have the financial means to perform steadily at top leagues, but could pull an upset at couple of games due to good coaching.
Solaia – was just writing about the Champions League beginning in 1992-93 above. The original European Cup was agreed in April 1955 giving Saturn at 20Scorpio, Pluto at 24Leo. Pluto transformed its structure for business purposes.
As I understand the original idea of the CL came as a result of two big clubs being drawn in the European Cup earlier rounds – I think it was 1986 Quarterfinals – Juventus vs Barcelona. Which led to the semis having Barcelona with the less than glamorous Steaua Bucharest, Anderlecht and Gottenburg. So, even then it was about having a showpiece event with the best teams rather than the most successful.
The three European cup competitions were great. Gave us lots of differing levels of football as you say with the unlikely participants. Reminds me of another thing about football that’s changed. Back in the 80s when English clubs were dominating the European Cup, you set aside your team allegiances and supported them because they were English. Not to say nationalism is a great thing, but now I really couldn’t care less when Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool or whoever make the Champions League final because they invariably weren’t the best team in our own country.
Football in these past thirty years has changed a lot. Let’s not forget for a while there was the Intertoto Cup and of course the UEFA Cup has morphed into the Europa League. In 1990 the World Cup was 24 teams then increased to 32 and is due for 48 next year. The 1992 European Championship was eight teams, now it’s 24. Some of that is due to the increase in nations due to the fall of communism but mostly it’s look for more TV money.
There’s a Pluto in Capricorn element to all of this. It’s about who controls football. Without the best clubs and players, FIFA and UEFA become second rate.
@Jane, well, that deescalated quickly, as Man City and Chelsea withdrew early Tuesday evening and other 3 English clubs soon joined. My “main” team FC Inter joined in later at night, possibly because the owners in Asia woke up.
What a mess, though, especially for societies backed by publicly listed companies. Their stock rose sharply yesterday, and I think there’s a shadow of manipulation charges looming here.
Solaia – Yes, what a rollercoaster! The recent Mars trine Jupiter effect perhaps? The timing of that ESL announcement, after what’s been a lengthy secret planning stage, was curious. It’ll be interesting to see how the Saturn returns, and Uranus squares, in charts we’ve mentioned here work out.
Solaia and GD – the transits to Andrea Agnelli’s natal planets are an excellent demonstration of astrology in action. He is 6th December, 1975. Currently, the S Node is conjunct his Sun/Neptune in Sagittarius – sport and lessons from the past? Plus some deception and disappointment perhaps….
This last weekend he had his Mars return, 26 Gemini, with the transiting Jupiter trine to Mars, and his natal Venus in Libra too – sport, games, and money.
The Sun on Sunday was 28 Aries, with Mercury 26 Aries square Pluto, also aspecting his Venus/Mars trine. Lots of confidence and recklessness there I think. And he’s also got a natal Saturn (Leo) square Uranus (Scorpio), resonating with the current Saturn/Uranus we have now. The aspects to his natal square have passed.
Yes, it was announced late Sunday afternoon. I happened to read an article on the BBC website at about 5pm that was only 11-mins old. So it was what you say – Aries sun conjunct Mercury making sextiles to the Jupiter Aqua and Gemini Mars trine – fuelled by the square to Cap Pluto. All very late degree stuff – so while not technically Void of Course, same sort of result.
Some big fallout from it though … Ed Woodward (9 Nov 1971) the CEO of Man Utd resigned as did Man City’s CEO. Jose Mourinho also sacked from Spurs although that’s more likely down to results, but there was a rumour he’d refused to coach the team because of the ESL.
Noting also that Roman Abramovich, Chelsea’s owner, who was one of the first to uturn is born 24-Oct-1966. A couple of weeks after David Cameron – see Marjorie’s post about his Saturn-Uranus-Pluto opposition last week.
Thanks again GD. Mourinho’s second Saturn return is exact now, plus other aspects to his MC/IC, Moon etc. made by Uranus. The Saturn/Uranus square in action yet again, a thread running through the story. Saturn was last in Aquarius between 1991-4, and seems to be making it’s presence felt again now with some clarity. Prompts me to consider that Saturn’s rulership of Aquarius remains something to take into account.
Hi Marjorie
On a serious note, I have always read your description of Jupiter opposite Neptune as quite negative in description. So…. I cannot believe that every soul on this earth who has that aspect displays just those attributes. Therefore, I wonder what it does take to ground it and negate that negative slant/impression? What else in the chart would rail in that aspect from being delusional (which is how I kind of read it), to being productive, constructive and a healthy plus?
Much thanks
One love
IME, it’s aspect which can tend towards being over optimistic on a somewhat grandiose scale, refusing to see the flaws in a plan or relationship and riding roughshod over those that try to point out the shortcomings of a thing. You often feel a little suffocated by their relentless positivity and their refusal to listen to advice. That said, it can be visionary, open minded and expansive as well as creative if supported by other aspects.
I think the practicality of Taurus can sometimes be impaired by Jupiter’s presence there – it certainly can be arrogant, and as for Ford’s Mars/Uranus/Pluto, I’ve known quite a few of this generation and they all have impulse control issues, a marked explosive temper and are risk-takers. Btw, many of the Jupiter/Neptune people I know are musical and/or involved in the music industry.
Thanks @Virgoflake
So from a solution based focus, if could be that a healthily aspected Saturn would rail it in if the person can cultivate that, or not?
The Queen and naturalist David Attenborough both have Neptune opposition Jupiter in Aquarius and an exceptionally strong Saturn as well.
Neptune Jupiter can be a guru-chaser, expecting an icon to have all the answers – Tom Cruise has a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Neptune trine Sun which is a flavour of it. It can also bring a sense, not quite of divine entitlement, but a sense of being put on earth for a purpose, so marked out as special.
Jupiter Neptune conjunctions often appear in the high finance field – in my experience those who handle or dream about stratospheric sums of money can be detached from reality in an unnerving way.
My mother has a T square on Jupiter from Neptune opposition Sun, which makes her rather impractical and she tends to put her faith into certain people who have then taken advantage of her open and generous nature, but she also has a very strong Capricorn Saturn and Virgo Rising which I think grounds her and acts as an anchor to her very expansive, Jupiter on the Midheaven, Piscean natal chart.
@Mimi: it was ever thus, the difference is that now it is more visible. It may be depressing that so many unsuitable people seek high office but the good news is that they can no longer hide and this is the first step towards change. Same with the financial frauds. Now we get to see what used to be cloaked in secrecy.
Definitely agree. They just didn’t figure out how to respond to their unveiling so publically, as well as the public being so much more informed and intelligent. Ever evolving, ever interesting – no doubt many or not so many moons ago people been debating the same thing in their eyes for their time …. Life goes on!! 1Love
How depressing are they all.
Favourite today is Arch Egos!
And, that’s what us peasants have to contend with.
‘….. is coping with the pandemic as well as might be expected which is not at all.’ Lol.
Majorie, I know it’s not funny but the addition of that last 5 words were unexpected and made me laugh. 🙂
*those last …