Donald Trump – unreconstructed and unpenitent



What’s to say? The lewd sex tape from 10 years back which has Donald Trump boasting about groping women’s genitals and describing women as sex objects who could not resist his advances, has sent the GOP into a tail spin. Even his chosen running mate Mike Pence has backed off. Though it’s a touch late in the day to be thinking of throwing Trump overboard.

Trump even made suggestive comments about his daughter Ivanka’s body. She’s a redoubtable Sun Scorpio with an ambitious and tough-minded Saturn Pluto Jupiter in Libra – 30 Oct 1981. But her relationship chart with her father is beyond difficult with a composite Sun Mars Saturn Uranus – that’s a bucket load of aggravation, unkindness and a volcano waiting to blow.

None of his relationships with three wives are exactly harmonious. With Melania and middle-wife Marla Maples there are strong Pluto Sun aspects on the composite charts – so very controlling marriages. Melania has a Sun Saturn conjunction natally so would be used to being put down as a child. Marla has a Venus square Saturn so attuned being unloved. Ivana, the first wife, has a Sun Mars opposition Saturn natally probably square her Moon – so again used to hard-edged relationships where her needs weren’t considered.

Even Kellyanne Conway’s relationship chart with Trump has a Mars Saturn aspect – which is negative, destructive energy. I’ll bet she’s regretting the move big time since it won’t help either her or Pence’s career for that matter going forward.  Pence’s relationship chart with Trump has tr Pluto moving to oppose the composite Uranus just after mid this week, which could upset the entire applecart.

7 thoughts on “Donald Trump – unreconstructed and unpenitent

    • LarryC – does it have to be? It says ‘Leave a Comment’ at the top of this box and no mention of needing to have astrological prowess. Goodness me, get off your very high horse man.

      • Hello Hattie – well said. All comments are welcome, and add to the knowledge we THINK we have. Don’t be put off, and do speak up.

  1. Oh the outrage of words! Clinton’s husband has been accused of rape by 2 different women. His actions with an intern in the White House are far worse than Trump’s locker room bragging to another male in private. Hillary enabled his behavior and threatened his victims. Hillary also laughed about putting a child rapist back on the streets after she attacked his child victim in court.

    Ivanka leads a life of extreme privilege thanks to her father who generously includes and supports her in all his business ventures. Trump’s wives have expressed their support of him – even years after their divorces.

    • Jess – well said. It’s not often that Trump receives any support and let’s face it – most people are so terrified of appearing non PC. However, you have stated the facts about Bill Clinton and his wife and they are absolutely true. I personally wouldn’t vote for Trump or Clinton but let’s not assume that because Trump is the ‘bad guy’ then Hilary is whiter than white because she certainly ain’t!!


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