Donald Trump – moulded by his childhood



With the world (and chunks of the USA) looking on aghast at the depths to which Donald Trump has dragged the Presidential election, I’ve been pondering on where he gets his contempt for women, other races, tendency to wild conspiracy theories and total inability to lose with dignity, opting instead for a scorched earth, pull-the-whole-shebang-down wrecking policy.

His father Fred Trump was a real estate developer, investigated for profiteering from public contracts and for civil rights violations. There is some evidence that he was a Klu Klux Klan member in his 20s and he refused to rent his apartments to black people even in the face of a US Justice Department demand. So shameless brass-necking is a family trait. Described as ‘showboating self-promoter’, FredT ruled the family with a firm fist and evidently Donald still yearns for his approval. [See:]. So failure means losing the patriarch’s respect will be one part of the puzzle.

Fred Trump, 11 Oct 1905, was undoubtedly a cold, tough nut with a Libra Sun trine Pluto trine Saturn; and a volatile, risk-taking Mars Uranus in money-oriented Capricorn in a can-be fanatical and publicity-seeking opposition to Neptune. FredT’s Pluto is conjunct Donald’s Sun and FredT’s Sun is conjunct Donald’s 2nd house Jupiter – so Fred would be very controlling and give Donald his interest in making money.

In many ways, his mother, Mary Trump, 10 May 1912 4am Tong, Scotland, was just as strong an influence, with her obstinately determined Saturn Sun in Taurus conjunct Donald’s MC – she would be critical, a disciplinarian in a different way and probably set him exacting and overly-high standards. Her Saturn squared an Aquarius Moon so she would hardly be an emotional marshmallow. Both Her Saturn and Moon hard aspect Donald’s over-bearing Mars in Leo on the Ascendant as indeed does Fred’s Saturn in Aquarius. So both parents would leave him with a hair-trigger temper and a tendency to lash back when his ego was being threatened.

FredT’s relationship chart with Mary has an explosive composite Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus opposition Neptune Venus – suggesting unkind if not cruel treatment. So Donald would grow up in a home where there was open warfare or at least very destructive undercurrents.

The other pointer in Donald’s chart is a 10th house Sun (and Uranus) which suggests someone who was programmed to fulfil his (unpredictable) mother’s ambitions but who will have struggled through life to understand who he is for himself. Or maybe not, since he doesn’t seem to have much insight.

Clearly he’s picked up his father’s racist attitudes and digested the male-female conflict in his childhood home. Men who put down women and treat them as sex objects are most often terrified of their mother and any relationship which they can’t buy or control. Their contempt is one way of mustering up a false sense of superiority.

His inability to lose without blaming the whole world is certainly a sign of a fragile ego, which fears implosion – and the destructive criticism of parents on whose approval he has created his own shaky sense of self. The conspiracy paranoia certainly hooks into the zeitgeist of the moment but is also an indication of very early childhood damage – the fear of being totally powerless in the face of mysterious, authoritarian others who are pulling the strings.

8 thoughts on “Donald Trump – moulded by his childhood

  1. All of the polling organizations say Trump has a microscopic chance of winning. And no it is not like Brexit where polls were split. Most likely it is a Clinton landslide. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his thin skin and misogyny. At the last debate he called Secretary Clinton “a nasty woman”. He also refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election, which is unprecedented. Republicans could have won with Rubio or Kasich.

  2. Marjorie,
    He doesn’t give up is willing to give the last years of his life to help America get back where it belongs. I’m a US citizen and understand his reasoning. He’s just an American that believes the politicians have ruined our county and I believe he is right. Our Medicare has taken away 4 of my medications where last year it was only 1. Now I have to move to a cheaper neighborhood and pay cheaper rent to afford them ..I’m 63 and wheelchair bound. People should give him a chance. He’s trying to change.

  3. Pathetic that the old hag Hillary is running with one foot in the grave, thousands of scandals,
    elitist I’m better than you any day of the week. Rape enabler of an old geezer who continues
    to have wet T-shirt contests at the Clinton Library.
    Americans should continue to run to the darkness and vote for that, why? Are voting Americans
    that oblivious to the corruption, no. The polls are like Hillary, garbage.

    • Katie, I only allow comments like yours through to indicate how astonishing it is that anyone could have such a skewed view of the relative merits of the candidates and how deep the dislike of Hillary Clinton runs in sections of the USA. Yet it is a reality – it’ll be interesting (cough) to see how the actual result turns out. You’ve signed yourself in as Katie but ‘hag’? – that’s hugely sexist, derogatory and demeaning of women. Is Angela Merkel an old hag? Or was Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir?
      ‘One foot in the grave, thousands of scandals’ ? In comparison, you mean, with Trump, the shining knight of integrity and honesty? Do me a favour.

  4. Wow Marjorie,

    That explains a lot about his behaviour but worst of all is that he is more than likely acting it all out subconsciously. I think whether he wins or not will depend on how conscious or subsconsciously America votes…… and at this point how conscious are they as a nation in general? Worrying!!

    What do you think?

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